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DOA: Ultimate Preview, Lots of new Online mode Details


works for Gamestop (lol)










Just watched the video preview. The game modes are soooo cool. 8 person round robins, 4 player matches, spectators that can watch and comment. Virtual fucking arcade!! :)


None of that info was new, but it was still a good preview. I want to know more about the online ranking system. Specifically, how do you move up in rank, and is it possible to move down in rank. If this is some broken system like CvS2 uses, I won't be happy. The best player is almost never the person who can play the most games and rack up the highest score/ranking. Ranking needs to be based on skill more than frequency of play.
BuddyChrist83 said:
What is...no imagination required?

What are you talking about man? Theres like a whole centimeter there you can't see!

Think of the visible bits as...guidelines to guide the rest of your imagination.

Happy fapping!


Holy shit 8 players can watch/participate in the match at once? That settles that. No way can MK Deception compete with this.

There's gonna be so much trash talking, so much more fun because there's going to be an audience watching you and a whole group of people competing with you. This is exactly what all Sports games and all Fighting games need to make the online experience as fun as it is for RPGs and FPS games.


belgurdo said:

Don't do it, Bayman! There's always prostitutes and Playboy


Itagaki seems really confident about the online aspects of DOAU. If this game turns out to be lag-free online, it will prove that a great online 3-d fighter is indeed possible. Here's to VF Online! :D


hyperbolically metafictive
the doa character models still don't look as good as the ones in ninja gaiden. which is odd.



Isn't it beautiful, animals liviing side by side, not harming each other. Looks like the crap jehovas vitnesses tries to push.
drohne said:
the doa character models still don't look as good as the ones in ninja gaiden. which is odd.
probably because of them being 2-3x closer to the screen than in gaiden
or maybe it's just the texture work/art style...
SKluck said:
Why do I get the feeling everyone that plays a female character is going to choose the bikini costume.
probably your perverted mind at work... i'm gonna pick the tina outfit with the black leather jacket, orange blouse and blue jeans



The Faceless Master said:
probably your perverted mind at work... i'm gonna pick the tina outfit with the black leather jacket, orange blouse and blue jeans


But I'd say over half the people who pick the ladies will use the bikini outfits. Some of the people on this forum may be different (you and I included), but the mainstream players will be all over those bikini outfits.


so will this be the "ultimate" DOA to own? after DOA2 i havent bought a DOA game...i'm in the mood to buy another one.


The swimsuits are a novelty thing, I doubt everyone will pick them. Frankly I prefer the more elaborate outfits becuase I got enough of the 2 piece with DOAX.
DrDogg said:
But I'd say over half the people who pick the ladies will use the bikini outfits. Some of the people on this forum may be different (you and I included), but the mainstream players will be all over those bikini outfits.
you mean like how the mainstream picks christie in TK4? :p


Not bitter, just unsweetened
nitewulf said:
so will this be the "ultimate" DOA to own? after DOA2 i havent bought a DOA game...i'm in the mood to buy another one.

well you're essentially buying DOA2 again ;)


BeOnEdge said:
i hate the fact that tecmo skin has no texture whatsoever.

I prefer that smooth, airbrushed look to 'realistically-textured' CG skin. Texture work like that usually just ends up making the characters look mottled and splotchy. That sort of thing complements the mood in a game like Silent Hill 3, but I think a game like DOA: U benefits from the more stylized look.
Isn't it beautiful, animals liviing side by side, not harming each other. Looks like the crap jehovas vitnesses tries to push.

Lions don't normally attack elephants or giraffes, there are much easier prey. An angry elephant is much more dangerous than a lion. Now if they put a bunch of sheep in there...
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