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Do you care that leakers Midori and Pyoro are down?

do you care?

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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
As someone who plays a lot of videogames, I come across a lot of content on social media platforms from leakers like Midori and Pyoro who have had access to files and been able to find information to leak about a current update or updates that are due to be released.

Some people do not mind finding information that is leaked' but others tend to steer clear of it as much as they can.
But these days, it seems the most of the popular leakers are getting hunted down, one by frickin' one.

What are your thoughts on video game leakers Midori and Pyoro getting cancelled? Is it about time?
Will someone else step into the spotlight?
Is leaker culture coming to an end?

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Is leaker culture coming to an end?
I hope it is.
They are a cancer to gaming and gaming developers.

If you don't mind leakers, that's simply because you are selfish and want all the information given to you regardless of when the developers want to showcase that information.
And that's fine. Selfish is not inherently a bad thing.

For me, if a new Darkstalkers is being made, I would much rather see it on a Capcom event, or EVO or whatever. Then being told by a leaker.

Is like the least hype thing I can think of. No surprise trailer, no surprise announcement. Just text, telling you that a thing exists.

And call me a pearl clutcher if you will, but I believe it's genuinely disrespectful to the people developing the game in question.
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Doesn't really impact my enjoyment of videogames. When it comes to leakers the best case scenario just makes me go "Oh, that's cool."

For leakers this is a pretty good lesson. First, don't tell anybody you're leaking stuff and second, stay off discord.


Nah, leakers of some gaming stuff are just farming Twitter reactions.

Leakers that leak shit like Boeing being retards at the expense of their passenger's safety or leakers that leak that the NSA behaving like the Stasi? Yes. These leakers need to be protected.


I don't care about the leakers or if videogame leak culture is died but I also think it's stupid for people get so precious about videogame announcements.

I don't know why the videogame industry has to be so secretive about all this stuff.


Yeah I used to love leaks but I try to stay away from them now. I like to just be surprised from announcements now.

Same with me movies and TV shows. I haven't watched a movie trailer in 3 or 4 years now and find I enjoy movies so much more going in totally blind.

Though I don't use social media much so it's easy for me to not see spoilers.


World’s Biggest Weeb
I’d be lying if I said I don’t like reading about leaks. But I’d rather nothing got leaked if I had the choice. All it does is spoil some of the excitement and it’s unfair to the creators who poured their heart and soul into their game.


I couldn't care less about Pyoro but I am glad that fraud Midori got outed before he could string more people along on one good Sega document and a dumpster of poorly sourced intel/tales from my ass.
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Most of the time they are talking out their ass, and when they do get it right, they are likely spoiling a big reveal before the show is put on. All for a little bit of internet clout. It wouldn't hurt my feelings at all to see them fade away, enjoy the shows as they were meant to be, without a leaker spoiling shit so people on Twitter will give them attention.


I like when it’s little snippets about a game I’m looking forward to. It’s sometimes keeps you interested when the developer isn’t saying anything for years.


Don't care about the leaks with TLoU2 being the only exception and warning people about the incoming catastrophe. ;)


People give too much importance to leaks one way or the other.
On one hand: a big corporation marketing plans are getting ruined, oh no. Poor multi-billion dollar corpo.
On the other hand: if the leaker stops leaking, who cares. It's videogames, you will get your damn info on your damn product anyway.

It's videogames, it's not that important one way or the other.
Get off the hype cycle already
Don't care one way or the other aside from the team that made the game not having their moment for when they want to make the big reveal.


I had a twitter account for about a week before deleting it. I read tweets all the time for info but they are embedded in articles or forums.

I miss a lot of leaks this way. When tlou2 came out and everyone was spoiling it I was able to avoid the rumors easily.

There will always be leakers. That Jason schrier article was so bad and divorced from reality. Nintendo is just a company and there will always be disgruntled workers
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