The DM mode sounds very interesting.
Any good video explaining this and showing it of?
The DM mode sounds very interesting.
Any good video explaining this and showing it of?
I'm sure the game itself will be great, but Larian have completely botched the delivery of the non-KS collector's editions. It's release day, we're 6 hours away from the game unlocking on Steam and the collector's edition that I ordered several weeks ago still hasn't even been shipped, which means that I won't be able to play the game before sometime next week at the earliest.
At this point I'm considering just buying the game on Steam and putting the CE up on eBay when it arrives, whenever that might be.
I'm sure the game itself will be great, but Larian have completely botched the delivery of the non-KS collector's editions. It's release day, we're 6 hours away from the game unlocking on Steam and the collector's edition that I ordered several weeks ago still hasn't even been shipped, which means that I won't be able to play the game before sometime next week at the earliest.
At this point I'm considering just buying the game on Steam and putting the CE up on eBay when it arrives, whenever that might be.
If i hit install now will it download the whole game or just the EA?
I'm sure the game itself will be great, but Larian have completely botched the delivery of the non-KS collector's editions. It's release day, we're 6 hours away from the game unlocking on Steam and the collector's edition that I ordered several weeks ago still hasn't even been shipped, which means that I won't be able to play the game before sometime next week at the earliest.
At this point I'm considering just buying the game on Steam and putting the CE up on eBay when it arrives, whenever that might be.
You are not alone in feeling this way.I'm so nervous.
I know that I'll be stuck for hours at the character creation screen, then make a choice, then play for half an hour before thinking "oh I should have done differently" and start over lmao
Decisions in games like this are so stressful.
Larian has said that they wouldn't ship until today. I got a email yesterday day say look for shipping info on Thursday. Should be getting a email today with shipping info.
I'm so nervous.
I know that I'll be stuck for hours at the character creation screen, then make a choice, then play for half an hour before thinking "oh I should have done differently" and start over lmao
Decisions in games like this are so stressful.
I have the EA version already so the steam key coming withe CE edition will go to a friend.Did you get your key to add to steam digitally then?
Well shit the town of Gent (the main hq of Larian Studios) has lost power to a quarter of the city. I'm guessing that includes the studio. Hopefully the release isn't set back to much today.
Managed to get two work mates interested in the game, hope we'll be able to match our comings and goings and play some coop soon.
But a question on coop: everyone creates just one character when they start their playthrough, and they'll use that character whenever they play online, right? If I'm 10 hours into the game with a level 5 character and 3 random henchmen and a friend has just started, can they join me with their level 1 character? I assume they'll just replace a random henchman in this case.
Well shit the town of Gent (the main hq of Larian Studios) has lost power to a quarter of the city. I'm guessing that includes the studio. Hopefully the release isn't set back to much today.
Managed to get two work mates interested in the game, hope we'll be able to match our comings and goings and play some coop soon.
But a question on coop: everyone creates just one character when they start their playthrough, and they'll use that character whenever they play online, right? If I'm 10 hours into the game with a level 5 character and 3 random henchmen and a friend has just started, can they join me with their level 1 character? I assume they'll just replace a random henchman in this case.
And if I play local coop, will my local coop friend also create a new character or will they just control a henchman?
Quebec studio, save us.
No. One person starts an Online Game. While in Character creation they join. I don't know about a third person as the first it was two characters you start off with.
You basically take over the hosts extra (that they can assign to players) and the only way for one of you to create a character is by joining the host in a new game started online and in character creation screen.
I did.But yea that sucks, but did you buy it directly from Larian?
I was under the impression that the CE box didn't actually contain a key. I would have expected them to just give a key out with the orders on this one.
Yeah, it does say that on the store page, but I assumed that it meant that they would be shipped in time for release. Doesn't make any sense to me for the CEs to be shipped on release day.Larian has said that they wouldn't ship until today. I got a email yesterday day say look for shipping info on Thursday. Should be getting a email today with shipping info.
Will reviews be coming along soon or have they had access to the game? While I have no doubts of the general quality I found the first game unfunny most of the time and I'm hoping the talk of a changed tone is accurate.
Chris Avellone is on board with the writing team this time so I'm expecting greatness.
His pedigree speaks for itself.
Avellone was just a stretch goal, his influence in the game will be limited. As far as I know he wrote the Undead origin story.
Well shit the town of Gent (the main hq of Larian Studios) has lost power to a quarter of the city. I'm guessing that includes the studio. Hopefully the release isn't set back to much today.
If theres one memory that stands out from the development of Beyond Divinity, then its the end of the process. The amount of things that went wrong in the last weeks was astounding. It all started with an email from our German distributor, telling us that the game had to ship before the end of the first quarter of 2004, or the consequences would be bad. They didnt tell us what bad meant in this case, but we needed their money, so we decided not to find out. Of course, we werent ready, so suddenly a development process that was going smooth, became a rush job
And there were a lot of environmental circumstances that conspired against us.
Notes from a diary written about the going gold process:
We get a letter from the electricity provider. On Monday morning, we will cut off the electricity in this street for the entire day. We apologize for this inconvenience. Of course, Monday is the day that we have to deliver our German master CDs to the factory.
After some cursing, we find a firm who can install a diesel generator to provide the office with power. Luckily we find one quickly. They will install it on Saturday.
All looks smooth. We have to burn a lot of midnight oil while fixing the last bugs, but were managing. The generator is installed and we get instructions on how to switch it on. We are told explicitly not to put the generator on while we still have normal power. If we do so, boom. The boom scares us a bit, and we make sure that the boom candidates (those that might cause a boom) in the office are told in excruciating detail what a boom would mean for them physically. They seem to understand.
Sleep is a sparse commodity, but were nearly there. I think to myself, the generator wont be necessary after all. The last thing to do is to write the installers and apply the copy protection. We spot a boom candidate in the vicinity of the generator. We scare him away.
Later that day the first of a series of previously unseen crash bugs shows up. We attack the bugs.
Christophe, our producer, arrives to help testing and will drive at 6:00 am in the morning to the factory to deliver the CDs. They need to be there before 10:00am. Its a 2 hour drive if theres no traffic, otherwise its 3 hours.
We had to redo the installers seven times or so because of all kinds of bugs. Yann, the install guru, is having a hard time and hits himself each time the installer goes wrong. Time is ticking and it looks like well be a couple of hours late delivering the CDs to the factory. Still, we assume they have a buffer, so theres no real panic.
I prepare to switch on the generator and in doing so, draw a crowd of tired developers. The problem is, I dont remember which button I was supposed to switch on first. I think of boom. I push the button that seems to be the most logical. Good user interface design as its the correct one.
Our lead QA needs to test the gold master version. Instead of copying the files from the fileserver to his HD, he erases them from the fileserver. Hes pretty tired and has been working very hard, so nobody blames him. Couldve happened to any of us. We wake ourselves up and restart the build process. An installer needs to be rewritten because Kirill absolutely wants one final music update.
The installers seem to have one final small little problem. The start menu link doesnt work. It turns out that the copy protected executable doesnt like its shortcut. Its afternoon when we figure that out.
Christophe reports that the highway to the factory is closed. Theres been an accident.
Seeing that the day is conspiring against us, I call the factory and tell them that theyll have to be creative and flexible. If they wont, I assure them Ill find other flexible and creative factories. They agree.
I tell the guys we have gained an extra day. Most of go to sleep with the plan of waking up in the evening, and then focus on making a perfect version. Fabrice, the programmer in charge of the copy protection says hell continue to talk to the copy protection people until a solution is found for the install problem.
We arrive shortly after midnight and to our dismay find no mail from Fabrice. I hesitate as I dont want to wake him up, but ultimately find myself with no choice but calling him. We get a small heart rhythm failure when we hear Fabrices mobile phone. Then it starts to dawn on us that maybe hes still in the office. Sure enough, we find him upstairs sleeping. He has slept two hours when we find him. He has solved all the problems and earns a lot of gratitude from us. We start building the final installers and take the extra time to solve a few bugs which David has discovered.
Christophe arrives at 6:00 am, ready to go to the factory. Were having problems with the installer. We forgot a couple of files. We rebuild the installers.
We test the game. Sometimes it goes very slow and occasionally it hangs. We dont know what is happening. It turns out its one of the copy protection routines which was added at the last moment. We change the code, rebuild the installers, burn the CDs.
In the afternoon the copy protection people tell us that the game CD had to be of a very specific size. The CD we delivered was not of that size. We have to redo everything. Since its too late to give the updated version to the factory, we use the extra time to do a few tweaks. By now a number of CD burners have stopped working, plenty of the strangest bugs have popped up and a German and an English version have been mixed up.
At 6 am Christophe drives to the factory. Everything seems to work so we happily commence working on the English master. We declare the German version gold though we decide not to make it public until they are actually printing the damned things.
The factory calls. There are problems with the glass masters and the copy protection. The install CD doesnt work on their systems and when running the game, it says its a crack. We call the copy protection people. They say its the fault of the factory. The factory says its the fault of the copy protection people. Then they look at us and say its our fault.
I call a few other developers who used the same copy protection. They all had the same misery but they did all manage in the end. It seems that in their experience it was the fault of the both the factory and the copy protection people.
Ultimately, it turns out to be the fault of the factory. They declared the install CD invalid though we were able to install it on 17 CDROM drives of various makes in our office. They also managed to mess up the copy protection. They do manage to send an invoice for their extra services.
We start rebuilding everything, writing the CDs at one speed on the highest possible quality CDs we can find with the best burner we can get. We prepare a machine with a burner and prep Christophe and Fabrice to go to the factory armed with 5 masters on different CDs. We further arm them with a big hammer with explicit instructions to make it very clear to the factory that nobodys going to mess with us. Were a crew of very tired angry developers who want their game to go into production.
In the end, it turns out that one of the masters was good enough and the game can officially be declared gold.
One week after this, frustration strikes. Hard. Obviously, given the rush job, there were issues with the release so we needed to release a patch, but the copy protection, the very thing that caused so much problems, prevented us from doing so.
The type of protection we used relied on encrypting the data that the engine needed to run the game. In the case of Beyond Divinity, we had about 600Mb of such data, and in theory that meant that cracks should also be at least 600Mb in size.
For ourselves, we had a special tool, which allowed us to make small patches. Except that it didnt work. Meaning that we either had to release a 600Mb patch (unthinkable at the time), or find a way around it. After a lot of cursing, we came up with a pretty elegant solution, which boiled down to us cracking our own game.
We released a patch that used a loophole to first unencrypt all of the data, and then recompressed it without the copy protection active. We never really told people why it took so long to install the patch, nor did we tell them that installing the patch effectively meant that the copy protection was removed, but it did save the day.
For ourselves, we learned that we didnt like DRM one bit.
Beyond Divinity went on to sell a decent amount of units, but it was nowhere near the success that Divine Divinity had been. However, this time around, we did earn money with it and Larian was officially declared saved.
It was time to set our sights on bigger things yet it took us three years before we finally got to work.
Built a PC for this game (among others, but this is first on the list)
From my understanding, co-op works like this:
One player is the host and saves it locally to their PC. If your friends join you at the start during character creation, they can make their own character. Co-op is then how you would expect.
However, if they don't join during character creation, they'll take over the AI you've recruited or other characters you've made. You can also progress on your save with their characters so that's something to watch out for.
Funny enough it's similar to what happened with the release of Beyond Divinity. Swen once wrote a blogpost about it, certainly worth reading what a major clusterfuck that was.
This is why one of my favorite skills from the first game was that Scoundrel skill that allowed you to ignore surfaces. Hopefully there's something similar in this one.
Funny enough it's similar to what happened with the release of Beyond Divinity. Swen once wrote a blogpost about it, certainly worth reading what a major clusterfuck that was.
OK, so I've been responsible for rolling out upgraded enterprise software this week and have had a ton of problems that never cropped up in months of testing. I've done a bunch of similar things before but this one for some reason has been extremely frustrating.Funny enough it's similar to what happened with the release of Beyond Divinity. Swen once wrote a blogpost about it, certainly worth reading what a major clusterfuck that was.
Didn't one of their computer catch fire shortly before a stream at some point? They sure have some adventures
I think it was a monitor, the day they were doing the Undead reveal. This video.
If you have the digital CE ($100 tier) then you receive two keys, one of which is for you.
Physical CE also gets two digital keys as far as I know so yeah one to gift and one for you.