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Do you hate your neighbours?

What do you think of your neighbours?

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all my neighbors are retirees that have known my wife or her family for decades. We mostly get on just fine.


Yes. My neighbor smokes cheap cigs that smell like ass in his garden that spreads into the entire house. Can't be reasoned with, we asked him if he could smoke front of the house between 11 at night and 7 in the morning so we can sleep with the window open, but that was absolutely not possible. He smokes every 10/15 minutes all day long. Addicts gonna addiction.

Doesn't smoke inside bc kids, so he knows its vile, but no issue spreading it to our home. Smokers have 0 clue how vile that shit smells to others and how far it spreads. Hope it gets forbidden in my country in the future to be completely honest and that wasn't my stance at all before moving here.

Winter John

Our nearest neighbor genuinely believed Bush Sr was involved in JFK’s assassination. He had all kinds of theories about it too. One night I gave him a hit of ecstasy and hooked him up with a cutie. All his problems were instantly solved. Who is the best neighbor? Me. That’s who. For I am a scholar and a gentleman.


Gold Member
The last year at my old apartment over 10 years ago was horrible.
This older white trash couple with their pregnant niece moved in the apartment upstairs.

Loud music at anytime and loud arguments & fights quite frequently.
The kind of fights that move furniture.
They once had "Cotton Eye Joe" super loud going on a loop for a day and a half.
Called the cops on them a couple of times to no avail (of course).

I couldn't wait to move out, I had developped a couple of nervous tics 😆

The night just before I moved out they had another thunderous fight and a chair was thrown through a window.

You should be able to relax and feel safe in your home.

I truly sympathise with anyone who has to endure those animals.
Sounds a lot like my experience, looping the same song . My neighbor mainly listened to Dutch hip-hop, I accidentally called it children's rap and maybe that's why he got so aggressive :D.

I'm fine if someone wants to blast music once a while but this was daily. He basically sabotaged my life for long periods of time. I'm still baffled he continued to blast music after our aggressive confrontation. The fucking guts on this dude.

I would love to relax and feel safe but I can't. Moving out has been a dream of mine but it's not going to happen anytime soon unfortunately.


I don't hate my neighbors, but I do wish I had none. Sadly, housing prices are bullshit at the moment so my dream of moving to a more rural place is dead for the foreseeable future.


My street is basically one big retirement home, zero complaints, its peaceful here, almost no noise outside of the goddamn birds and an occassional lawn mower when someone wants to flex on others.
Same. There are students living in the apartment building opposite mine, they make parties twice a year, so nobody really complains.
My own building is quiet as well, there was way more noise when the girl living next to us turned her apartment into AirBnB. Turns out her uncle owned the apartment and let her live there, but of course didn’t know niece is making money on the side. She got kicked out and the apartment got sold.


not tag worthy
No all are pretty apart from on neighbour they are all older than me.

We might be those neighbours as our dogs like to bark when the cat is next door or people pass a certain gate. But if you were to come into my garden my dogs would piss themselves with excitement that a new person has arrived, then start wanting belly rubs. They act like they are tough but I’ve opened the gate while they were barking and they hid behind the gate.

I can get them to stop usually I call them over or just tell them stop barking. But the other day the neighbours were throwing a party and anytime someone new walked pass our gate the dogs would bark at them. So I took them Inside. The dogs that is.

But having said that the neighbour in the other side of us has a whole pack of beagles and those fuckers howl at anything I guess our dogs learnt from them.

They don’t bother me usually. But if you walk pass his house sometimes you get a lot of howls and they try to say hello to anyone coming by.
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Phobos Base

Only recently moved, tried to say hello to my neighbour when he had a parcel for me, he handed it over without saying a word and closed the door so after that I won't bother trying. But far rather a miserable git than one who makes a lot of noise.


Simps for Amouranth
I had lesbian neighbors, they were between these two panels to be honest. Quite plain really. But I could hear them fucking at night as our bedrooms had a shared wall.
I tugged one out those nights
Colin??? I had an old work colleague who had lesbian neighbours and shared a bedroom wall, always complained he could hear them going right at it lol, he also got on really well with them with the butch one being proper butch lol

I have 2 gay neighbours who I would move the earth for, absolute fucking Gentlemen, we've shared many a drunken night at ours and there's and a few late night J's, couldn't ask for better neighbours so hopefully we all grow old together, on the other side I have a lovely old lady, ex uni professor who could talk the ear of a donkey, pretty much everyone on our street is sound, thank fuck then again it's a more upmarket area compared to where I moved from, which was akin to Mogidishu and filled with a right few undesirables

Having a great relationship with your neighbours makes life so much better, as you can pop round, borrow shit, ask for wee favours etc, like letting workmen in if your out and about, we share keys with our immediate neighbours and I've had a few times the lads asking me to pop into theirs to check something if they've been away.
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My neighbour is my best friend from school, so no, I have it made


Sorry OP, I used to live above scumbags like your neighbors a few years ago, then I lucked out on an extremely underpriced place in a MUCH better area. It's tough to think about other things when they're actively annoying you, and most of the time you already know it's not from a place of contempt, just irreverence and idiocy. That makes it hard to confront them about it without making things worse for yourself. There's a 70/30% chance that bringing it up just makes it worse because now they're aware and doing it on purpose.

My scumbag neighbors consisted of a redneck guy, a trashy trailer-sourced girl, and "their" kid together. When he was away, she had all kinds of guys over, so who knows if the kid was actually his or not. I remember one night, her 4 year old locked her out of the house completely butt ass naked while she went out to have a smoke (her yard was fully fenced in with a wood slat 6' fence). She yelled my name until I stuck my head out the window to see if she could use my cell phone to call somebody to help her situation. I went downstairs and handed my phone to her through the fence and she said to me, "Do you know *her roomate/boyfriend/babydaddy's name*'s phone number?" I just said "no, sorry," so she had to call the landlord and have him come let her in. She didn't even know the supposed dad/roommate's phone number. The kid was sitting in front of the door laughing the entire time, it was pretty funny.

My new neighbor is just a guy that really likes all sports, and he gets a little loud when he's watching a game and drinking, which I don't give a fuck about. He's cool otherwise. He brings in my bins/packages when I'm on a trip and I do the same thing for him, that's about all of our interactions.


Al Pachinko, Konami President
I live in an apartment, my upper neighbor annoys me sometimes. Last year he put a can of liquid goo in the power room which, you guess started leaking. I didnt notice it till maybe weeks later because that room is outside next to my front door. Only check it for a broken fuse or whatever. Shit went all the way down and couldve easily blown out my power box.... but he didnt learn anything. Last Christmas I wanted to feed my fish and water started splashing in my face, I was like yo wtf! Looked up and the ceiling was leaking. Grabbed a towel and put a bucket on the floor and ran upstairs. Banged on his door, dude was stoned or whatever and didnt even know his bathroom was flooding! At least he acted quickly and I have minor water damage but Im waiting for him to fuck up again... I suspect he grows plants


Simps for Amouranth
I don't envy you guys living in apartments :-( I have a confrontational demeanor if someone is fucking me off and that just wouldn't work in a country where every cunt has a gun, at least here I know I'm not gonna get shot and a wee bout of fisticuffs is the most I can expect if it goes sideways


Simps for Amouranth
They are not all like that, often it's the only place affordable and that will have you cross paths with underachievers.
I get people's circumstances vary wildly, but with apartments you really are at the mercy of who lives beside you and who lives above and beneath you, in my last place I lived in a semi and had at one point neighbours who I just passed the occasional hello but they had a teenage daughter whose room backed onto ours and when they went out she'd blast fucking awful chipmunk happy hardcore, I'd bang the walls, give off to her da about it but every fucking time, they'd go out and she'd play that shite, this was until I brought up my speaker system from downstairs, positioned the speakers directly at the wall and stuck on looped Slayer at full blast and then left for the entire day/evening leaving her in the house with just noise coming through her wall cause my sound system was considerably better than hers, we got back around 11pm, out from like 1 that afternoon and her da came immediately out, I jumped out ready for a fight but he was profusely apologising and asking can we stop the music lol I told him no problems but the next time his daughter plays that shite loud, I'm fucking off for the weekend, thankfully they only lasted a year or two before moving on and never heard her play so much as a whisper again


I think my neighbor is the worst person on Earth. 0 consideration to others, doesn't care about doing a fuckton of noise at 3AM or going "broom broom" with his fucking motorbike under my window for 15 minutes straight on a Sunday morning. No surprise tho, been asking around and those who know him say it's the worst kind of scum.
1000% yes! Why do my neighbors feel the need to rev the engine on their Harleys for 30 minutes before taking off. I get it, your proud of what you have, but honestly nobody want to hear this at all hours of the day and night.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
My neighbors are a fucking mess, constant drama, that spills out into screaming matches in the streets, sometimes even large brawls that the cops get involved in. I regularly hear domestic violence happening and blood curdling screams of a woman.

I'm in the city so the houses are very close together, and one of them likes to get drunk and high on the porch and blast music so loud it sounds like it's being played in my house. His favorite song for some reason is Can't Stop by Red Hot Chili Peppers, which he will sometimes play 5 times in a row, sometimes until 3AM. One of the women in the house just had her kid taken away.

Neighbors sometimes call cops on them and they might show up an hour later, but it does absolutely nothing to discourage them, because he's a wastoid in a black out and probably won't even remember.

Apparently the previous tenants moved out because of them.
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I live in an apt in Koreatown and I almost never see my neighbors. I see one guy across the hall like once every two months for five seconds. He's cool.


Just today i learned someone poisoned a very large tree in my neighborhood. They figured it out after they trimmed a few branches. They tested the soil and proved it. The tree is now dead and because of it's size it can be dangerous so they will cut it completely.

Whoever did this is going to get their way. He will be satisfied. A single person decided for the whole neighborhood and he will win. So my question is, how can't i hate them? I'm so angry and sad right now that i really wish something really bad happens to whoever did this. Not an inconvenience, not a few days in jail or a ticket. Something bad and long lasting.


Gold Member
Just today i learned someone poisoned a very large tree in my neighborhood. They figured it out after they trimmed a few branches. They tested the soil and proved it. The tree is now dead and because of it's size it can be dangerous so they will cut it completely.

Whoever did this is going to get their way. He will be satisfied. A single person decided for the whole neighborhood and he will win. So my question is, how can't i hate them? I'm so angry and sad right now that i really wish something really bad happens to whoever did this. Not an inconvenience, not a few days in jail or a ticket. Something bad and long lasting.
Would testicular torsion do for your neighbor


Parody of actual AJUMP23
My neighbors are great. One couple were backup vocalist for many singers and bands. The wife now has Alzheimer's so she is fading. But they talk about how one of their brothers was the guitarist for Tina Turner and apparently a well respected musical family. My other neighbors have a lavender farm and we all get along great. I go talk to them all time.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I don't envy you guys living in apartments :-( I have a confrontational demeanor if someone is fucking me off and that just wouldn't work in a country where every cunt has a gun, at least here I know I'm not gonna get shot and a wee bout of fisticuffs is the most I can expect if it goes sideways
Once about 15 years ago I lived in an apartment where my downstairs neighbors called the super on me because "We can always hear you guys having loud sex up there." I think they were jealous.


Neighbor to one side is like your typical Boy Scout, he's down to help out with anything and has a guy if you need anything. Would never complain and is just an all around good guy. Neighbor to the other side is probably in his 60s and has complained when some grass clippings were blown into his yard from our mower. Also complained about fireworks on the 4th last year. Living in a subdivision there's always going to be those Karens. If you ever go on the Neighborhood app you'll see a bunch of them. First week of June they were complaining about their animals being scared of the fireworks kids had been lighting off.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
They are very nice and quiet people. In my area there's a lot of cat owners so I like to watch the kittens from my balcony and sometimes pet them behind the ears.

Unfortunately my closest neighbour only owns this ugly bastard:

There's a house on my neighborhood whose only habited by cats, like 5 or 6 of them.

Been declared an official "cat colony" by the town hall, they get attended by public workers a few times a week, and people are prohibited to feed them or take them away. They own the place.

And I'm fine with it, those cats are fine and haven't seen a rodent around since I moved here.:messenger_ok:
About 10 years ago I lived in a 3 story wooden apartment on the second floor. Had a young couple living above me, and would stomp around all hours of the morning when I'm trying to get sleep. I as a good neighbor asked them politely to tone it down at night. The lady was rude, and closed the door in my face. They kept making noise, even when management wrote them a letter. They ended up having a baby, and low and behold when the baby was sleeping they'd tippy toe around nice and quiet.
Time for revenge now. I went out and stole a bunch of those plastic milk crates, and build a stand to mount my down firing woofer upside down, pinned to the ceiling. Every time they put the baby to sleep I would blast my stereo. In other words they no longer would get any sleep either. A few months later they sold and moved out. With a little ingenuity I made shit flow up stream :messenger_tears_of_joy:
Every time I go out to work on my cars in the driveway they seem to be either coming or going or both multiple times which is annoying because our driveways are side-by-side. I get into sailor-talk mode when something isn't cooperating and in those moments I hate everyone in a 1000-foot radius, so technically I that means I hate them.
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Hate my Indian and Chinese neighbors. Indian doctor that thinks very highly of himself. Doesn't greet or even aknowledge myself or my partner. The dogs are friendlier in this neighborhood.

The Chinese let their 2 mutts bark incesintly even in the middle of the night they go on a barkathon, and for what reason? fuck only knows.

This is why I love cold starting my car at 5m in the morning for no particular reason. I have no mufflers or catalytic converters on my exhaust so fuck them😂
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