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Do you have any superpowers?

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I can communicate with corn. CORN.

My roommate has the best super power, though. He has the ability to score with other super hero's wives/girlfriends.


I can pick stuff up with my feet! Time and time again my friends and family are amazed by the agility of my feet. Never a dull moment with feet like this! I'm the center of attention in café's, bars, restaurants, movie theaters and even barber shops! I even got to cut someone's hair using my feet! now for the next challenge: frying an egg using only my feet and a garden hose!!


I surf without my thumb




I can listen to Hoobastank's The Reason. And not groan or have a gag reaction, or any negative reaction at all.

Crazy. I know.


I have the ability to give sage like advice yet i can't appy it to my life...at ALL!!!!



I can will away hiccups. seriously. When I realize I have them, I simply think about them, and they instantly stop.

An old friend of mine can tread water. With his arms up out of the water. he looks like Aquaman, just standing still in the water. He kicks his legs in some strange manner and that's enough to keep him out of water almost at his waist (!).

I also seem to be invulnerable to caffeine.

aoi tsuki

i occasionally have premonitions. i thought they were simply dreams, but they're the only ones i remember anymore, and the key elements from them have always occurred within a few days or a couple of weeks.

i've also seen demons twice in my life. i know it sounds crazy, but both times it was a bone-chilling event. It starts with the person looking at me, then after a second or two a black shadowy figure is barely visible through their body. The first time was about eight or nine years ago (one of my teachers), and the second time was a couple of years ago (director of my department). Both were really evil people, especially my director. i don't know why i haven't seen it in other people though, not that i'd really want to.


I am the mighty Cough Man! I have the power to supress any degree of coughing. I release cough inducing gas all around me when I fight evil villians and my arch enemy is Dr. Aero who on numerous occasions have stood in my way with his evil machinery from hell!
I am the master of microwave cooking. I can set something to cook for one...two....all the way up to like fifteen minutes and manage to get up from the lazy chair and head to the microwave when theres less than 10 seconds left quite consistently.

People tell me i just have a rediculous sense of time. I can time my 10 minutes breaks at work nearly to the second without a watch.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>How bout' the power...

...to move you

What is the secret of your power ?<<<

Won't you take us far away from the mucky-muck?

Anyway, I have the power to instill deep fear in all animal life with a glance. I also have faster-than-normal regenerative properties, though not quite as impressive as Ninja Scooter's.


I can hear the sound a TV makes from anywhere in the house. I'm talking when its off. Like a high pitched squeel almost.

Uh... I'm capable of complaining about a lack of sleep and never going to bed earlier to fix the problem.
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