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Do you like pets?

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Lately i've been feeling like i need some kind of a pet.

I live in a small appartment and it wouldn't hurt having a kat or a goldfish i guess.

f**k it i don't know.

should i get a pet at all?


Fishes are so... Boring. Considering the space constraint that you face, I recommend getting a Hamster or a Chinchilla. Both make lovely pets

El Papa

I love pets. I'm going to get a cat when I have my own place, maybe two cats. I love cats, they're just awsome animals. They're pretty clean too, you don't have to look after them much. Dogs are great too, but I'd want a big yard if I'm going to have a dog. If you're going to have a pet make sure you can take care of it. Pet's that are home all the time by themslelves because thier owners are always gone get really lonely and want attention.


i love pets. i have 3 cats i adore!! i would definetly get a pet if i were you..! hmm i dont know how small the space is but true you might have to get maybe even a bird, hamster, i dont know about a cat depends on the size..!



Forget about flowers. Send a real live present that shows how much you love someone. Everyone loves kittens! A grieving widow can be consoled by a new puppy in her life! For the man who has everything, what about a white rhino for the living room? Or a miniature Pekinese fighting bitch? If it's got a central nervous system, we've got it ready to go in a box to your house.


Like I said, Chinchillas Rock. I had mine, Jasmine, for about 6 months now. Bloody cute and intelligent critters.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I have a guinea pig and love it, but I want to get a chinchilla (the perfect pet IMO) sometime. It'll have to wait though because our house gets pretty hot and thats not good for them.

If you get one, treat your chinchilla right! This site should prove very helpful to you...


evil ways

Yeah, we have 3 cats in the house. 1 is ours but the other 2 were stray and since my girlfriend fed them regularly they won't leave now. They're good pets but they pee on anything you leave lying on the floor, especially dirty clothes.


I cant wait to get a dog and a cat when i move on from college. I was thinking about maybe getting a beagle, but Im worried about the howling


I have two dogs one cat and a rabbit in my apartment. I also has an iguana but I lost it. I think I like pets...


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
cubanb said:
I cant wait to get a dog and a cat when i move on from college. I was thinking about maybe getting a beagle, but Im worried about the howling

Beagles are cute.... but one of the worst smelling dogs on the planet


Hmmm...actually why haven't i thought of this, being single and bored...not to mention depressed a pet or two might actually help keep me busy...get my mind off of things..although i can't have cats or dogs...a hamster and fish would be great....off to do some research!



My beagle rules, and she doesn't smell bad as long as you give her a regular bath. She doesn't howl or bark very much either. For having the reputation of being 'the bad breed', mine sure is well behaved.

Here she is -->



I have a cat and I absolutely ador him. He sleeps on my bed when I go to sleep, and loves to be petted. He still catches birds despite being 10 years old, so he's keeping fit.

Our street is filled with cats, all of them love attention. The next door neighbour will look at you and just collapse into your hands for a belly rub and petting. The cat down the end of the street is constantly out the front of the house in the driveway when I come home from University, snf demands an ear scratch.

I swear there is some sort fo Cat Mafia in our street. All the cats from my side of the street [Pepsi, Sam and Rufus] all hate the cat from the other side of the road. Both groups will sometimes stand off each other from the other side of the road and stare at each other, it's hilarious!


We've got a weiner dog here... can be kind of irritating at times when it won't stfu after someone rings the doorball or whatever, but it's cool that the dog is all happy to see you when you come home after a particularly lousy day.

I want a pet crow that I can train to attack people, though.


the smell depends on the owner too..! cause i have guest come over and unless my cats come out they never know there are 3 cats in the house..!!
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