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Docs attach woman's colon to her vagina in botched cancer surgery

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Docs attach woman's colon to her vagina in botched cancer surgery


A woman who underwent surgery to remove skin cancer left the hospital with a very different result: Doctors mistakenly attached her colon to her vagina, causing her to relieve gas from her genitals. Central European News (CEN) reported that three years after the error occurred, Jasminka Velkovska is speaking out about the botched procedure to put pressure on the Macedonia hospital, which promised her more than $33,000 as compensation for the error. Velkovska is reportedly still waiting to receive about one-third of that payment.

"While I was recovering, doctors came and asked me if I was passing gas, and I said, ‘Yes, but it’s coming out of my vagina,’” Velkovska told media in Macedonia, according to CEN. "They told me that it would soon pass and I would be OK, but stuff had started to come out of my vagina, and I was feeling scared, and it was all very unpleasant."

Velkovska reportedly discovered the mistake after receiving an X-ray that not only showed her vagina and colon had been tied together, but also that her carcinoma was still intact. She opted to have the skin cancer removed at another institution. The botched procedure took place at the September 8th Hospital in the Macedonia capital of Skopje.

CEN reported that Velkovska and her lawyers reached an agreement with the hospital managers outside of court, indicating the hospital would pay her about $33,000. She has received the majority of that sum but is awaiting about $11,000.

Word to the wise-don't get surgery in Macedonia.
Fucking doctors just get done with a Human Centipede marathon or something??

Ugh... dating is sure going to be
. If she is married, well that is going to be a pain in the... ok, I'm out.

Poor gal.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
"She opted to have the skin cancer removed at another institution."

Too bloody right.



Does she plan on getting it fixed?

Wouldn't a botch such as this lead to potential infections of the colon and lower intestinal track?


That's fucking horrific dude. Not only did they switch things out down there, but they didn't even fix the original issue.


Does Europe have really crap payouts for medical malpractice or something? A screw-up like that deserves way more than $33k.
That doesn't seem like fair compensation for the circumstances. The fact that they're not done paying her is just the cherry on the shit sundae she's forced to endure.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
$33,000... imagine how much she would have gotten in America.
She would deserve it.

I don't know a lot about Macedonia, but I dare say that's probably a decent sum. I'm not suggesting this is adequate for what happened. Especially considering THEY DIDN'T GET RID OF THE FUCKING CANCER...


Only 33k? That seems awfully on the low side for that sorta mixup AND not removing the cancer.

Average annual wage in Macedonia is less than $5k but she definitely deserves to sue the hospital for more especially if they don't pay up


This doesn't add up. Sure, fucking up surgery and doing the wrong procedure isn't that rare (or isn't as rare as it should be)...

but for what reason could there ever be to attach a colon to a vagina? It's not some usual procedure. It's an outlandish mistake.

I dunno, I find it hard to believe.
I can't even comprehend how they made this mistake!

did they think they were playin Operation!? get a buzz sound if they did something wrong!!
I don't know a lot about Macedonia, but I dare say that's probably a decent sum. I'm not suggesting this is adequate for what happened. Especially considering THEY DIDN'T GET RID OF THE FUCKING CANCER...

google says 33k maces is about 600 us

seems on the low end to me
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