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Do you have any GameStop horror stories?


Gold Member
Not really. Generally I've always had a simple process with games whenever I went in. So I guess I'm in the minority.

I was buying games with them in-store since the Electronic Boutique / EBGames days. This was after Funcoland/Toys R Us. Nowadays if I have to get physical in-store it's at Target or something like that.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Yes, I do.

Older brother got a PS3 and bought Arkham City at Best Buy with his points. He then found out the PC version was much cheaper and a lot better so ended up giving me his copy but I already had the game. I told him to go to Game Stop for a trade-in...they offered $12 for the game still sealed in its package but were selling opened packages for $40.

Fuck 'em and I hope they go bankrupt.
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Magic Carpet

Gold Member
I brought a folding chair and sat inline before the first World of Warcraft expansion dropped. Hours spent in line waiting and waiting for release time.


Hold onto your panties
No horror stories. Shortly after buying PS3 (and not realizing 3rd model lacked BC); I rushed to repurchase a PS2. They were sold used in plain cardboard boxes unopened. The horror? No A/C power supply.

I guess scary how far they'd lowball if you were trying to sell of a used collection of games. But that was nearly every game store where I lived.


Nah, I've had pretty good luck there but I rarely shop there. I've taken advantage of a few of their trade in deals, most recently trading in my Series S for more than I paid for it so I really can't complain about their trade in pricing or anything.

I'd say the most annoying thing about Gamestop is the constant attempts to upsell you on protection plans and Gamestop Pro.


Had pre-ordered a game and paid it off completely prior to release. Went to pick it up and there was 2 guys ahead of me with bags of consoles and games to trade in. Asked if they could get me first since my transaction would take about 10 seconds. No dice. Made me wait for about 20 minutes while they methodically went through and tested the trade ins. First come first serve is fair I suppose but it started to irritate me the longer I stood there. So I got a refund and started buying my physical games elsewhere.
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Some clerk kept calling me Sir a few years back. I may have lost my temper.



Like 15 years old when ps3 came out. Super excited. Saved my money for it. Missed the first shipment but called on day 2nd shipment arrived. Went in to buy it and literally had this fat neck beard talking shit the entire time, trying to convince me not to buy it and just being a hardcore Xbox fan boy. Got mad at me when told him family had 360 already and on 2nd warranty claim and that garbage was for brothers. I'd stick with my ps3 and gamecube.

Got my ps3 and fucking loved it. Fuck that dude. Think there was a resistance demo at launch. Pretty sure it was first thing I Downloaded and played.

Maybe been to gamestop 2 times since then. Honestly not a big deal but made me hate gamestop


Went into a Gamestop.
Was eyeing Assassins Creed 1 and was thinking about buying it (did so later and it was great).
Gamestop employee slides up to me and somehow manages to convince me to buy Lost Planet instead based on my preferences.
Got home, popped the game in.
Hated the game, played it for half an hour and never again.


Sure i have plenty.
I dont let it keep me up at night and move on. Continue to buy games there when it is beneficial to me. I enjoy having that option


Gold Member
Yes. They bought EB Games when I was a store manager there. I lasted a few more years before I resigned due to their culture.


I pre-ordered Witcher 2 for the 360 back in the day. Pre-order bonus at Gamestop was a wolf's head keychain which looked sweet. Picked up my game copy on release day and asked where the keychain was at and the employee told me it was in the case. Got home, opened it up and... nope. Pretty sure the asshole stole the damn thing and lied about it being in the case. I wanted to go back, but I figured it'd be to much of a hassle to prove that I never received it in the first place.

I'm not a hateful person, but fuck that guy in particular.
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No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
My first job was working at a GameStop that was brand new, and my friend was the manager. So 99% of my GameStop stories are funny and positive.

Like the time that my assistant manager said “hey dac, watch this” and he walked to the back room and SLAMMED the door as hard as he could, and every single Xbox 360 case fell off the wall at once in a glorious waterfall of green plastic. It was so awesome I even helped him pick it all up.

I’ve got a couple horror stories, too, but I think the one that still keeps me up at night is when my insanely hot coworker asked me to come hang out after work with her and her cute friend. I think at the time I had assumed it was just a party with a bunch of people or something, I don’t know. But I had some other plans (that I definitely could have cancelled), so I passed on the offer.

It wasn’t until later when I found out from a different coworker that they were inviting just me over, clearly to fool around, and she was disappointed when I “rejected” the offer.

I was pretty oblivious and not that confident when I was 17 or whatever, so I never brought it up or tried to get a redo. She quit soon after (due to school) and we didn’t keep in touch.

I am an absolute idiot. Pour one out for me, boys. 🥲
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World’s Biggest Weeb
Halo 3 launch day I went in to buy the game without a preorder. Manager was like “did you preorder? No? *sigh* well it’s going to be a really hot game and if you didn’t preorder then I don’t know if I have enough to sell you one. I’ll have to go check.”

I told him no thanks and walked to the Target next store, where they had a freaking mountain of Halo 3 copies sitting behind the counter.

I guess not really a horror story but that was the last time I bought something at GameStop (kinda… I did buy some Joycons there when they were hard to find)


The nicest person on this forum
I never had any issue my local EBgames, I just go there to pick up my pr-orders and thats it.
One sticks out in my mind but it wasn't GameStop's fault, they were just involved in the story. A tropical storm hit my town right as I was picking up my copy of Samurai Shodown for PS4. I was driving back through harsh wind and rain, could barely see the road. A once busy city had barely anyone on the out there. I'm sure anyone who saw my car driving around must've thought I was nuts. At the end of that day, I got home soaked in rain but with a copy of Samurai Shodown to play while riding out the storm. I stopped for Taco Bell too. That was just me being a hungry idiot at that point
Plenty. When I was 16 looking thru accessories, a couple of very socially awkward 'scene' looking girls (if you remember this trend), also about 16, were also in the store looking at PS2 and GameCube games, I was just perusing with my bro. He then left for a reason I can't remember, but right after he left, these girls came up behind me and started shouting "PENIS" loudly. At first, I thought they were just making dumb kid jokes, but when I turned around, they stopped and were giggling. I then continued browsing, and the scream continued. I gave them one look and ended my shopping by checking out what I had (forgot what it was actually). So awkward, I still cringe just thinking about it.

Another: Brother and I went in on launch day of MGS3 Subsistence, as I was looking forward to MGO and the free camera among other things. I had just spent the previous summer getting everything from the infinity face paint to the stealth camo and the foxhound ranking. We get to GameStop, and immediately my bro asks "Do you have metal gear solid 3: subsistence?" The worker (manager!?) thought she was funny(?) or tried correcting him -- I'm not sure; "SubstiNence? Yeah we have it one second." She went in back and we thought nothing of it at first. When she arrived with the game unopened, and I prepared to check out, my brother read the box: "Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence..." and he proceeded to talk about how he was excited to play it... then almost immediately "SUBSTINENCE!?". He and I looked at her perplexed - was she trying to be funny? It was unclear. I chuckled a little, but he showed her the case and said "no, subsistence, like, surviving." She recited the dollar amount, 60 whatever dollars or whatever it was, then, "enjoy Substinence," and then walked away. There are other details, but man.

I got a few other stories as well.
My first job was working at a GameStop that was brand new, and my friend was the manager. So 99% of my GameStop stories are funny and positive.

Like the time that my assistant manager said “hey dac, watch this” and he walked to the back room and SLAMMED the door as hard as he could, and every single Xbox 360 case fell off the wall at once in a glorious waterfall of green plastic. It was so awesome I even helped him pick it all up.

I’ve got a couple horror stories, too, but I think the one that still keeps me up at night is when my insanely hot coworker asked me to come hang out after work with her and her cute friend. I think at the time I had assumed it was just a party with a bunch of people or something, I don’t know. But I had some other plans (that I definitely could have cancelled), so I passed on the offer.

It wasn’t until later when I found out from a different coworker that they were inviting just me over, clearly to fool around, and she was disappointed when I “rejected” the offer.

I was pretty oblivious and not that confident when I was 17 or whatever, so I never brought it up or tried to get a redo. She quit soon after (due to school) and we didn’t keep in touch.

I am an absolute idiot. Pour one out for me, boys. 🥲
Ha! I have a similar story in my post. Except the girls were the awkward ones in my story, not me.
Yes, I do.

Older brother got a PS3 and bought Arkham City at Best Buy with his points. He then found out the PC version was much cheaper and a lot better so ended up giving me his copy but I already had the game. I told him to go to Game Stop for a trade-in...they offered $12 for the game still sealed in its package but were selling opened packages for $40.

Fuck 'em and I hope they go bankrupt.
Also happened to me. A sealed game, bundled with my PS3, and they only wanted to pay 20 for it. Fuck GameStop for that. I'll never forget
Halo 3 launch day I went in to buy the game without a preorder. Manager was like “did you preorder? No? *sigh* well it’s going to be a really hot game and if you didn’t preorder then I don’t know if I have enough to sell you one. I’ll have to go check.”

I told him no thanks and walked to the Target next store, where they had a freaking mountain of Halo 3 copies sitting behind the counter.
I had a similar situation with Smash Bros (Brawl?) for the Wii.

It was release day. I had just bought the game from Future Shop (store that used to be in Canada). They had dozens of copies. Since GameStop (then EB Games) was next door, I went there to browse.

While I was inside, a mother and her son were there asking to buy Smash Bros. The clerk smugly asked if they preordered because the game was sold out. This was one of the few times that I actually spoke up. I told the mother that Future Shop had plenty of copies.

The game ended up being pretty bad and online was broken, but I hope that kid got his game.

I still have the white “Wii” baseball cap that Future Shop gave out with the game!


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
People bitched about Gamestop a lot in 2010s. I had them FAR more annoying from 2000-2009. It was a constant non-stop "make sure you pre-order" I remember them telling me that they were going to start doing 2nd day copies for pre-order since they were running out of allocation.



Buying a ‘new’ game only for them to stick the disc from an envelope into the already opened case had me screaming internally. I think it was Skyrim on 11/11/11.


Gold Member
Way back a mom and kid were asking a clerk which game is better. Oblivion or Two Worlds. The clerk was upselling them on TW saying it’s better I jumped in and quickly mentioned Oblivion is much better.

I don’t know which game they ended up buying (if they bought one). But hopefully they listened to me.


Gold Member
Walking in the front door.
If reincarnation is true, I’m pretty sure every GS employee will become a vulture.

The second you walk two steps in the front door they immediate beam their eyes at you like you’re dinner always annoyingly make sure you know they are there to upsell you in shit.

You can’t walk one minute on your own browsing an aisle without one of them making sure their presence is known.
Not a horror story per se, but I vividly remember being shamed by the sweaty neckbeard clerk because I had the audacity to buy Assassin's Creed over Mass Effect. I laughed. I went to buy it on my lunch break; was working at JCPenney in the local mall at the time, so it was a quick trip. After the fact it really irritated me though. I stopped shopping there after that.
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The one where I live now is fine but my old one had weird customers in it periodically.

One time, a long time ago, my brother and I went in, and there was a group of kids/young adults standing at the register talking to the associate. They were talking so loudly we could hear them. I just heard them talking about games that I also enjoyed, but I was an awkward teenager, so I kinda wanted to chime in, but thought it might be awkward.

I looked over at them only a couple times, and then one of the guys just yells from across the store “Hey do you have a problem with me!?” I respond with a No, to which he replies “well you keep looking over here, so what’s your problem?” So I just left. Didn’t know I was gonna get yelled at by some wannabe thug that day over nothing.

Another time many years later, I was stuck in line behind a very nerdy looking guy and his morbidly obese girlfriend, and either one or both of them smelled so bad it reeked from across the store. They took forever at the register, and the person at the counter called someone else over to help them so he could help me for some reason.

I was there to pick up Okami HD (which I preordered because they said they were only going to get like 2 copies in), and when I was grabbing it the nerdy guy said some snide comment about “who preorders a remaster of some old game?”

I tried to be amiable and just said “Oh I really like this game, and don’t have my old copy anymore. I just wanna play it in HD.”
Then the girl said something about “Well we play on PlayStation” in a really confrontational way….. for some reason.
So I just left and was able to enjoy breathing again.
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Not really a horror story but when I went to preorder mgs4 the guy insisted I preorder the 360 version.... I said you know what I'm good and that was the last time I tried to pre-order anything from them.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Surprisingly, no. I rarely go there but any time I've been, it's been a quick experience. Yes, they try to upsell you on game protection etc, but I've never had a case where someone got real pushy about it, and a simple 'nah not today' is more than enough.


Gold Member
My last in-store experience sucked. They tried to pass off an open game without the online pass code as new. Haven't stepped foot into a store since. They made up for it by being stupid and sending me a free Series S when the messed up the holiday promotion that time.
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