For some reason younger girls are attracted to me. Like 18-19. I guess they see a cool looking dude on a motorcycle and they want their first "bad boy" experience.
I turn em down. I'm faithful to mah hooers.
I didn't realize Leonardo DiCaprio posted on GAF..Supermodels with PhDs.
Women who have boyfriends and married women seem to like flirting with me. It's amusing as much as it is infuriating. The guys tied to these women always give me stares as if I'm the one with the problem. I'm sorry, if an attractive woman is showing interest in me, taken or not, I'm probably going to bite back.Not really but it's happened quite a few times... married women.
...eye fucking me. ...
I somehow keep attracting Welsh people.
You are one of those all talk no action run for the hills when the panties drop guy arent youWomen who have boyfriends and married women seem to like flirting with me. It's amusing as much as it is infuriating. The guys tied to these women always give me stares as if I'm the one with the problem. I'm sorry, if an attractive woman is showing interest in me, taken or not, I'm probably going to bite back.
ugly chicks, sometimes hot ones body wise but with no teeth or semi retarded
I'm un-fuckable. So nope.
Women who have boyfriends and married women seem to like flirting with me. It's amusing as much as it is infuriating. The guys tied to these women always give me stares as if I'm the one with the problem. I'm sorry, if an attractive woman is showing interest in me, taken or not, I'm probably going to bite back.
a lot of luck required for that kind of scenarioThose women in unhappy, sexless, marriages are all on the dating apps looking for low key D. They come to you, get what they want and don't want any texting outside of the original hookup. Then you'll hear nothing from them again, until sometimes months later and they want another hookup.
Women of all types.
a lot of luck required for that kind of scenario
OP is a big fat liar.
white women mostly ignore me
Who would have thought.I attract phantom women.
Depends a lot on which drugs they are cunts of, imo.Yes. Druggie cunts if the last few days are anything to go by.
Back in my early twenties and way before I transitioned, I decided to dress up as a tough biker gang vampire at work one Halloween as a joke. (The joke being that the scary macho persona was so not me.)
Well, a new girl had started working there that week and apparently found this particular costume of mine very attractive. So attractive in fact that she decided that the costume is who she would picture me to be at all times, and she started becoming extremely flirty. I was even the victim of an incredibly uncomfortable and unsolicited belly dance from her while I was trying to work.
I just played extremely dumb and she eventually lost interest. A couple years later I saw her at the mall with an old biker guy that looked eerily similar to my joke Halloween character.
So, I wonder...was I the cause of that fetish? Or simply one in a long line of supposed weird rough biker dudes that she took a shine to?
(If only she had known how wrong she was about me)![]()
Depends a lot on which drugs they are cunts of, imo.
How is that going your own way?Women who have boyfriends and married women seem to like flirting with me. It's amusing as much as it is infuriating. The guys tied to these women always give me stares as if I'm the one with the problem. I'm sorry, if an attractive woman is showing interest in me, taken or not, I'm probably going to bite back.
Was she hot
What kind of disabled?I attract strippers and escorts. I think it has to do with me being disabled. They always want to help.
What kind of disabled?