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Do you think mankind is headed in a hopeless direction? *Long, bs-laden*

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It's odd...lately I've been stewing a lot on the state of our existence as mankind, and in relation to our planet. I'm one of those people who finds it difficult sometimes to focus on things that are often considered most important in life (career, daily routines, where I'm going to live, school etc) when I think of the downward spiral that humanity appears caught in. While I wish I could attribute these thoughts to some kind of depressed mental state or a freak occurance of negative events, the fact is that all my feelings of negativity feel born of a completely rational assessment of current trends across the globe.

As an American, you'd like to think that I should be reveling in my wealth of opportunity and material culture. While I do enjoy the creature comforts afforded me, it feels very much like an empty chase..for every temptation to succeed or excel, I see a materialistic goal driving it. For those familiar with the concept of the "Affluent society", sometimes I feel like a mouse on a wheel in pursuit of the newest "manufactured want" that capitalist society can crank out. While at times I can be just as frivolous as the next man, I almost always return to a sense of self-disgust when pondering throwing away money at my newest material trophy or pursuing more income for the sake of bigger toys. Some of these feelings come as much from the sense of hopelessness regarding the system itself as they do from questioning whether my satisfaction in "consuming" is genuine. Affluent societies are hinged on the creation of more debt, and national and personal debt in America continues to spiral out of control. I see the sustainability of our economic system thinning, particularly in the face of red China and increasing globalization (and thusly the de-nationalising of our wealth and workforce). But even if the status quo were infinitely sustainable in the face of the crises of credit and global influence, I still don't like the materialist rat race nature of America's socio-economic structure. American ideals of democracy and equality float quite well with me, but the permeating influence of corporate culture leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It's hard to feel good about reaping the rewards from a system you feel is fundamentally flawed and perhaps doomed.

So American life is bugging me...but there's plenty else to love about the rest of the world, right? Well on the broader scale, I have similar feelings of looming hopelesness when I look at the rest of the planet as a whole. While there's plenty of good and bad to be found on the various socio-politcal and economic fronts across the globe, I feel like even if I were to move somewhere that better suited my tastes that I would still be living on borrowed time. Just today I picked up a US News & World Report special edition periodical on "The Future of Earth". It does contain some positive considerations ("Living without oil"..the day can't come soon enough), but it is largely centered around the significant alterations that mankind has and continues to make to our planet. Alterations for the worse, mind you. Within the various articles are detailed discussions of melting glaciers, scary statistics regarding overfishing, satellite photographs of a perpetual cloud of smoke and pollutants looming over southeast Asia, and documentation of increasingly erratic and destructive weather patterns. While some positive suggestions are given with regard to detering the effects of our current carelessness, the inevitable feeling is that, given the exponential increase in human population growth, that we are at best heading toward a future of interplanetary exile in search of more space (or perhaps an unsoiled habitat), and at worst towards large scale destruction at the hands of our own planet.

So maybe it sounds a bit silly being so negative about the state of the planet given that any truly devastating mass consequence would likely be beyond my lifetime. But to that I would offer an analogy. Assume you were on the Titanic, communications severed and struck by a glacier destined to sink it. Though trapped on the leisure deck loaded with food, booze, and sexy women willing to have a final multiple orgasm before dying, could you possibly enjoy these fleeting comforts given that you know it all, you included, will be resting on the ocean floor before sunrise? Maybe I'm just being overly pessimistic, especially considering that we're all going to die eventually anyway and that even if the world were rife with peace, love, and mutual responsibility, that it would all end for each of us someday. But for whatever reason, I can't seem to justify throwing myself into the frivolous pissing of it all just to get some kind of cheap fulfillment out of life.

I don't know what my personal solution is. One option would certainly be to push it out of my mind and live the life of the typical American, following the doctrine of debt, frivolity and the pursuit of crappiness. Another would be to flee from the negativity of modern suburban comfort and live somewhere more isolated in nature, to enjoy it while it's here. Probably the most noble of things to do would be to attempt to do something about all this crap I'm bitching about. After all, so many of these movies I've seen have convinced me that one person can make a difference. Maybe the satisfaction in making any sort of difference at all would be enough for me to maintain some kind of hope for a brighter future for mankind and earth. I don't know. But I do know that my general negativity toward what I see as a degenerating reality has actually started to effect my daily thoughts and activities.

Anyway...I'm off to go watch reality TV shows on the plasma screen in my H3.
if you dont like living in america, you wont like it anywhere else.. the world is what you make it...

and for all the negatives of american life, there are tremendous positives; america now pioneers amazing advancements in science, political and socio theory/thought, and physics studies...
Well this is not some Anti-American bash per se..I still think that we are the greatest country in the world. I'm just not a fan of the direction of capitalist societies in general.

As for the positives you mentioned..does a greater understanding in quantum physics really brighten my negative feelings regarding our melting ice caps or mass pollution?


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
From the preface of George Carlin's first book, Brain Droppings...

(Please read the whole thing.)

"I'm happy to tell you there is very little in this world that I believe in. Listening to the comedians who comment on political, social, and cultural issues, I notice most of their material reflects on an underlying belief that somehow things were better once and that with just a little effort we could set them right again. They're looking for solutions, and rooting for particular results, and I think that necessarily limits the tone and substance of what they say. They're talented and funny people but they're nothing more than cheerleaders attached to a specific, wished-for outcome.
I don't feel so confined. I frankly don't give a fuck how it all turns out in this country—or anywhere else, for that matter. I think the human game was up a long time ago (when the high priests and traders took over), and now we're just playing out the string. And that is, of course, precisely what I find so amusing: the slow circling of the drain by a once promising species, and the sappy, ever-more-desperate belief in this country that there is actually some sort of "American Dream," which has merely been misplaced.
The decay and disintegration of this culture is astonishingly amusing if you are emotionally detached from it. I have always viewed it from a safe distance, knowing I don't belong; it doesn't include me, and it never has. No matter how you care to define it, I do not identify with the local group. Planet, species, race, nation, state, religion, party, union, club, association, neighborhood improvement committee; I have no interest in any of it. I love and treasure individuals as I meet them, I loathe and despise the groups they identify with and belong to.
So, if you read something in this book that sounds like advocacy of a particular political point of view, please reject the notion. My interest in "issues" is merely to point out how badly we're doing, not to suggest a way we might do better. Don't confuse me with those who cling to hope. I enjoy describing how things are, I have no interest in how they "ought to be." And I certainly have no interest in fixing them. I sincerely believe that if you think there's a solution, you're part of the problem. My motto: Fuck Hope!
P.S. Lest you wonder, personally, I am a joyful individual with a long, happy marriage and a close and loving family. My career has turned out better than I ever dreamed, and it continues to expand. I am a personal optimist but a skeptic about all else. What may sound to some like anger is really nothing more than sympathetic contempt. I view my species with a combination of wonder and pity, and I root for its destruction. And please don't confuse my point of view with cynicism; the real cynics are the ones who tell you everything's gonna be all right.
P.P.S. By the way, if, by some chance, you folks do ma nage to straighten things out and make everything better, I still don't wish to be included. "

I couldn't put it better myself.


I don't believe in any best country in the world BS. Sure we make advancements in medicine and such, but at the same time, if you can't afford it, no life for you.
Ned Flanders said:
Well this is not some Anti-American bash per se..I still think that we are the greatest country in the world. I'm just not a fan of the direction of capitalist societies in general.

As for the positives you mentioned..does a greater understanding in quantum physics really brighten my negative feelings regarding our melting ice caps or mass pollution?

I think our advancements in physics are huge!

The earth will get fucked up, and shit like that will happen... but we need to move as far forward in knowledge of the universe as we can as quickly as we can.. and we are doing some amazing stuff..

the world could quickly change to a state where investment, or even the possibility of these types of studies, is destroyed.. a nuclear war, a large asteroid, another ice age, etc etc..


Feeling negative from events you can't change is NOT a good thing. It sucks. :(

You can only do two things:

1) do something about it.

If you worry about the enviroment, volunteer to save rain forests or something. think the world will end because of terrorism/world war 3/israel-palestine-thing? Study the middle east, history, religion, and maybe you'll end up as a best-selling author on the subject or get elected president and win a nobel for bringing peace to the world. :D

you might not actually achieve any of those, but directing your energy to something productive is never a waste.

2) forget it. Get on with your life. Focus on improving self, career, etc...

It's just not worth it. Since you can't change anything, and you don't have the resources or time or committment to, then just throw it in the back of your head and focus on the road ahead of you.

Just my two cents. ^__^


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I have been saying this for almost 15 years now...

mankind will eventually wipe itself out. it will be nuclear related.. possibly accidental, possibly intentional.

we are just too stupid and greedy to live as a race for more than the next hundred years.


Think of it like this, no matter what you do, you and everyone you know, and thier kids, will die and be completely forgotten forever. We really don't matter at all, as such our concerns are also pretty silly and forgettable. Relax, humanity has allways been fucked up, it isn't going up or down or spiraling. Really just looking for shit to rub it's groin on.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
ballhog said:
Think of it like this, no matter what you do, you and everyone you know, and thier kids, will die and be completely forgotten forever. We really don't matter at all, as such our concerns are also pretty silly and forgettable. Relax, humanity has allways been fucked up, it isn't going up or down or spiraling. Really just looking for shit to rub it's groin on.
The point is that technology has finally allowed mankind to easily wipe itself out. Hell, it's come disturbingly close at times in the past (like the cuban missle crisis), and who's to say it won't happen in the future?


I'm not suggesting that humanity won't wipe itself out, just that it dosen't really matter. I'm not trying to say that life sucks either, I enjoy it quite a bit.


Humanity's always going to have its ills. You can't change that.

Just try to keep your own house in order. Do what you think is right, and set an example for others to follow.

If you've got the time & money, pick some other little corner of the world and try to make it better. Obviously, you can't fix the whole world.

Hey, and don't forget to study the issues & vote. That's your duty.

Musashi Wins!

It might help your perspective to realize that these sorts of complaints which are largely external but personal in their realization have a long proud tradition dating back to basically the beginning of writing if not man. Only the technology changes (supposedly hastening our descent). You even get the typical "hundred year plan" quite often. Which isn't to say your not right or that the world isn't going to shit sooner rather than later. I only wish to say that sporadic nihlism coupled with a desire or an inescapable passion to change the world or your position in it is a common theme and there are countless ways for you to face it. Age tends to erase it for most (but certainly not all). Be assured that your already on the Titanic's deck whether the earth is or isn't. It's really a matter of using your remaining time to polish it or get those multiple orgasms and a nice television.
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