If they don't I may have a problem with this Nvidia card...
UltimateMarioMan said:The number on the front of the computer is 45005.
seanoff said:i'm writing this on that very pc,
chances of AGP in my PC = 100%
UltimateMarioMan said:Minus the flatscreen monitor (I have a regular monitor) thats what I'm using.
Shogmaster said:Do us a favor and crack that baby open and see if there is a brown slot above bunch of white ones.
Phoenix said:
Shogmaster said:Cryptic....
Anyways, that doesn't guarentee that his has one.
Phoenix said:You mean that big AGP Slot call out on the motherboard diagram isn't a guarantee?
DaveH said:Isn't PCI-Express superior to AGP? In theory at least?
Shogmaster said:You do know that Dell ships multiple configurations of same series, right?
Anyways, I have fixed that very computer for someone, and her version (also called 4500S) did NOT have an AGP slot. That's why I told UMM to open his machine up. We don't know which config his machine is.