So, I went to the boxing gym every day for three weeks. But I didnt get a fight because there wasnt a match up from the other two units in my weight class. That was the extent of my boxing training before my first fight. A lot of people assume that I have all this boxing experience because of that UFC comment. Its funny what people tune in to. But they picked that up and think thats why Im so good at boxing. So, pretty much everything Ive learned has been since my first UFC fight. I did a lot of boxing training before the first Belfort fight. I trained hard every day for three or four weeks in Hermosa Beach. It made a big difference in my footwork and ability, so that I could throw a modicum of technically proficient punches. Its funny to watch the tapes from back then. I was terrible at punching! Its embarrassing! Im fortunate that Ive been exposed to very high level guys. I spent a month in Australia after I retired from wrestling. I trained with a bunch of guys down there at the Boxing Works in Sydney. They started adding some kicks, which really added to the progression of my ability to strike.