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Do you avoid playing games that look too cute (or "kiddy") ?


OK. Just for the record, I'm a Nintendo fan. Nintendo >> you. ^__^

I’m not trying to sound like a fanboy, but I always wondered how come with all of the awesome games EAD puts out there are still hardcore—not mainstream—gamers who simply don’t like Nintendo. And by that I mean don’t like any games they make whatsoever. Now I’m not exactly sure about this but looking at how some hate Nintendo I doubt they have a cube.

I do not (please!) want to turn this thread into why every body should get a revolution and worship Nintendo. What I’m curious about is this:

Does anybody here avoid/ignore a game simply because of its looks? And by looks I'm talking about "cartoony" like Mario or Pikmin. And what about games that have a teenage cast of characters like in Tales of Symphonia or Zelda. Do you think you won't be able to "relate" maybe? Or even feel "creepy" and "pedo" like I read on another forum?

Would you go for an average strategy game over pikmin because the former lets you mobilize an army of samurais instead of pikmin?



Only if they're of the obnoxious "omg wai wai kawaii SD anime gurafikisu desu" variety

belgurdo said:
Only if they're of the obnoxious "omg wai wai kawaii SD anime gurafikisu desu" variety


So you didn't play any Tales games before ToS? Since they had similar looks to that pic although not nearly as detailed.


Kinda. I probably wouldn't have played Taiko Drum Master had I not gone to E3. Adventures of Cookies and Cream, Ribbit King (though it was a fun golf-like game), and the like are those I tend not to play.


SolidSnakex said:
So you didn't play any Tales games before ToS? Since they had similar looks to that pic although not nearly as detailed.

I played them, but I let the combat blot out my thoughts about the wee munchkins I was controlling


I'm more ashamed of playing games where women have ridiculous proportions, and are sent out to battle in thongs than I am of playing "kiddy" games.




I recently played and liked THAT on the PS. Does it answer your question? =)

Dont like Nintendo for the attitude.
And while their games used to rock, they arent anything special for me anymore. They dont stand over the rest of the videogame industry production, so buying a console with poor 3rd party support just for them isnt very tempting.

Pikmin? Havent tried it. Should I, with a pile of PC rts behind me?

Mario? Bought Sunshine, played little. I enjoyed many other NonNintendo platformers more, this gen.

ToS? The looks of this one actually bother me. Characters that look 8 years old, I can - somewhat - accept, if they dont take themselves too seriously.
When they also try to be "cool", wearing silly clothes out of some masked party for kids and plastic swords, gets harder to swallow.
They just doesnt look that good to me, ages aside. Of course, neither they were designed to appeal someone my age.
As posted before, I neither liked the cheesyness of Bujingai, even if the character there is an adult. More than kiddiness, the problem is cheesiness.

Zelda WW looked good. I bought it mostly for the looks.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Orion said:
I'm more ashamed of playing games where women have ridiculous proportions, and are sent out to battle in thongs than I am of playing "kiddy" games.
This is true, especially since my mom will come and talk to me for a bit and see what I'm playing. If it's cutesy stuff people will assume you play it because the game is fun and thats all you care about, if it's DOA girls they assume you are a gaming pervert. This is one thing that would put the priority on getting PN03 lower than other games.

Oh, and I don't avoid those precious-moments-esque SD games because I think the style is embarassing or anything, but because I really find it annoying and dumb-looking.
No problem with "kiddy" looking games at all.

I find it pretty stupid that people miss out on stuff just because it looks kiddie, especially when at it's heart you've got a fantastic storyline and gameplay. Hell, I'll stick my neck out a bit and say that Wind Waker, Pikmin, and Mario and Luigi have writing that stands with the very best titles this generation in terms of script quality and "maturity" in terms of writing.


Christberg said:
No problem with "kiddy" looking games at all.

I find it pretty stupid that people miss out on stuff just because it looks kiddie, especially when at it's heart you've got a fantastic storyline and gameplay. Hell, I'll stick my neck out a bit and say that Wind Waker, Pikmin, and Mario and Luigi have writing that stands with the very best titles this generation in terms of script quality and "maturity" in terms of writing.

Don't so much agree with the other two, but I'd definitely say TWW's writing was some of the damn best this gen. The ending was almost perfect.


Orion said:
I'm more ashamed of playing games where women have ridiculous proportions, and are sent out to battle in thongs than I am of playing "kiddy" games.
You should see a doctor, I believe your penis is malfunctioning.
The other day I was playing Riddick on xbox and the game just sort of brought me down.
I realized I wasn't even enjoying it.
I had to turn on the cube for a pick me up, a little Mario action.
There are times when I just need my Nintendo games.
What I like about the cube, too, is that there are some great 3rd part games to sit alongside the Nintendo titles, like Resident Evil, Viewtiful Joe, Tales.


I only avoid "kiddy" graphics if they are in a serious game (like some rpgs), it just doesn't work and it bothers me greatly. I don't mind kiddy graphics in some whimsical fun game like mario or animal crossing tho.


Not so much avoid, more like being "put off" by games looking too kiddy.

When you notice a game with bad art its hard for you to play it, so in that context id probably put kiddy looking games into the bad art catorgory for me.

Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Pokemon games. I just hate the way it looks.

But games like BG&E, ToS, Skies of Arcadia are a good emaple of colourful graphics driven by mature storylines. . Whereas TWW resembles that Disney style im so familure with so its easier to accept.


I hate the character design of Olimar and Animal Crossing Guy. They're still fun enough to play, but honestly, who is Nintendo trying to appeal to?


aku:jiki said:
You should see a doctor, I believe your penis is malfunctioning.

I think he just said that because he might be labelled as a pervert if seen playing those types of games.

As for me, I don't mind playing games with "kiddy" graphics at all. I just want the game to have good gameplay. The best example I can think of is Zelda: TWW, which got a lot of grief for its cel shading. IMO, the cel-shading made the game different compared to all the other games out there and was done so well that at times it seemed that the game was actually a cartoon movie.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I only avoid playing "kiddy games" that to me feel like they have the play mechanic to appeal to only children, I find animal crossing to fall in this category. It feels like a doll house simulator or something.

But otherwise I gravitate more towards cartoony games, in fact out of my 15 or so Nintendo games, I don't think there is one in the pile that lies unbeaten because I enjoy them so much.


hyperbolically metafictive
cute games rock. particularly klonoa games. and yoshi's island. there are really only two acceptable schools of game aesthetics - arcadey and kiddy. almost everything else is embarrassing adolescent shite.

i think a lot of nintendo's recent kiddy games are really visually boring, though. especially the mario games. which used to be so imaginative and lively. probably a product of thoughtless overfranchising. and that absolutely is a turnoff for me.

Musashi Wins!

I won't avoid a game because of "kiddy" stylings, but I also don't prefer it. Mostly what is offered as mature storylines with kiddy stylings (anime-like rpg's) seem pre-teen to me in their narratives as well so I tend to avoid them for that reason as well. It has very little to do with why I find Nintendo's recent gens boring and the fact that they market most of their titles to children doesn't make them better or much worse.


Christberg said:
I find it pretty stupid that people miss out on stuff just because it looks kiddie, especially when at it's heart you've got a fantastic storyline and gameplay. Hell, I'll stick my neck out a bit and say that Wind Waker, Pikmin, and Mario and Luigi have writing that stands with the very best titles this generation in terms of script quality and "maturity" in terms of writing.
Well, I wouldn't call M&L's story "mature", but the writing is definitely top-notch. And Pikmin... the captain's logs and cuteness of the Pikmin (even in death) made for some bittersweet moments.


I do avoid games that are cute and cartoony, usually because they are boring. Same reason I'm more likely to watch HBO on Sunday night than I am to watch cartoons on Saturday morning. Something like Mario Kart isn't boring, but that's because mature themes don't usually add anything to racing games. It basically depends on the game genre. In most other action and adventure games mature themes, as well as violence, blood, explosions, deep storylines, good voice acting are all important to keep the experience exciting. Cartoony cutesy games are usually too limiting as far as what the game developer is allowed to do. Those limitations usually affect the gameplay. While a mature game developer is able to do almost anything they want and can come up with almost infinite scenarios for games, a child oriented game developer is usually very limited in what they are allowed to do in the game. With the exception of Nintendo's games, cartoony kid-oriented games are almost always terrible games anyway and the reviews reflect that.


Has problems recognising girls
I rarely try to devalue a game based on it's graphical prowess alone or style - and people wonder why Nintendo are bothering with their NES ports on GBA.

If someone hates a game because it's cute or looks like a kid will play it, stiff shit. My little brother started playing StarCraft when he was 8 (atm, he's 10 and kicking hardcore arse at it). Does that make SC a kid's game?



I skipped Tales of Symphonia after watching my friend play it. The characters designs are disgustingly too girlie cute. I wanted to puke.

way more

Maybe subconciously I do. I I do prefer more mature themes, Thief, Fallout, System Shock, Deus Ex, and Max Payne are good examples. I really just like pulp and grit in my games. I never played Banjo-Tooie even though everyone loves it, I just don't see myself getting into it. If a game gets good reviews either way I'll still want to look it up, I've been wanting to try Pikmin and Disgaea.


I seek out games with those kinds of characters that are cute or colorful, I wish they'd make more of them instead of the grungy dark theme that people flock to today. I find that most cute games have gameplay and challenge, and care taken to them that rivals mature themed games.


Gantz said:
I skipped Tales of Symphonia after watching my friend play it. The characters designs are disgustingly too girlie cute. I wanted to puke.

Indeed...how did Fujishima go from this



to this?



Boggles the goddamned mind


I don't mind furries and the like.

But the weird obsession of populating games with toddlers is one of the many reasons I avoid most JRPGs.
Nope. In fact I tend to prefer them. It would make me happy if more video games were made a little 'brighter'. Colors can't hurt you.


belgurdo said:
Indeed...how did Fujishima go from this



to this?



Boggles the goddamned mind

He didn't, if you looked at his char sketches :p The ingame stuff is a different story, and as noted before, Tales has always been in chibi style. :p


Still Tagged Accordingly
Chrono said:
Does anybody here avoid/ignore a game simply because of its looks? And by looks I'm talking about "cartoony" like Mario or Pikmin.
Well... I actually tend to shy away from realistic looking games, so the "kiddy" and cartoony looking games are right up my road.

Nintendo 4 eva!
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