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Do you hate your neighbours?

What do you think of your neighbours?

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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
I think my neighbor is the worst person on Earth. 0 consideration to others, doesn't care about doing a fuckton of noise at 3AM or going "broom broom" with his fucking motorbike under my window for 15 minutes straight on a Sunday morning. No surprise tho, been asking around and those who know him say it's the worst kind of scum.

I'm not going to kill him but, if I could, I would turn him into a snail.

I also have this other one, an old lady, which pays 0 attention to her dog and the poor thing spends his days barking for attention or peeing on the door because nobody will take him out for a stroll. That sucks, the barking doesn't bother me too much but the poor dog deserves better.

So, what do you think of yours?
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No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Hell no. I have awesome neighbors! I live in a great neighborhood where I can leave my doors unlocked. I’ve never so much as had a package stolen. It’s awesome and my neighbors are great. I’m super thankful.

Side note, one of my neighbors is also the frontman for a fairly famous band. He’s also a super chill dude and a great neighbor.
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My street is basically one big retirement home, zero complaints, its peaceful here, almost no noise outside of the goddamn birds and an occassional lawn mower when someone wants to flex on others.
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Nah, my neighbours are cool. I could do without their young lad coming knocking me up at 9am on Saturday to retrieve his ball from my garden but he's a good kid so I'll let him off.

The neighbour on the other side is a bit of a loner tho (don't really acknowledge anyone when they pass them on the street type. The weirdo) but he's quiet and doesn't cause any bother so crack on.


aka IMurRIVAL69
I have one neighbor I’m cool with and will shoot the shit with, and the rest I’m indifferent to. I have had had neighbors like OP in the past and it is literally a no win situation.


Nah, my neighbours are cool. I could do without their young lad coming knocking me up at 9am
Oh boy
Awkward Pop Tv GIF by Schitt's Creek


Gold Member
Love my neighbours. Cool people and we help each other mow the lawns or plow snow. And also helped me move stuff. Even borrowed his pick up to get stuff. Neighbour across the st boosted my car when the battery was dead. and when I moved in 10 years ago from condo life, he gave me tips on how to keep all the patio stones clear with no weeds or grass growing in between. On trash pick up day, we also help each other move the bins back to the garage door. So on those days when I get home from work most of the time my bins are neatly put back instead by the curb. I return the favour when I see it. My internet was down for a week one time due to wiring issues. So one of my neighbours just said leach his wifi through the walls and he gave his password.
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No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Love my neighbours. Cool people and we help each other mow the lawns or plow snow. And also helped me move stuff. Even borrowed his pick up to get stuff. Neighbour across the st boosted my car when the battery was dead. and when I moved in 10 years ago from condo life, he gave me tips on how to keep all the patio stones clear with no weeds or grass growing in between. On trash pick up day, we also help each other move the bins back to the garage door. So on those days when I get home from work most of the time my bins are neatly put back instead by the curb. I return the favour when I see it. My internet was down for a week one time due to wiring issues. So one of my neighbours just said leach his wifi through the walls and he gave his password.
Okay but how do you keep your patio stones from growing weeds? Nothing is working for me.


Gold Member
Okay but how do you keep your patio stones from growing weeds? Nothing is working for me.
What you got to do is get rid of any shitty sand in between. Clear it all out and replace it with sand you can get from Home Depot where you fill the gaps and hardens when wet. So it becomes solid and no bits of soil lor seeds can get underneath and grow.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Love my neighbours. Cool people and we help each other mow the lawns or plow snow. And also helped me move stuff. Even borrowed his pick up to get stuff. Neighbour across the st boosted my car when the battery was dead. and when I moved in 10 years ago from condo life, he gave me tips on how to keep all the patio stones clear with no weeds or grass growing in between. On trash pick up day, we also help each other move the bins back to the garage door. So on those days when I get home from work most of the time my bins are neatly put back instead by the curb. I return the favour when I see it. My internet was down for a week one time due to wiring issues. So one of my neighbours just said leach his wifi through the walls and he gave his password.
Sounds like heaven dude, I'm jelly.

For the weeds, I sprayed mine with chemicals. Haven't seen one grow again ever since but, if I do, I'll try the sand trick.


Gold Member
I absolutely HATE my upstairs neighbor.

I couldn't believe my ears when I first heard the volume of his music. It became a daily occurrence and it drove me absolutely insane. I obviously tried talking to him but but he NEVER answered his door. I think I tried at least 15 times.

One day I heard him leave and I decided to wait for him in the hallway. The dude was extremely aggressive, he warned me to never come at his door again etc. Crazy stuff really.

So I've been pretty lucky with my upstairs neighbors in the past but this dude is my worst nightmare. Things have calmed down because I went to the housing association but I got the feeling he's still provoking me
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Most of my neighbors are good to great.

But my immediate neighbor is a mentally-ill psychopath that tries to harass people. It started with her calling the cops on me because she claimed my dog shit in front of her house (it didn't), but the cops said they can't do anything about that. So what does she do after the cops leave? She picks up the turd with her bare hands and throws it on our property. Like I said: she is psychotic, and that was only the beginning. But the good news is that last year she was finally arrested and charged for damaging our property. We got an order of protection against her now so unless she wants to go to prison (violating an order is a felony), then she best leave us the fuck alone. But honestly I'm hoping she does violate the order, because she deserves prison. Fuck her.


My street is basically one big retirement home, zero complaints, its peaceful here, almost no noise outside of the goddamn birds and an occassional lawn mower when someone wants to flex on others.

I live in an old peoples retirement apartment complex (legal loophole reasons). Seriously they are all chill, quiet and no drama and very friendly. If I could buy one of these apartments and live here it would be sweet awesome, but I'm too young.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
I think my neighbor is the worst person on Earth. 0 consideration to others, doesn't care about doing a fuckton of noise at 3AM or going "broom broom" with his fucking motorbike under my window for 15 minutes straight on a Sunday morning. No surprise tho, been asking around and those who know him say it's the worst kind of scum.
I absolutely HATE my upstairs neighbor.

I couldn't believe my ears when I first heard the volume of his music.
The last year at my old apartment over 10 years ago was horrible.
This older white trash couple with their pregnant niece moved in the apartment upstairs.

Loud music at anytime and loud arguments & fights quite frequently.
The kind of fights that move furniture.
They once had "Cotton Eye Joe" super loud going on a loop for a day and a half.
Called the cops on them a couple of times to no avail (of course).

I couldn't wait to move out, I had developped a couple of nervous tics 😆

The night just before I moved out they had another thunderous fight and a chair was thrown through a window.

You should be able to relax and feel safe in your home.

I truly sympathise with anyone who has to endure those animals.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
jshackles jshackles this is another thread to vent about your asshole neighbours 😂
I still think I have perhaps the worst possible neighbors on the planet.

I voted for "put them on a rocket" but that would almost be doing them a favor.


It's been different over the course of the years, but right now it seems okay as most of the alcoholics and other addicts moved away. I get along with the older folks and the new younger couples who moved into the building all seem like friendly, non-problematic people. I actually suspect that's why they've moved in, because it's a calm neighborhood with seniors in the majority.
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always chasing the next thrill
I think my neighbor is the worst person on Earth. 0 consideration to others, doesn't care about doing a fuckton of noise at 3AM or going "broom broom" with his fucking motorbike under my window for 15 minutes straight on a Sunday morning. No surprise tho, been asking around and those who know him say it's the worst kind of scum.

I'm not going to kill him but, if I could, I would turn him into a snail.

I also have this other one, an old lady, which pays 0 attention to her dog and the poor thing spends his days barking for attention or peeing on the door because nobody will take him out for a stroll. That sucks, the barking doesn't bother me too much but the poor dog deserves better.

So, what do you think of yours?
Actually surprisingly no. I bought my house in 2021 and lucked out. On the left is a quiet older lady who retired some time ago and volunteers a lot during the week. On the other side is a guy and his adult kid. Neither of which are ever home, and when they are I rarely even see them. Across the street they are all quiet. One house has a few kids, but they are pleasant, always wave, and even when they play basketball in the street they are polite and move for cars, etc. Before buying though was a nightmare. One place had an older gentleman with schizophrenia and dementia who would bring random food items to my girlfriend at the time when I was at work. All good until he started providing a knife on the plate every time. Another apartment the next door apartment was rented out to immigrants who came in for the season to work at a local flower farm. 2 bedroom apartment and six of them living there. Between the incredibly obnoxious drinking and Mexican music on full blast almost every night I had enough and had to take the landlord to court to break the lease and won some small claims money for dealing with that BS as well. Another place had a couple that was on meth. Nice people, was just annoying when homegirl decided to mow the lawn at like 6am a few times 😂


Gold Member
My street is basically one big retirement home, zero complaints, its peaceful here, almost no noise outside of the goddamn birds and an occassional lawn mower when someone wants to flex on others.
Same boat. Probably one of the few families that still work. Old bats keep a good eye on any homeowner infractions. 🤣🤣🤣


My fantasy is that my girlfriend was actually a young high school girl.
One or more of our neighbours cooks curry or some other indian dish and that shit stinks up the hallways, it's beyond belief how this smell spreads. Before that we had a Chinese food cooking neighbour, when they would open their front door you could smell what I could only describe as a public toilet on a hot summer day, I cant understand how someone could live in that smell.

But to them it probably smells amazing... Like baked bread or something. But regardless I wouldn't want to live somewhere that has a constant smell of anything strong.
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live in a secluded area, the house next door which is a good distance away is owned by family, the other side is former military, does his own thing we do our own thing. People need their space and fortunate not to live around shitty neighbors, I have before though, just look at my door, dinged all over the place by them.
We have here some sort of Airbnb so the neighbors change very often and are accordingly very loud.
It's why we really don't book Airbnbs where you can easily disturb the neighbors, it sucks for everyone, but yea that would suck.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I actually get along very well with my neighbors. One of them occasionally gives me rides when I need them and another guy a couple houses down I help out with things and sometimes gives me monetary compensation as a result.

I don't think I have any issues at all with any of my neighbors.
My annoying downstairs neighbor moved out a couple months ago. He played keyboard as a hobby, which is fine, but he had it and whatever backing tracks he used hooked up to loud speakers that would wake me up or simply annoy me. Tried talking to him, got all kinds of organisations involved, nothing helped. Sometimes I'd stomp on the floor to get him to stop. He'd turn up the music even louder or start slamming doors. Crazy guy.

Anyway, with the current housing crisis, it's a miracle that he found someplace else to live. I don't know who lives downstairs now, but bless 'em because I haven't heard a thing.
I don't talk to them (Don't want to bother people who may or may not be bothered by me talking to them), but they are cool. Not noisy at all, and the few that talked to me were very nice.

It helps that I live in the same neighborhood I was born and raised in.


I dont hate them, we dont really know each other except for a nod or "hey hows it going?" When we cross into their path or are out walking the dog.

They seem to be nice enough, got no complaints.


My Neighbours are awesome people. Pretty much our age. We’ve been almost like family for 13 years. Our kids grew up together. We’ve Went on vacations together, partying and haveing a blast almost every weekend in the summer. It’s so good that we are scared to move because we will never find what we have now again. Only down was we lost our one neighbour to cancer almost 2 years ago. Went from one of the strongest guys I knew to having to use a walker to walk around. Miss him. Rip Trevor and Fuck cancer.


if 40 houses still counted as neighbor, yes, i hate em all. i live at hill above. about 100 metres from my house, there is other neighborhood with other tribes than me (we are one race, but different tribe, who migrated from different island) they are noisy, rude, and lawless. often they party with their bigass speakers, and playing awful songs, and we cannot do anything, because the police are not interested with them at all.
Currently, i live next to a family where nearly every member is a drug dealer, including the 10 year old son. The only time i see the police go there is when they want to buy some weed. Welcome to the UK.
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Ultimate DQ Fan
Ive seen my neighbors once. Young couple. Cutie girl, dude is some nerdy white dude.

Dont have any reason to hate them.
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I need a voting option for:

"I don't know, I haven't met them and no one talks to each other anymore."

After moving here in 2020, I made an honest effort to be neighborly with people and no one cares. They just stay in their houses all the time or barely acknowledge your presence if they're outside even if you say "hi". I have exactly one neighbor on my entire block who has been friendly. It's depressing as fuck. I grew up in a neighborhood in the 1980s where everyone knew everyone else, didn't give a damn about each other's skin color, and we welcomed people in when they moved in. When my parents had pneumonia, other neighbors took me in and brought them food. Now, everyone's just off in their own little world.
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