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Do you have any superpowers?

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My superpower involves my feet. My feet are so dry, I can wear the same pair of socks for like a week! No crust, no stench!!

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I just say stuff confidently and get it right.

Like when people were trying to work out what day they were born on for some reason and I just went "Thursday" and they were like "Yeah right" and then we worked it out and it was right.

I claimed to have worked it out super fast, but I didn't, I just say stuff and it's right more often than not.


I possess hyper-sarcasm. I also have an asshole sense.

Seriously I can incinerate the most cockstrong of men. I bring ruin to motherfuckers souls.

Doth Togo

I can read people's minds and tell what they're thinking about. No lie. I do it every day. My grandmother has the same sense. She calls it reading people.

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
I talk about stuff i have no clue about all the time and manage to impress people with my unlimited knowledge of anything.I can also give some really scary looks.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
i can be very convincing when i want to...

ive convinced several people that i came to the US on a raft.. from guatamala -> florida.. mind you, these were all college kids.. youd think theyd realize that the gulf of mexico is significantly larger than the space between cuba and florida.. and that it would be much easier to hitchhike through the mexican border..

sometimes that raft changes to a tub turned raft.


One time at a party, we got the "If you could have any superpower, what would it be?" question in Loaded Questions. I wrote down something like "Turbo verb conjugation"... and one of my friends wrote down "Conjugating verbs". It was completely out of the blue and downright freaky. So yeah, I guess my power is conjugating verbs at a faster rate than Leigh.


Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Lyte Edge said:
Someone was going to say it...

wrong!! im psychic.. i mentioned this above.

impirius said:
One time at a party, we got the "If you could have any superpower, what would it be?" question in Loaded Questions. I wrote down something like "Turbo verb conjugation"... and one of my friends wrote down "Conjugating verbs". It was completely out of the blue and downright freaky. So yeah, I guess my power is conjugating verbs at a faster rate than Leigh.


perchance.. are you guys big Enon fans?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
impirius said:
Dunno about her... for my part, I hadn't heard them until I Googled them just now. But you knew that, of course :)

of course.. i just wanted you to google them.. im trying to spread the love that is Enon.
When I was young, I could often predict which episode of M.A.S.H. would be re-running on the following evening.

No. Fucking. Lie.
im like Bruce Willis in Unbreakable. I've never had a broken bone, not even so much as a bloody nose, and i have wolverine-like healing ability. I beat food poisoning in like 2 hours once. Don't fuck with me.

Justin Bailey

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akascream said:
My superpower involves my feet. My feet are so dry, I can wear the same pair of socks for like a week! No crust, no stench!!
I'm must be your anti-hero, my feet sweat like a bitch. BUT I WEAR SANDALS ANYWAY, MWAHAHA


I have the ability to read people and situations to a T, know when people are lying, and predict what people will do in situations. This results in me almost always know what’s going to happen when dealing with other people, and also I am unable to be surprised by any human action, because I always figure out what someone is going to do. This results in “I Know” being my most said phrase.

It’s really quite impressive.
Doth Togo said:
I can read people's minds and tell what they're thinking about. No lie. I do it every day. My grandmother has the same sense. She calls it reading people.

I do this, but with certain people rather than all people.

It was really fucking funny when this was proved to me. I was going downtown to pick up some cash from work, and then was thinking I should call my friend Mary. Then I thought nah.. I'll call her after i get there and the cash, so I can plan a timeline better (When/where to meet) So I delay, get the money and phone her.

When she picks up the phone she's just laughing her ass off. After about a minute she finally stops and informs me, that she had literally JUST finished telling her friends she was with about me, and how I always know what she's thinking.

She had just finished the phrase, "He spends so much time in my head, I charge him rent," when her phone rang with my # on it.

Stuff like that happens all the time between me and her.
impirius said:
One time at a party, we got the "If you could have any superpower, what would it be?" question in Loaded Questions. I wrote down something like "Turbo verb conjugation"... and one of my friends wrote down "Conjugating verbs". It was completely out of the blue and downright freaky. So yeah, I guess my power is conjugating verbs at a faster rate than Leigh.


"I am black Jaku, with the power of perfect spelling!"


I can gift-wrap anything, no matter how big, small, round or pointy, incredibly fast, perfectly aligned, without even looking.


On a serious note, I know someone who can stop people from bleeding. He's very conservative about it. When he was young, his mother sliced her arm open in a vital spot. He stopped the bleeding within seconds. He's done it quite a few times in his life. One of the creepiest events however was when his father saw someone get in a car accident. He helped the guy out and was afraid he was going to die of blood loss. He called his son up immediately and his son stopped the guy's bleeding from over the phone. Freaky stuff.


mattx5 said:
On a serious note, I know someone who can stop people from bleeding. He's very conservative about it. When he was young, his mother sliced her arm open in a vital spot. He stopped the bleeding within seconds. He's done it quite a few times in his life. One of the creepiest events however was when his father saw someone get in a car accident. He helped the guy out and was afraid he was going to die of blood loss. He called his son up immediately and his son stopped the guy's bleeding from over the phone. Freaky stuff.

"Now dad, I want you to put pressure on his arm above the wound!"
"Hey the bleeding has stopped! A MIRACLE"


Hollywood Square
mattx5 said:
On a serious note, I know someone who can stop people from bleeding. He's very conservative about it. When he was young, his mother sliced her arm open in a vital spot. He stopped the bleeding within seconds. He's done it quite a few times in his life. One of the creepiest events however was when his father saw someone get in a car accident. He helped the guy out and was afraid he was going to die of blood loss. He called his son up immediately and his son stopped the guy's bleeding from over the phone. Freaky stuff.

He must be one of those superheroes. Like from Unbreakable. Now we must find the evil villain that causes people to bleed!


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
there's a whole building down the street from me full of miracle workers and dedicated to this blood stopping.

White Man

I have the uncanny ability to absolutely love any pretentious art wankery.

I also have magical 3 coloured facial hair -- only 1 of which remotely resembles the hair on my head. It's really disturbing and it doesn't grow fast, so I can't unleash this power on the public.

Seth C

I've experienced a sort of super hearing. I was going to the grocery store, and as I stepped outside my car everything was completely silent. I noted immediately that it was an odd silence, but didn't think too much of it. As I walked in to the entry area I again th ought it odd that everything seemed so quiet. As the interior doors opened I was overwhelmed by a rush of sound. The odd thing was that it wasn't just a dull roar. Without concentrating I could hear the individual and distinct conversations of everyone around me. I was even focusing and understanding multiple conversations simultaneously. This went on the entire time I was in the store. Anyone I came within 30 feet of, if they were talking, I heard and understood every word. Very, very odd. The sensation was so great that twice during the visit I turned and said "I'm sorry?" to people that not only weren't speaking to me, but were too far away to even notice me respond.

Seth C

Doth Togo said:
I can read people's minds and tell what they're thinking about. No lie. I do it every day. My grandmother has the same sense. She calls it reading people.

Oh, I didn't even think about that. I do it, too. I can't do it with everyone, but I can with most. I only need to know someone for a very short time before I can almost completely read/predict them. Sadly, I tend to abuse this. It's very easy to manipulate a person when you can predict their reactions with almost 100% accuracy. It's like being 10 steps ahead of someone in a conversation. People end up doing things for me or saying things to me thinking it was their idea, not realizing I've been walking them down the path throughout the conversation.

Seth C

Oh, I almost forgot one because it hasn't happened in so long. Apparently I can feel "Death." That one is more than a little uncomfortable though. Fortunately I've never been afraid of it, I've always somehow known it wasn't there for me. Still, feeling that presence in the immediate area is just very discomforting.
I have the amazing ability to see 1-2 seconds of a television program and immediatly know what happens and what episode it is - even without any dialogue spoken.

Hitokage said:
I have the earth shattering ability to procrastinate ANY task, no matter how important.

I too share this awesome power.
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