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Do you keep a journal?

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I've never really understood the whole personal journal thing. If you write it down it's for someone else to read. If it's for me only, it's much easier and less work to keep it in my head.


Livejournal, PM for the address if you're that interested, mostly it's just been for documenting a ... situation... i'm going through just now.


I did for a good while, but it just mirrored what I'd emailed people in regards to what I'd been doing or thinking about or whatever. So being that I have all those emails saved, I guess my saved mails count as a journal of sorts.


I've got an Livejournal I used to update a lot, but not so much recently. I think it's because too many ex's read it, haha.


Queen of Denmark
Yes, a LiveJournal. I keep it because I enjoy writing down my thoughts from time to time, and I have it online because sometimes it's helpful to have advice/commments/whatever left by your friends.


Looking for Pants
Nope, never found the point of writing stuff down. If its important enough to write down, its important enough to remember.
darscot said:
I've never really understood the whole personal journal thing. If you write it down it's for someone else to read. If it's for me only, it's much easier and less work to keep it in my head.
Maybe you. My head has too many holes in it. I've been doing the LJ thang for a few years now. Nice way to record things I'll find interesting to look back on in time. Also a good way to just point out thoughts or weird links, without individually bothering a dozen people who might not care through instant messages.
I have two. One that's for real and one that's not.

For those who think either is dumb, all I can say is that both have helped me secure writing gigs. If you want to be a professional writer, blogs are you're best friend. It's like a resume that keeps getting updated.


what a pefrectly timed question. I started a journal in 91 and pretty much stopped in 94. I just went back over the last 2 days and read the whole thing... 90+ pages single spaced. I'm so glad i kept this thing. my memory is terrible, so i got to relive times i would have entirely forgotten about otherwise. in fact, after reading i got so inspired that i started a new journal last night. just stuff that's happened which sounds boring now, but in 10 years it will be a goldmine of memories which would have been lost forever

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
Yes, yes I do. It is fairly new, I suppose, I just never seem to make time to put up new posts. Anyone have suggestions on how to be more update savy?


Queen of Denmark
Agent Dormer said:
Yes, yes I do. It is fairly new, I suppose, I just never seem to make time to put up new posts. Anyone have suggestions on how to be more update savy?
I try not to think about making myself update -- I just do it when there's something noteworthy to report. That way you avoid pointless posts where you're talking about what you had for breakfast that morning.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
human5892 said:
I try not to think about making myself update -- I just do it when there's something noteworthy to report. That way you avoid pointless posts where you're talking about what you had for breakfast that morning.

Yeah, that's what I've been trying to do and then once a bunch of news hits I can't decide what I should be writing about so I wait until I can collect enough info to make a nice entry and by that time no one cares anymore.
Agent Dormer said:
Yes, yes I do. It is fairly new, I suppose, I just never seem to make time to put up new posts. Anyone have suggestions on how to be more update savy?
Since the hassle of logging in to whatever account, thinking of a decent title, or other such minor things can slow down the process to the point of forgetting about it... I just keep a file on my hard drive called "templj" which is easily accessible through my text editor. Then it's a simple matter to toss in a short paragraph that's on my mind, and upload it whenever. Of course, this can cause... massive updates. Like when I kept forgetting to put it up at the end of the day, so I recently had an entry basically containing the entirety of July.


I've got quite a few. They're all handwritten, though. No livejournal stuff. They're filled with poetry, sketches, and my personal philosophies and observations. I don't write in them everday, but I write in them enough. It's just fun to do, and I feel that every man should make a written record of the ideas that float around in his head, lest they be forgotten.

Agent Dormer

Dirty Drinking Smoker
JoshuaJSlone said:
Since the hassle of logging in to whatever account, thinking of a decent title, or other such minor things can slow down the process to the point of forgetting about it... I just keep a file on my hard drive called "templj" which is easily accessible through my text editor. Then it's a simple matter to toss in a short paragraph that's on my mind, and upload it whenever. Of course, this can cause... massive updates. Like when I kept forgetting to put it up at the end of the day, so I recently had an entry basically containing the entirety of July.

Sounds like a good suggestion.


LiveJournal is not really even a journal, IMO. If you're consciously writing for some huge audience then you are never going to get to the level of honesty and self-reflection that's really supposed to be the point of writing down all your thoughts.

Most people just use LiveJournal to show how "smart" (read: pretentious) they can be, to chronicle mundane everyday bullshit, or to take passive-agressive swipes at people they know are reading.


I keep a written one, but online ones aren't really appealing to me. Personal thoughts are exactly that, personal. If I want to tell my friends what's up, I'll tell them, but not let everyone with a keyboard know what I'm thinking.


I've got quite a few. They're all handwritten, though. No livejournal stuff. They're filled with poetry, sketches, and my personal philosophies and observations. I don't write in them everday, but I write in them enough. It's just fun to do, and I feel that every man should make a written record of the ideas that float around in his head, lest they be forgotten.
I've come to view handwritten journals superior because its less junk. You also have a less self concious attitude.

I keep a written one, but online ones aren't really appealing to me. Personal thoughts are exactly that, personal. If I want to tell my friends what's up, I'll tell them, but not let everyone with a keyboard know what I'm thinking.

For those who think either is dumb, all I can say is that both have helped me secure writing gigs. If you want to be a professional writer, blogs are you're best friend. It's like a resume that keeps getting updated.
How though? I have an LJ, but it just seems void amidst all the other blogs out there...

Also, I think there is a difference in types of journals. Specifically for blogs, there is the personal recount of one's life "I did this today blah blah blah" and then there is the amateur news/essay writing type.

LiveJournals tend to follow the first category. I don't know about blogspot or xanga. I've never really seen any LJ's with stimulating commentary like in the latter type that I mentioned.

At times I try to write serious stuff in my LJ, but it just sits there...no one ever reads it. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Zero said:
How though? I have an LJ, but it just seems void amidst all the other blogs out there...

Well I don't just let it sit there. If I approach an editor or someone for some possible work and they need to see samples, I just pass along the links and let them speak for themselves. Plus, it just good practice.


Queen of Denmark
border said:
LiveJournal is not really even a journal, IMO. If you're consciously writing for some huge audience then you are never going to get to the level of honesty and self-reflection that's really supposed to be the point of writing down all your thoughts.

Most people just use LiveJournal to show how "smart" (read: pretentious) they can be, to chronicle mundane everyday bullshit, or to take passive-agressive swipes at people they know are reading.
It's not really a "huge audience" at all, though. As far as I know, only my friends look at my journal, and I'd actually prefer to keep it that way (notice that I didn't link to my journal in the thread). And I find that I can be completely personal on it. My friends know who I am.

Unless you've read the majority of LiveJournals on the internet, I don't think you're qualified to say what "most" of them are about.


It's not really a "huge audience" at all, though.
When it's personal, I think any audience is a huge audience. Everybody has thoughts that go through their head that they don't want out there. As long as you know that people are going to read what you write, you will be holding back. Not to mention that there is an impulse to try and entertain or impress or flex style or over-philosophize. Once you gain the self-conscious angle that comes from publishing something that anyone can see, you have more-or-less killed the thing that makes a journal so interesting and important.

Not that LJs are totally stupid or anything, but I tend to see them as counterproductive to certain goals. If you just want to show off or make people laugh or tell everybody what's going on at the moment, then that's cool enough.
Well, sure an online journal is contrary to the purposes of a journal, if you only take into consideration one of the several definitions of the word.

aoi tsuki

i keep a journal on my PC that gets synched with my PDA. i don't post in it every day, just whenever there's something big going on in my life, which has been pretty frequent as of late.


Yes, Livejournal. I even have 2, a "geek" one (for videogame related stuff) and a "normal" one. I never write really personal stuff in it, it's really more because I have a terrible memory, and it's sometimes fun to read old entries.
I write a lot actually, mostly to clear my mind. Usually it's my opinion on something (movies, games, music, politics), or plans for the future, or dreams.

I sometimes hate it when people leave comments, especially on more personal entries. That's why I keep those private most of the time. I'd never do a handwritten journal though, I prefer typing :)

White Man

I have a bunch of currently active hand-written journals. Each has its own purpose. I doubt I could ever do an online one, unless I was actively hunting for a writing gig, which I probably won't be doing for a long, long time.
From 2001, when LiveJournal's were all the rage at #ga. It's pretty self-important and retarded, although there's a few funny lines somewhere amid all the meandering narcissism, videogame geek talk, and aimless ranting. The terrible irony of the first post is at least worth the read.

border's analysis of why people keep online journals is 100% spot on, I'm embarrassed to admit.

I have a livejournal which is really just completely random thoughts and whatnot. Nothing special. Its just something to do sometimes, really. I used to keep a personal, written journal, but kinda gave up on that.




Yeah, I keep one, but they're all scattered across about 7 or 8 notebooks, so there's no chronological order for long... Damn lack of discipline.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Yey 4 journals!

A handful of friends and I have been updating ours on and off, really just to give eachother something to read since we all spend a lot of time bored on the internet. =P As people have mentioned above, it's also cool to go back to old entires and revisit old memories.


I noticed that goodcow has the same journal setup as I do, but is on livejournal... so I must ask... how the hell did greatestjournal come about? It seems like they blatantly ripped off everything from livejournal... ah well, whatever works for me anyway.
border said:
When it's personal, I think any audience is a huge audience. Everybody has thoughts that go through their head that they don't want out there. As long as you know that people are going to read what you write, you will be holding back. Not to mention that there is an impulse to try and entertain or impress or flex style or over-philosophize. Once you gain the self-conscious angle that comes from publishing something that anyone can see, you have more-or-less killed the thing that makes a journal so interesting and important.

Not that LJs are totally stupid or anything, but I tend to see them as counterproductive to certain goals. If you just want to show off or make people laugh or tell everybody what's going on at the moment, then that's cool enough.

Well I really can't argue with anything you've said. As for the last bit... that's the main reason why I do mine. I like telling stories, and have loads of them, plus many feel they're worth sharing.

I know people who do say rather personal stuff in their journals and 99% they end up getting themselves in a lot of shit. And I'm embarassed to admit that I've been guilty of that it the past. I'd like to think I've learned from my mistakes.


By the way, most of my entries are friends only, so if you want to add me to your friends list let me know, although I don't imagine a lot of people on here doing that :p


I keep a Movable Type journal going on my domain, but I haven't updated it since mid June. I'm, uh, lazy.

Actually, no. I've actually been quite busy because I've shifted my energy towards getting my portfolio up ASAP. It's just taking awhile because of said busy-ness.


MrCheez said:
I noticed that goodcow has the same journal setup as I do, but is on livejournal... so I must ask... how the hell did greatestjournal come about? It seems like they blatantly ripped off everything from livejournal... ah well, whatever works for me anyway.

LiveJournal is open source. There are many variants. (deadjournal.com, etc.)
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