Cunth Fingerlickin' Good! May 15, 2020 #3 I don't really know anything about it. Just saw it on youtube.
JareBear: Remastered Banned May 15, 2020 #6 Interesting. No using a wider cage/ring seems to rule out movement/footwork advantages for the most part, but I guess if you like "JUST BANG, BROS" and want to see em swingin' away, this could be fun
Interesting. No using a wider cage/ring seems to rule out movement/footwork advantages for the most part, but I guess if you like "JUST BANG, BROS" and want to see em swingin' away, this could be fun
DESTROYA Member May 15, 2020 #7 They should just let them all fight at the same time, last man standing wins.
JareBear: Remastered Banned May 15, 2020 #8 DESTROYA said: They should just let them all fight at the same time, last man standing wins. Click to expand... I am pretty sure I saw this on some bootleg Russian promotion a couple years ago. I would just lie down and play dead until the end and try to sneak attack the more tired guy left (lol I can't fight) Last edited: May 15, 2020
DESTROYA said: They should just let them all fight at the same time, last man standing wins. Click to expand... I am pretty sure I saw this on some bootleg Russian promotion a couple years ago. I would just lie down and play dead until the end and try to sneak attack the more tired guy left (lol I can't fight)
Mr Nash square pies = communism May 16, 2020 #9 Think I'll stick with the more gentlemanly sport of slap fighting.