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Dizamn. Big Splinter Cell 3 video preview at IGNXBOX tonight.


Found this via Hilary on the IGN XBOXEN boards:

Splinter Cell 3 Video Walkthrough/Preview -- 17-minute walkthrough of the first level with audio commentary from the developer plus an extensive written preview.

Nice. Lets see what this game is all about!


this game is going to be hot. even if the single player is as boring as the last game, the competitive/cooperative multiplayer is more than enough for me to pick it up.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Dayum, they could slow down on these games. Seems like one comes out every 6 months.


dskillzhtown said:
Dayum, they could slow down on these games. Seems like one comes out every 6 months.

Thankfully, UBI was smart and pushed this one back to March 2005.

I think SC3 was being co-developed at the same time as Pandora Tommorrow. Plus SC3 has the main team working on the game. From some of the videos I've seen, this could be the San Andreas of Splinter Cell games if you know what I mean.

SC = GTA3 (The original)
SC:pT=Vice City (The cash in game)
SC3 = San Andreas(One that looks to have substantial improvements)
That link didn't work but I was able to find it over there.

Let me say that this looks absolutely freakin' amazing. I enjoyed the first Splinter Cell and thought that outside of the multiplayer Pandora Tomorrow completely sucked. I never thought I'd be interested in Splinter Cell again but after seeing that first level on the Xbox, I'm back on board.

I can't get over how good that looks. I'm impressed.


The Inside Track
I saw the game running with the latest build last week at an event in London with the game producer presenting the first level (the one in that vid). The game looks simply awesome and people should forget about the rushed Pandora Tomorrow, Chaos Theory is miles better in gameplay, graphics, sound and features. The first level has many ways to go to the same point, some amazing graphical effects (the rain, or the dynamic lighting).
I don't like stealth games at all (simply impossible for me to get the logic of such games) but I was VERY impressed. It was by far the most impressive game I got to see last week (there was Forza, Conker, Ghost Recon 2, KOTOR 2, Republic Commando and Jade Empire)


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
sykoex said:
This junior member is betting it'll be a carbon copy of the first 2.

Welcome to wrongtown, population you.

IGN XBox said:
The first level begins with Sam having just landed on a foreign beach in the middle of a rainy night. Ahead lies a fortress where scientist Morgenholt is being held captive. Sam's primary goal is to rescue Morgenholt and prevent any information from reaching enemy hands. For Chaos Theory, Sam has primary, secondary, and tertiary goals. Should Sam fail to save Morgenholt, a new primary goal will initiate -- prevent the terrorists from escaping with Morgenholt's information. Often secondary goals not completed in one mission become primary goals the next. As for tertiary goals, completing them is optional, but will improve your mission rating.

Goal tiers are significant, because it's the basis for Splinter Cell's new direction. Chaos Theory is attempting to do away with the trial and error aspects of the first two games and thus remove the majority of frustrations gamers have felt over the past few years. While Sam Fisher's tertiary goal may be to avoid killing civilians, failing that goal will not automatically end a mission. In fact, only Sam's death or utter failure of all goals will result in the ending of a mission. However, killing a civilian instantly drops your rating for that level to 0. You can still complete your mission, but having killed a civilian, you receive no kudos.

This is gonna own so bad.
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