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Disney investing 1.5 billion into Epic Games

Top share holders:
  • Tim Sweeney (51.4%)
  • Tencent (40%) :sick:
  • The Walt Disney Company (10%)
  • Sony (5.4%)
Calculating Figure It Out GIF

106.8% shares?
Hopefully they change the title to ‘Half Lunar Cycle’. Including fort in the name is quite triggering to people whose ancestors were oppressed by people in forts and nite can be triggering to people who live in the arctic circle who have to suffer no night time for six months each year and the repercussions for their circadian rhythm.

People need a safe space and a developer that says ‘I appreciate YOU’, when they are running around desperately trying to shoot random strangers in the head.
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Gold Member
What kind of fake data world are you living in? Of the last 4 quarters they had one loss that was ~420 million. They did not lose billions on movies.
I was guessing, but they didn't have many successful movies in 2023, almost everything that came out made a loss.



Can’t wait for a terrible Fortnite movie starring a lesbian in a wheelchair 👍

seems like disney saw their characters running around fortnite creations and decided hmmm i want some of that money, it's much easier than doing this whole making good movies thing.

so i imagine that is what this is all about, milking skins and money and most likely getting the community to do 90% of the work for them.
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