Dr Bass
I love your username."Daddy, what does 'woke' mean?"
"Well, son, it's a subversion of the natural order is what it is. The natural order being that the only sensible lead protagonist in anything - be it films, books or video games - is a straight, white cis-gendered and preferably western man of around 30-50 summers. If you see a woman - especially an ugly one - a man of colour, or god forbid one of those gays in a leading role, well... that right there - that's 'woke'. There ain't no sensible reason anybody anywhere in the whole wide world would want to put people like that into anything other than a supporting role. Every sensible creative, working under his own steam, would rather tell the time-honoured story of the glorious white man than that of any other. The only reason they'd even consider doing otherwise - of putting some woman in those shoes - is all the pressure they get from liberals and students and those damned do-gooders in the media."
I'm only caping for common sense. The idea that the only stories creatives are interested in telling are those of straight, white tough-men and that the only reason they try to do something different is the 'woke' agenda doesn't hold any water. We've had decades of square-jawed marines, unhinged vigilantes and brooding hairy dads... if developers aren't bored of retelling the same story over and over again, I'm sure as hell bored of listening.
To the people saying 'it's not that she's a woman, it's just that nobody wants to play as unattractive older characters', I would point out that nobody minds when it's men:
That said I disagree with your complaints about what "woke" is and that it's a backlash against anything not white or "cis gendered" (has to be one of the dumbest phrases of recent times).
You said "We've had decades of square-jawed marines, unhinged vigilantes and brooding hairy dads" in our stories but ...
We've had decades of of stories featuring all kinds of people across both movies and games. Men, women, "minorities". And it was fine. People love characters for their character.
The more recent shift has been to emphasize identity, and also suggest we can choose what that is, within a certain bounded framework of course. Only what a certain subset of society dictates. So no, the idea isn't that there are too many non white people in games now (a completely absurd idea, who cares? If the characters are good the characters are good). The idea is that companies are now not making characters the focus but shoving identity in people's faces. We have to know everything we can possibly know about a person by the way they look. What their political opinions would be, and what holes they like.
In summary, "wokeism" is the idea that identity is what matters first and foremost, and character does not. Which is ironically the exact thing people like MLK argued against doing.
BTW, this post I am quoting is bringing politics into the forum, which is basically banned at this point so ...
Also this thread is ridiculous. The main character in Returnal was great and looked totally normal. Yes, people thinking they don't want to play the game because they don't think she's pretty enough are part of the problem. But so are people who have a problem with her being white.