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DmC: Devil May Cry is an unbelievably underrated game

Was the Ninja Theory DmC underrated?

  • Yes, I really enjoyed the game and appreciated what they were trying to do

    Votes: 72 54.1%
  • No, it was too big a departure from the previous games and I did not enjoy it

    Votes: 29 21.8%
  • It was ok

    Votes: 32 24.1%

  • Total voters
I will never understand the hatred around it. Sure it fucked around the the original aesthetic of DMC and changed the way Dante and the characters looked and acted, and yeah this Dante was a bit too edgy and they kinda went overboard with that whole punk style.

But I fucking loved it... the combat was seamless and simple. Weapon switching was smooth, quick, and responsive, the action was fast paced and fun, and it was far easier to stylishly switch between weapons and combos and strategies making you feel like you're achieving these incredible feats that look so stylish. The game rarely felt like a chore due to the improved combat controls system, and I actually appreciated the new aesthetics, characters, and narrative.... it was colorful, exciting, and clever.

This game is super underrated, and if you take away the Devil May Cry name its one of my favorite hack n slash games of all time. I think it got unfairly attacked due to it leeching off of the original IP, and while I did enjoy DMC 4 and 5, I thought this game was more fast paced and provided a better spectacle, where in 5 there were areas that felt like a chore and I just wanted to blitz my way towards the end. I haven't even begun to talk about the music....

I really encourage you to give this game a shot, especially the new Definitive Edition that brings in 60fps on consoles, fun new game modes, and cool character costumes. I still haven't tried the Vergil DLC but I think I might pick it up soon, this game is a blast to play. It's sad Ninja Theory never got a shot at making a number 2, and hellblades combat was a huge step down from what they achieved here, but it's clear they have the talent to do something special if they choose.

I'm not that good at the game, but I thought it would be better if I show off some random old clips (they're not that good) I recorded when the DE came out to show off how fast paced and fun the game can look and feel without being a god at the game.



Reseterror Resettler
I dunno, it's the same way purists react to any kind of reboot, I think. Though I think being super concerned with canon in RE or DMC when it's among the most shlocky of narratives is interesting in and of itself.

Game play wise, it did leave A LOT to be desired, and it was super edge Lord cringe sometimes, but I had a decent time with it.


THE Prey 2 fanatic
:lollipop_Mr_Smith: Dude you're gonna get in trouble
I haven't played the game but I know you're gonna get it for sure
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Its a decent game if you are talking about the definitive edition, the original didnt even have a lock on lol, it was also a mess and could barly keep 30 fps, pluss a bunch of balance fixes capcom had to unfuck the game so hard
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I loved it! It is the first Devil May Cry game I actually finished! I got close to finishing DMC4 but my PS3 died and so did my save with it. =[
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it's not underrated.

it is made for casuals, the fighting system ia braindead and so easy to to completely exploit that it's actually kinda hilarious.

it was 30fps on console, which was a fucking joke to begin with

and to top it all off, the characters were astonishingly bad.

it's a DMC for people who don't wanna use their brain and just mash buttons and look cool doing it (basically like the old God of War games... but without the good graphics and the spectacle)
just mash X a few times without getting hit, "SSS RANKING!!! YOU'RE SO COOL!" infinitely chain air attacks because the devs were too stupid to make a functioning fighting system... and of course casuals will love it
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They did and it was awesome.

I enjoyed the game and cant remember anythinh bad tbh.
I even found the" fuck you, no fuck youuuu" dialogue hilarious 😅
Excactly how a younger Dante would react IMO
I’m more into their other stuff, the DmC soundtrack sounds too much ”early 2010”-brostep-y for my taste but it’s cool that they had them make the soundtrack. I’d love to see more DnB/Jungle in game sountracks, it has gone missing for far too long


It became an ok game when it wasnt 30fps. But it tried to reboot something that didnt need rebooting in the first place and did a shit job of it. Shit music, shit characters, shit story. The only "trick" to combat was "Is this enemy blue or red? HOLD THE CORRECT TRIGGER".



It was also really stunning, especially that first level, loved the combat and the platforming , didn't play the other DMC's though, they look less interesting to me.


OST was banging.

Devil trigger sending enemies straight up in the air with no moves was lame AF.

Too easy to max combo meter was lame AF.

Most boss fights were lame AF.

Overall ok-ish at the time, in retrospect not a very good game.

Referring to the original release that I played not the definitive edition.


Unconfirmed Member

DmC: Devil May Cry Definitive Edition is an unbelievably underrated gem.​





this might have fixed the absolutely worst parts of the game, but it's still not underrated but actually often overrated by many.

the fighting system is still dumbed down to no end... all that really changed was the red and blue enemies not being invincible towards other colors and the ranking system is now tuned for 6yo and not 2yo anymore... yay

and the bossfights, characters and graphics are still crap too... so nah...
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Unconfirmed Member
this might have fixed the absolutely worst parts of the game, but it's still not underrated but actually often overrated by many.

the fighting system is still dumbed down to no end... all that really changed was the red and blue enemies not being invincible towards other colors and the ranking system is now tuned for 6yo and not 2yo anymore... yay

and the bossfights, characters and graphics are still crap too... so nah...
I have an easy fix for how to make it a good game.

Remove/replace the title "Devil May Cry".

Suddenly it's a fun romp, goofy character action B-game with no pressure/nitpicking from fans that all parties are cool with.


One of the best scripts in gaming

The only issue was they changed the character design during development from looking exactly like the game director


I hated what they showed when they revealed the game.

Ended up falling in love when I played it. The level design, the art, the combat (even if a lot more simplistic than the previous games) all super stellar. Didn't mind the changed Dante either.

DmC does levels better than DMC5, and is way more memorable as a result, visually.
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Unconfirmed Member
The only issue was they changed the character design during development from looking exactly like the game director
It looks more like they changed from an eastern model to a western one



Yeah it was fun.
The combat was enjoyable (though not as good as DMC3,4 or 5 IMO) and I really liked the art direction with all the fun environments. It was way better in that regard than DMC 5 that was like 50% grey urban environments 50% Demonic hallways with the same texture over and over again.

They just screwed up by naming it DMC. With a few tweaks it would have worked perfectly fine as a new IP and launched without all the negativity.

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Gold Member
I'm not the biggest Devil May Cry fan, but I do remember enjoying the lighter hearted, younger Dante for what it's worth. I really liked the art style and the fighting felt just as fluid. Boss battles were interesting as all DMC games are typically.

It wasn't my first DMC game, but I beat DMC 2 and 3 and 4. I don't remember feeling the same honestly. DMC4 specifically was kinda underwhelming to me. DMC 5 they changed up the speed of combat which i really didn't like

One thing I hate about DMC games is the grading system. I don't like feeling forced to change up combos for the sake of getting an S rank, or being punished for doing similar combos repeatedly. In all honestly, grading systems at the end of missions really annoy me in general. I thought this was a game about fighting demons and angels...not trying to get an A on a test. I would much prefer if they left it out of the actual game and confined it to a challenge mode and tied it to some cool unlockables.


It was mostly fine except for the excessively angsty protag and the color coded enemy bullshit. I never liked it on principal that another studio with franchise that I loved tried to "westernize" (Read: bastardize) it to maximize profits. Game plays well though.


Gold Member
I love this thread so much, I loved that game. Was never clear if the hatred stemmed from any actual legitimate criticism of the core gameplay or if it was just #thisisntmyDante
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Yep i agree.

Only thing i hated was obviously the character design decisions & writing. The combat was awesome. Mastering the combat was super satisfying without being too difficult like DMC4, mastering DMC4 combat literally requires inhuman reactions and will give you arthritis its fucking ridiculous lol. I liked the color coded enemys because it forced you to change weapons also the way you change weapons by holding down the triggers was genius. The platforming was a nice change up of pace between battles.
I had it on my PS4 since 5 years and just recently finished it. It was my first DmC but I really liked it. It may be that it wasn‘t a classic DmC and some purist most definitely will cry over the change in artstyle (as they almost always do whenever some developer changes something) but I enjoyed the fightingsystem, the soundtrack and Dante as a cool character.

Astral Dog

The game turned out ok but it was a spit to the original DMC fans at first, or at least thats how Capcom treated it. until they started making changes to appeal to the fanbase as well.

Unnecessary reboot at best, maybe if they handled their PR and say it was an spin off, alternate continuity as Itsuno worked on Dragon's Dogma.

Things would have turned out differently. But if DmC were a big success we wouldn't have DMC5 now.


Gold Member
I hated everything. The characters, the art, the level design, the story, the gameplay (color coded enemies)...

Yeah... I just hated.

Which is a recurring thing for me on Ninja Theory games, I also hated Heavenly Sword, Enslaved and Hellblade.


I played the game on PC and it really is underrated. The graphics AND performance were insane at the time and even today looks amazing in 4k. Dante is different but he's not the edgy bastard some people say he is on that game. Just a bunch of crybabies because the franchise changed for a bit.

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