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Do You Ever Feel Like Your Life Is Not Well Written?


Only when I’m public speaking… it’s really poorly written then.
Propranolol is amazing for this.

Back to the original question, I think everyone feels that their life and existence isn't well written. That's the theme of life. I do think there are things we can do to bring it greater meaning.


Gold Member
Aren’t you the writer of your own life’s narrative though?

If You Say So Wow GIF by Identity


Maybe this life is the awful modern remake nobody asked for.

Or maybe you just need to get to season 3 for things to hit their stride?


Your life doesn't have a narrative. Shit just happens sometimes, for good and bad, and that's not part of some overreaching arc. Bad news is it can be unfair but the good news is your life is for you to define.

Mr Hyde

I try to write a good narrative for myself and improve the things I can, but unfortunately my life has mostly been a tragedy, affected by things outside of my control. When I think about it, I can't remember the last time life didn't kick me in the ass.


Gold Member
I had this impression when i was in prison and a dude tried to kill me while saying that he was the real gymwolf all along.
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I think this is just how people start to feel when the screws are really tightened on being able to just survive.

If we weren't all so worried about the cost of living, we'd be able to invest more into hobbies and family and friends...but instead we're getting charged $15 for a McD's combo meal and paying $2000+ a month in rent which makes us vacation less, go to less concerts, see less movies, go out drinking less...etc etc.

Just a sad state of things these days.

Something's gotta give sooner or later.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
I’ve been told I should write a book about my life quite a few times.

Been a pretty packed 45 years of wild stories, debauchery, and living on the absolute edge while somehow never being arrested or fired from my fairly successful job.

It all could come crumbling down any given day, which is I guess what truly drives me.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I can't really complain. Family started from pretty humble beginnings. Feel pretty lucky for the most part that things have turned out how they did. Could be better of course in some ways, but it's already better than I really ever expected it would be.

But yeah, I think trying to compare real life to movies is a pretty toxic way to live. Unrealistic expectations can really rot people's happiness whether it's relationships, weddings, work, virtually everything. You have to deconstruct those fantasies and live in the real world.


My life is would be a dark comedy sitcom probably
Same here, things in my life often turn out like they would in a sitcom. With me being the character who all the crazy stuff happens to like the interview that I've written about before. I'll re-post it if anybody missed it. Come to think of it I had another interview that went in a weird direction.(That's a much shorter story) And then there was the blind date, man that was straight out of a sitcom.


Ultimate DQ Fan
I used to feel this way, but not anymore. I made it a goal to live with more intentionality. Focus on the things I really want to do, instead of just sort of drifting.
That's a skill, and I haven't perfected it yet. And it's hard when you are not sure what you want. But one thing I focused on more is my writing.
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