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Disney Infinity 3.0 |OT| Episode 3: The Playset Awakens


Nothing like it though. Is like Escape from Kyln, which is close Diablo in perspective, beating tons of enemies and collect loot.
...which is exactly what Brave Forest Siege is. It's Escape from the Kyln for non-Marvel Disney Infinity figures.


Saint Nic
So realistically, how hard would it be to obtain all the 1.0 and 2.0 stuff right now? Is most of it OOP and crazy expensive?


So realistically, how hard would it be to obtain all the 1.0 and 2.0 stuff right now? Is most of it OOP and crazy expensive?

Sounds like there's only a few figures that are really hard to get. I haven't looked into it myself but I've seen this question asked a few times and that seems to be the response people give.


I wonder when TRU is going to get a restock. I really want an Ezra, but really want to just pick it up in store and not pay for shipping.


I think the general idea of the playset might be lost on you if you haven't seen the movie. It's a very abstract concept of the personified emotions inside a girl's brain controlling the way she thinks and acts. I don't know, it's probably possible for you to get the gist of it enough to enjoy the playset. But it's easy for me to recommend the movie, which I thought was pretty good.

I don't know if Best Buy's deal includes figures from previous games, but my favorites from 2.0 were Stitch and Merida. Stitch becomes an absolute beast when you level him up enough and expand his skill tree.

That's fair. I definitely plan on seeing the movie when it's out on Blu-Ray so maybe will wait to pick up the playset after that.

Don't think Best Buy have the older figures on offer but already have plenty of them, Stitch is indeed a beast! Big fan of Donald, too.


Neo Member
I have Infinity 1.0 and 2.0 on Wii U, but am making the jump to PS4 for 3.0. Does anyone know if the character stats (Exp and stuff) on existing figures carries over from console to console?

I seem to recall the figures have some kind of owner ID attached, so moving from 1.0 to 2.0 on the same Wii U using the same NNID was no issue. But will going to 3.0 on PS4 with a different account system that declares ownership over my characters wipe my progress? Or is it tied to the Disney account? Or no account at all and I'm just making this all up, and I should be fine?
I have Infinity 1.0 and 2.0 on Wii U, but am making the jump to PS4 for 3.0. Does anyone know if the character stats (Exp and stuff) on existing figures carries over from console to console?

I seem to recall the figures have some kind of owner ID attached, so moving from 1.0 to 2.0 on the same Wii U using the same NNID was no issue. But will going to 3.0 on PS4 with a different account system that declares ownership over my characters wipe my progress? Or is it tied to the Disney account? Or no account at all and I'm just making this all up, and I should be fine?

It's tied to the toy itself. I had no issues moving from PS4 to Xbox One with the 2.0 to 3.0 switch, other than I had to elect to "Share Ownership" of every figure I had used in 2.0 when I placed the figure into 3.0.


Neo Member
It's tied to the toy itself. I had no issues moving from PS4 to Xbox One with the 2.0 to 3.0 switch, other than I had to elect to "Share Ownership" of every figure I had used in 2.0 when I placed the figure into 3.0.

Alright, cool. :D

I remember having to do the Share Ownership thing when going from 1.0 to 2.0 on Wii U, but wasn't sure if the process differed with different devices.


For people just getting into this, Gamestop is still holding the promotion for B2G3 free for DI figures. If you don't mind preowned (most of the figures I got looked like new), you can get 5 figures essentially for about $20. You can also get playset pieces too.

If any of the figures are a little dirty, some 91% alcohol will take those little marks right off.

I haven't been able to find this deal? Is it powerup members only?

Edit: Nevermind, I'm blind.


Okay, completely newbie questions. Saw the GT review, and it looked amazing. Never played anything Infinity.

If I buy I figure from the 2.0 set, in what way can I play with the character in the new version? Do the Star Wars figures only work in those levels or can I use anyone? Like Jasmin running around with a lightsaber?


Well, I just started up 3.0 on PS4 today for the first time. I haven't played since 1.0 on my PS3, and wow, the visuals basically look no different and the game runs no better. For such a huge budget and marketing kick, this game doesn't really please my senses.

Messed around in the Inside Out and Toy Box Takeover sets, and am enjoying Inside Out, but not so much Toy Box Takeover.

Is there any chance the visuals and framerate may improve via patches, or, at the very least, newer sets and expansions could run smoother? I sure hope so...



Okay, completely newbie questions. Saw the GT review, and it looked amazing. Never played anything Infinity.

If I buy I figure from the 2.0 set, in what way can I play with the character in the new version? Do the Star Wars figures only work in those levels or can I use anyone? Like Jasmin running around with a lightsaber?
Yes and no.
Infinity games are basically two things:
1. Playsets: this are figures that basically contain full worlds /games based around one franchise and therefore use characters from it. So in Star Wars, you can only play with Star Wars characters, Inside Out with Inside Out characters, etc. (As a note, playsets from 1.0 onky work in 1.0, 2.0 work on 2.0...so keep that in mind when buying playsets).

2. Toy Box: this is basically were everything else is. You create games, you download games, you play random games. Here you can mix and match characters from any world and even give them any weapon or accesory, even vehicles. See it as a virtual toy box, were you play with any toys you have and euther create your own adventures or play other people's.

Is there any chance the visuals and framerate may improve via patches, or, at the very least, newer sets and expansions could run smoother? I sure hope so...

Haven't read much about problems with the PS4 version, but problems with framerate can be fixed/patched.

Visuals will stay the mostly the same, since is a cross platform game using the same assets from the Toy Box for mostly everything. PS4/X1 versions are basically 360/PS3 games in 1080p. Though individual playsets have some more details.


Yes and no.
Infinity games are basically two things:
1. Playsets: this are figures that basically contain full worlds /games based around one franchise and therefore use characters from it. So in Star Wars, you can only play with Star Wars characters, Inside Out with Inside Out characters, etc. (As a note, playsets from 1.0 onky work in 1.0, 2.0 work on 2.0...so keep that in mind when buying playsets).

2. Toy Box: this is basically were everything else is. You create games, you download games, you play random games. Here you can mix and match characters from any world and even give them any weapon or accesory, even vehicles. See it as a virtual toy box, were you play with any toys you have and euther create your own adventures or play other people's.

Thank you for the clarification! Going to do a bit of research, but this seems awesome!


Hey, so I'm freshly interested after that other Gametrailers 8.2 thread. What would be a recommended, relatively affordable way in? I would mostly be looking to play toy box mode on PS4 or Xbox one, but if there are particular good story levels/packs that are worth getting I'd be open to suggestions. More into SW than Disney cartoons, but loved he toy story 3 game on Ps3

Also, can you buy used bases for eg PS3 and it'll still work on PS4? And difference between PS4 and Xbox?


Hey, so I'm freshly interested after that other Gametrailers 8.2 thread. What would be a recommended, relatively affordable way in? I would mostly be looking to play toy box mode on PS4 or Xbox one, but if there are particular good story levels/packs that are worth getting I'd be open to suggestions. More into SW than Disney cartoons, but loved he toy story 3 game on Ps3

Also, can you buy used bases for eg PS3 and it'll still work on PS4? And difference between PS4 and Xbox?

I think you can use the Playstation base on both, but I dont think the 360 one works on Xbone. The starter pack for 3.0 is probably your best bet, the original trilogy playset is exclusive to the Playstation limited edition for now though, until late september I think, so if you wanted that and the Boba Fett figure, the limited edition might be worth it.

I grabbed a PS4 Limited Edition from amazon.es, cheaper than the uk amazon, £75 vs £99.99. Already have 2.0, 1.0 and a ton of disney and marvel figures, so this was inevitable!


I messed around with some vehicles in a Toy Box last night. I liked the vehicles in 2.0 enough but the Star Wars ones in 3.0 are really great. I love the the little variations between them. I'm glad they put the effort into making a lot of them unique. Things like not being able to shoot with your X-wing at full speed because the S-foils are closed up are nice touches.


- Give your sidekick a hoe
- Tell them to work on plot
- Destroy weeds
- Wait a while until plants are fully grown for harvest.

Some of the later crops will require you give one of your sidekicks a watering can to water the garden. I kept waiting for them to grow without knowing that.
Server issues? Are you in the right thread?

It's tough with the online games since no one joins your game due to server issues.
People who join often get booted, and when you choose a game most of the time it doesn't initially load. I've been trying for probably 1+ hour and I've only gotten into 1 game.


It's tough with the online games since no one joins your game due to server issues.
People who join often get booted, and when you choose a game most of the time it doesn't initially load. I've been trying for probably 1+ hour and I've only gotten into 1 game.

I only tried a couple of times, and I got games. I didn't realize this was an issue. My mistake.


I only tried a couple of times, and I got games. I didn't realize this was an issue. My mistake.

There's a known issue where the Toy Box Arcade games don't always connect. Quite a few times it will actually send you into another player's Toy Box instead of into the arcade game. My first experience with this was when I was messing around in the INterior and suddenly random people started appearing. I tried locking my game to prevent it but that didn't work. Then when I was playing some of the games in Flynn's Arcade, I found myself in a random toy box. So I'd have to quit and try again. I'd say it threw me into the wrong place about 40% of the time.


There's a known issue where the Toy Box Arcade games don't always connect. Quite a few times it will actually send you into another player's Toy Box instead of into the arcade game. My first experience with this was when I was messing around in the INterior and suddenly random people started appearing. I tried locking my game to prevent it but that didn't work. Then when I was playing some of the games in Flynn's Arcade, I found myself in a random toy box. So I'd have to quit and try again. I'd say it threw me into the wrong place about 40% of the time.

I need 8 more arcade games to get my trophy. Hopefully they can work this out.


My wife was watching my son play this last night... and she loved it. This is going to encroach on my MGSV time, but its nice that there is a game in the house that all of us are going to enjoy and play together.


My wife was watching my son play this last night... and she loved it. This is going to encroach on my MGSV time, but its nice that there is a game in the house that all of us are going to enjoy and play together.

Careful, if you're wife and son are hooked, they might take up all the MGS time.
I really enjoy the free gift scavenger hunt minigame within the Toy Box Hub. I was hyped when I got the 10,000 spark Tron Light Cycle from it last night. Now I just need it to deliver me that 10,000 spark Millenium Falcon...


Finished Twilight and started on Rise. I like that they brought back buildings/shops from 1.0, but with the polish of 3.0. So far I'm enjoying Rise hub worlds a bit more than Twilight.


I love the graphics, presentation, art style and music of the game, but I am starting to feel like there isn't really much gameplay for us. I don't really like the toyboxes that I've downloaded so far (was doing the disney recommends stuff). First I was upset to see that some require special characters (I thought that was the whole point of the toy box to not have the restrictions of the playsets). Then the few ToyBox things I could get working, even those that had high downloads and positive reviews, were just boring jump around on boxes and collect stuff games. Even the SW Playset that comes with the starter pack is pretty disappointing for me, it's just a bunch of fetch quests.

What kinds of stuff should we be getting into the ToyBox hub? I did the first few sidekick things, but wasn't really sure what else was fun in there.

I don't know, I got a little hyped for this and jumped in on it, but I think I might be bailing on it soon. Probably going to just sell it and pocket that money for Lego Dimensions or something.


I need 8 more arcade games to get my trophy. Hopefully they can work this out.

I just picked up the Platinum Trophy this morning and the Arcade game trophy was by far the most difficult one to get because of these server issues.Hopefully it gets fixed quickly because the games are really fun to play when they work properly.

It sounds like it'll take quite a while then.
Once you get the watering can and super growth plot it's extremely quick. The super plot only let's you plant one crop at a time but the yield is much greater. You'll unlock it for your own toy box in which case the single crop limit won't matter since you can put down as many plots as you want. If you have like 10 sidekicks out at once, you'll actually struggle to keep up with them.
Once you get the watering can and super growth plot it's extremely quick. The super plot only let's you plant one crop at a time but the yield is much greater. You'll unlock it for your own toy box in which case the single crop limit won't matter since you can put down as many plots as you want. If you have like 10 sidekicks out at once, you'll actually struggle to keep up with them.

Alright, cool.

I just have the one sidekick, but I've unlocked others. I thought you could just have one at a time.

I don't usually spend much time with my own Toy Box, because creating thing isn't for me. I just want to get the awards for the feeding/crops.
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