Divinity: Original Sin |OT| Sandbox RPG. Co-Op friendly. Bread.


lol,ok guys I think I know what to do with that bomb guy now...and ok,not sure if I want to go with Lone Wolf then...maybe take it later or something,I didnt even go out exploring yet and had like 3 fights so far...my save is before a harder one,that I beat in Cyseal but I can avoid it also and then I took Lone Wolf so I reloaded before the fight...

Also something I didnt notice or tried yet...can I choose who's turn it is or I need to follow the default order during fights...?

Turn order is determined by the Initiative stat. You can sorta play around with it (there's a "delay turn" button on the right side of the screen, though I never used it).


Really having a hard time getting into this...I have tons of stuff I picked up that I have no clue what it does,I get in front of a wheelstone and nothing happens,I have some pots and ingredients but nothing happens,I step outside,yeah from the west gate,and barely won a fight against a bunch of archers,poisonner skeletons,I never have enough action points to do anything or I am too far or whatever...at one point the game auto saves and bam I die from some fire trap that I cant see...am I suppose to be sneaking all the time...? this is ridiculous...stuff is way expensive to buy with the little gold I have.I am level 3 and I think I did everything in the town...

Scarlett mentions she sees something interesting close to the sobbing Orc but I see nothing,not even with ALT...I dont know,will try again tonight,maybe I wasn't in the mood for it last night...


^The beginning of the game is really hard. Levels matter *a lot* and any enemy more than one level above you is a recipe for disaster. Do you have a full party yet? IIRC you should be able to get 4 party members before you ever leave the first town, and if you don't have any quests outside of town you shouldn't be leaving yet anyway. Talk to EV-ER-Y-ONE, the quests in town are more efficient for levelling than fighting enemies will ever be and you should be able to get to 4 before you exhaust your options. Don't be afraid to steal things to sell for gold. As long as no one is in the room with you you're fine. Paintings are a goldmine.

In regards to the crying orc, make sure you're camera is facing north or its possible to miss certain items as the designers presume that's the way your camera is facing. This will come up a few times over the course of the game and will save you a lot of grief if you keep that in mind.

Edit don't worry about crafting it's not integral to beating the game or improving equipment. As long as one party member has a repair hammer in inventory and a point or two in blacksmithing you are basically set.

Sneaking isn't very important either I think I used it once in the entire game with any kind of efficacy.


^The beginning of the game is really hard. Levels matter *a lot* and any enemy more than one level above you is a recipe for disaster. Do you have a full party yet? IIRC you should be able to get 4 party members before you ever leave the first town, and if you don't have any quests outside of town you shouldn't be leaving yet anyway. Talk to EV-ER-Y-ONE, the quests in town are more efficient for levelling than fighting enemies will ever be and you should be able to get to 4 before you exhaust your options. Don't be afraid to steal things to sell for gold. As long as no one is in the room with you you're fine. Paintings are a goldmine.

In regards to the crying orc, make sure you're camera is facing north or its possible to miss certain items as the designers presume that's the way your camera is facing. This will come up a few times over the course of the game and will save you a lot of grief if you keep that in mind.

Edit don't worry about crafting it's not integral to beating the game or improving equipment. As long as one party member has a repair hammer in inventory and a point or two in blacksmithing you are basically set.

Sneaking isn't very important either I think I used it once in the entire game with any kind of efficacy.

Yeah I have 4 members but one is almost like Scarlett,archer type,so I might change her for one from the Hall of Heroes...thanks for the tips,I missed one house and that unlocked a quest and the murder thing advanced a bit now...wasn't sure about taking stuff in red,even if I am alone in a room,so this will help also...and yeah,about the level difference,at level 3,I met Rob and his level 5 zombies ;) and that didnt end well lol...


Well this game is going down to easy,such incredibly unbalanced combat...you have a party of 4 and you face like 10 ennemies who poison,freeze,heal themselves,turn invisible,keep respawning dead ones etc etc..the text is so small over the ennemies that you cant really tell what it says,some attack 3 times in a row...also in combat a few times now,I have an exclamation point over my head...its not explained what that does...

I have about 10 quests and half of them I have no clue what to do with them,plus a ton of ingredients and what not...what do I do with all these things...I cant cook anything,I cant mix,I am suppose to be able to create a scroll but it doesnt work...sheesh,seriously starting to wonder what the fuss was about with this game last summer.


The exclamation mark means the two main characters have dialog between each other. Just click on one while you're controlling the other. And seriously, don't worry about mixing ingredients or crafting stuff yet if you're still in town. You'll pick up books along the way that detail exactly how to do all that stuff.

Have you unlocked the End of Time yet? I found that going back there if I was stuck on quests in Cyseal would help a lot to progress. If you have one of the pyramids, use it to teleport to the other one.

Imbalanced is not a word I would use to describe the combat. It sounds like there's something you're not getting or you're somewhere you shouldn't be yet.


The exclamation mark means the two main characters have dialog between each other. Just click on one while you're controlling the other. And seriously, don't worry about mixing ingredients or crafting stuff yet if you're still in town. You'll pick up books along the way that detail exactly how to do all that stuff.

Have you unlocked the End of Time yet? I found that going back there if I was stuck on quests in Cyseal would help a lot to progress. If you have one of the pyramids, use it to teleport to the other one.

Imbalanced is not a word I would use to describe the combat. It sounds like there's something you're not getting or you're somewhere you shouldn't be yet.

No I mean in combat now,sometimes there an exclamation point over my main guy or Stella's head...and I wasted some arrow shafts or something,combining them with regular arrows...I have a window that tries to explain it to me but I dont understand what it means...something about regular arrows being limitless so use the shafts on something different next time...no clue.

I do have a pyramid,I will try that.


So I just noticed this game only utilizes a single CPU core for 100% load and leaves the rest of your cores snoozing, and also found some old threads on their official forums pointing this out too... So they've never managed to fix this?


So I just noticed this game only utilizes a single CPU core for 100% load and leaves the rest of your cores snoozing, and also found some old threads on their official forums pointing this out too... So they've never managed to fix this?

they're working on Multithreading for the 2.0 patch


Goddamnit I would of won the Lighthouse Boss fight if I could of resurrected Stella...can you split the scrolls so you can give one to each player...? read the manual and couldn't find how...also when I tried to res,it said too far but I couldn't spot her body on the ground anywhere...was that a bug or somethng...?

EDIT: Found how to split stuff.


Goddamnit I would of won the Lighthouse Boss fight if I could of resurrected Stella...can you split the scrolls so you can give one to each player...? read the manual and couldn't find how...also when I tried to res,it said too far but I couldn't spot her body on the ground anywhere...was that a bug or somethng...?

EDIT: Found how to split stuff.

When a character dies you have to be close enough to where they died to resurrect them. The Resurrect spell has a distance in its description.


Goddamnit I would of won the Lighthouse Boss fight if I could of resurrected Stella...can you split the scrolls so you can give one to each player...? read the manual and couldn't find how...also when I tried to res,it said too far but I couldn't spot her body on the ground anywhere...was that a bug or somethng...?

EDIT: Found how to split stuff.

Maybe she was burned? In that case her body would only be ashes.


Maybe she was burned? In that case her body would only be ashes.

Yeah,thats probably what happened lol...anyway I beat that fight now so its all good,thanks for the tips guys

This game sometimes...after a hard battle,out of resurrect scrolls for Stella who is dead,Roderick had a burning effect left,he dies because of this and its game over...the pathfinding also when you are grouped is dumb since it makes people you dont control step on all those effects/debuffs on the ground...even in battle,I want to go around the patch of fire but the game wont let me,it forces me to walk on it,when I want to go in a straight line behind an ennemy.

I would need to have some scrolls of every kind,which is almost impossible with the little money you have at first,plus now I am starting to get the stupid inventory full crap,plus damage on gear and weapon,5 quests that are left with no clue what to do...I think I am done with this,tries my patience too much,can't get into it and crap like what happened with that fight is pissing me off...


So I have 2 characters dead after a fight 4 against 10,no one seems to have any resurrect scrolls anymore to sell so I am fucked..? isnt there a place at the End of Time where I can resurrect them if I dont have a scroll or something...?...this game I tell you.


So I have 2 characters dead after a fight 4 against 10,no one seems to have any resurrect scrolls anymore to sell so I am fucked..? isnt there a place at the End of Time where I can resurrect them if I dont have a scroll or something...?...this game I tell you.

You can only ressurect with scrolls :(


That Bracchus Rex fight...absolutly ridiculous,moved on to Silverglen,fuck this guy.

Are you abusing environmental effects and status effects? A lot of enemies, including bosses, can be inflicted with Blind, which the AI reacts to by skipping their turn.
Stun and others are also amazing.
That Bracchus fight was tough, but a careful bit of positioning and it's easier than you might think at first. I recall blowing up two of the adds in a giant pool of burning poison.


50 hours in the game (level 13) and I'm loving it! It's the first non-JRPG turn based game I have played and I thinking about what I should play next. Maybe Fallout 1 and 2 (I've played hundreds of hours of Fallout 3 and New Vegas)?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
50 hours in the game (level 13) and I'm loving it! It's the first non-JRPG turn based game I have played and I thinking about what I should play next. Maybe Fallout 1 and 2 (I've played hundreds of hours of Fallout 3 and New Vegas)?

Fallout 1 and 2 are 2 of the greatest games ever, so yea play them.


Are you abusing environmental effects and status effects? A lot of enemies, including bosses, can be inflicted with Blind, which the AI reacts to by skipping their turn.
Stun and others are also amazing.

I dont have time to abuse anything lol...He always attacks first,everybody gets the burning status,then the Poison Boss kills whatever I have left living with a geyser of poison...I am level 9,second try was a bit better but not by much...I have blank scrolls,blank parchments and all but I have no clue how to make scrolls,the arrowshafts drag over an arrowhead doesnt seem to work anymore,switched Stella to daggers since I have Baitdor has an archer and Madora...close/melee combat is not ideal for this stupid fight I guess,might try switching her for a new partner or something...like I said,I like this game but sometimes its such a chore to play,I just stop playing.


I dont have time to abuse anything lol...He always attacks first,everybody gets the burning status,then the Poison Boss kills whatever I have left living with a geyser of poison...I am level 9,second try was a bit better but not by much...I have blank scrolls,blank parchments and all but I have no clue how to make scrolls,the arrowshafts drag over an arrowhead doesnt seem to work anymore,switched Stella to daggers since I have Baitdor has an archer and Madora...close/melee combat is not ideal for this stupid fight I guess,might try switching her for a new partner or something...like I said,I like this game but sometimes its such a chore to play,I just stop playing.

Arrowshafts over and arrow require certain crafting levels depending on which arrowhead you are using.
Rain will dispel the burning if you have it. It can also create a nice puddle underneath the bosses with which you can stun.
Melee combat is fine for that fight - buff your tank. Bless, Oath of Desecration, any armor spells you may have (or even something like immune to burning).
Fire works great on the poison guy. Poison doesn't work that well on the other guys, since it'll keep exploding and healing them.
If you're having trouble withstanding the initial onslaught, maybe just send your tank into the room and have everyone else hang back by the door, then spread them out a little bit.


I have a weird graphical glitch where it's as if there's a square box around my character in which hi-res shadows are displayed. The shadow visual that lie outside this square box are low-res. When I move you can see the actual cut between low and hi-res as a moving line. Highly annoying!!! Does anyone recognize this?
I have a weird graphical glitch where it's as if there's a square box around my character in which hi-res shadows are displayed. The shadow visual that lie outside this square box are low-res. When I move you can see the actual cut between low and hi-res as a moving line. Highly annoying!!! Does anyone recognize this?
A lot of ppl itt. Very commonly known. Too bad there is no fix afaik.


I get the distinct feeling that Larian are gearing up for some sort of announcement soon. Been several peculiar teasey-type tweets the past week or so.
I get the distinct feeling that Larian are gearing up for some sort of announcement soon. Been several peculiar teasey-type tweets the past week or so.

There are the 2 new RPGs and the big D:OS update...hoping a little for the latter just for the massive fix pile they promised.


I beat the mines. Realistically, how much of the way through am I? I know there's a 3rd area, I just want to know.

The third area is definitely the shortest of the 3. As for the mines, have you cleared out Hiberheim yet? There's a bunch of stuff there as well (and IIRC you can do the mines before Hiberheim, I think).


Hunters edge is pretty cool. A lot of side quests packed into one area. Progressions there feels like an adventure game. Stuff hits really hard. My outdated armor is showing its age.


Oh no. :(



RIP Mr Pokrovsky. Your work will be missed.

That FB link


Divine Transcendence, from D:OS OST, perhaps my favourite piece of his.
Oh man, that is sad.

I feel this should be a thread, he was a genius.

Good call. It's really unexpected news, and he's definitely a fellow that people should know about.

As to his songs, I like a lot of 'em but Slavic is the one that sticks with me the most. According to some YouTube comments, it's an easter egg song in Divinity 2 that Kirill himself sings. Also, it's in Russian and not some crazy fantasy language as I long thought. Huh!

I can't help but be a bit bummed out for the DOS remastering knowing that new songs from Kirill aren't coming. I was really looking forward to more.


Want more of this game.

My level 18 party are currently roaming the Phantom Woods like bulldozers. The amount of hurt my casters can bring borders on silly, and my archers are critting for 400 to 500 damage.

I feel silly for having had this in my Steam library for so long without giving it a whirl.
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