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Do you guys miss cheat codes like I do?

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Has anyone else noticed that there aren't as many games with cheats/codes?


This isn't necessarily a bad thing, I still get tons of enjoyment out of the games I play. But I've always enjoyed picking up an old game, mashing in some button combo like A,B,A, UP, LEFT, UP, DOWN, and then just messing around in the game doing what ever I wanted without having to worry about dying, reloading, running out of ammo etc...


I'll definitely agree that when one is actually playing through the game, cheats/codes can take a way from the enjoyment. But some times I just want to mow down some Nazis with out always having to watch my back.

The Stig

i like the idea of getting fun modifiers as a reward like goldeneye did

but cheat codes to cheat/beat the game? nah
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are in a big trouble
Yes 100%. I thought about it the other night. I really don't understand why they have become a thing of the past. It can't be because of achievements or trophies because you could easily implement something once the code is entered, it deactivates you earning achievements. I think this has been done in the past. Anyone who's played the classic gta titles like Vice City or San Andreas knows exactly how fun cheats can be.

Also, I don't think it's about difficulty. It's just there is times you just want to have fun and cheats used to be able to do that. I remember in Colin McRae rally having a jelly car or diddycar or something where it turned the game into Micro Machines. Obviously one of the best is goldeneye. It had some of the best cheats in a video game.

No, because "cheat engine" exists.
Yes we PC players have cheat engine, but console players don't
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I used to love them as a kid, Game Genie on the NES and all that. It felt kind of naughty like it was illegal to my innocent child mind, modifying the game to “win”. I felt like I was cheating the devs, even though I legitimately bought the game! 😅

Then I used codes on PC games as a teen and didn’t feel at all guilty, even though I often pirated the game. Go figure!

But I’m not really interested in cheats nowadays, don’t really see the point as an adult when you’re clearly only cheating yourself, as much as that seemed like a bullshit sentiment as a kid!

I do often summon in souls games, as well as cheesing bosses and exploiting cheap farm spots. But those games don’t exactly play fair either so eh! 🤷🏼‍♂️
Cheat Engine and Wemod for me. I don't have as much time to play as when I was younger so I don't feel bad about giving myself extra cash and xp in some types of games.


I miss when "cheats" and skins were unlocked by gameplay achievements. It made multiple playthroughs of single-player games even more interesting. Now they're all paid DLC.


Yes, in a sense. There are games that I'm sort of interested in on the peripheral but simply don't have the time to invest into, but it they offer a God mode where I can just speed run through the game, that would entice me to give those games a try.


voted poster of the decade by bots
I agree, at the very least ones unlocked by beating a secret area or the game. It needs to make a comeback.
Wemod…but yes I do miss cheats on consoles. Makes me happy when devs add accessibility sliders…not quite full on cheats but at least it’s something.


Yea, but not the ones that make you over powered or give you invincibility or anything retarted like that.

For instance GTA use to have 'cheat codes' you could enter to basically create a riot mode...which was fun as hell.

Arm all pedestrians, then make them hostile, activate chaos/ riot mode, aggressive traffic...

Then just try to survive...lol (while causing as much damage/mayhem as you can do too, of course)


Eh I think of it more as a thing that was great for kids. Especially before the internet when it was a "secret".


Gold Member
Damn AI in Heroes of M&M 3. Oh well....

nwcwhatisthematrix Reveals the whole map
nwcnebuchadnezzar Hero gains unlimited movement
nwctrinity Hero gets 5 Archangels in each empty army slot


Gold Member
Considering a lot of stuff you could do with the codes are now things you have to pay for, I’d say yes.


Definitely, and not just for cheats with the word 'infinite' in the name.

Take a game like Resident Evil 2. Late in the game you get access to interesting weapons like the Flamethrower and Sparkshot. But what if you want to play the whole game with them for fun? No, sorry, can't do that. It's unlockable weapons or nothing. Unless of course you had a way to access debug, which is what cheat cartridges did.

Cheats allowed you to do things you weren't given access to as a consumer, and you can even work around flawed game design.

It's probably been mentioned, but the GTA3 Trilogy was the king of cheats. They opened up those games for so much playground/sandbox fun. Spawning tanks that could fly and turning the turret round to build up speed was a regular occurrence. It's a shame GTA lost that mindset, and with the success of Online I doubt they have any interest in bringing back the sort of chaos that San Andreas was capable of.


I mostly miss the "fun cheats". Stuff like the wireframe graphics mode in the first Turok game or the one that made all enemies smaller, complete with chipmunk voices. And all the fun cheats in Goldeneye.


Kinda glad they're not really a thing anymore. I didn't have the self-control back then not to use them and I certainly don't now. Cheats are the number one reason I've never completed any GTA games.


I used to print out pages and pages from CheatPlanet.

I hadn't figured it Alt-Tab existed. Though to be fair, the game or even computer might have crashed if I had done it.
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