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Doctor Who Series 10 |OT| He's Back, and It's About Time


Since a few people mentioned the 13th doctor, has anyone considered the possibility of ever reusing a previous doctor?
since we know John is going to be back as the master a timelord regenerating into a previous form is about to be cannon right?
kind of opens a door.
Do we know for sure that Missy is regenerating back into John? I just assumed this was a Two Master story like the 50th anniversary being a Three Doctor Story. So we see John's Master before he regenerates into Missy interacting with his regrenerated self.

Hello top of page :)
Bill continues to be an excellent companion this episode, I really like her actually.

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
"Stay away from my browser history"


Also here's
David Bradley
pretty much confirming he's in the Christmas special: https://twitter.com/GirlyLetters/status/855804334826770437/video/1

Cool. I love the idea.

Since a few people mentioned the 13th doctor, has anyone considered the possibility of ever reusing a previous doctor?

Well, we know this will eventually happen someday. In the 50th, an older retired Doctor reveals to Eleven that some point he learned to control his regenerations and return to familiar faces at will.
Do we know for sure that Missy is regenerating back into John? I just assumed this was a Two Master story like the 50th anniversary being a Three Doctor Story. So we see John's Master before he regenerates into Missy interacting with his regrenerated self.

That's a good point actually. Suppose that could be the case but for some reason I automatically assumed it would be reverting from Missy to the Master. I've had a sneaking suspicion for a while though that in some way we may end up with David Tennant again,
though it's likely just wishful thinking. Regardless if Missy does revert it should open up some new possibilities.

Well, we know this will eventually happen someday. In the 50th, an older retired Doctor reveals to Eleven that some point he learned to control his regenerations and return to familiar faces at will.

Huh, that's a damn good point I'd forgotten about.


Where was this episode filmed? These buildings are way too big to be sets and look to real for CG I think. I'd love to visit this place, it's a gorgeous looking episode that's for sure.


Was actually quite surprised, it wasn't complete trash! The very definition of average but I did kinda like the end, Bill was great again as well.
Really enjoyed that. Nothing earth-shattering but a fun romp. Big step up over the writer's last outing with In The Forest of the Night.

Next week looks great. I like how each episode seems to be segueing into the next!
I liked that. Didn't expect them to be isolated for the vast majority of the episode, that was a really nice choice for their second trip.


Where was this episode filmed? These buildings are way too big to be sets and look to real for CG I think. I'd love to visit this place, it's a gorgeous looking episode that's for sure.

The Radio Times has an article up about the filming location: here. Was filmed in the Spanish city Valencia.
Massive step up from the Forest episode and a fun if not overly interesting little romp. My favourite parts of the episode all stemmed from the interactions between the Doctor and Bill. There's looking to be a very strong dynamic there. Next week looks to be similarly middling but like this week, I'll reserve judgement till then.
Really enjoyed that, loved that it relied almost entirely on great cameos yet between Mackie and Capaldi

I can't wait for next week! I love the regency period, and the ice festival is something I would bo back and see with a time machine


Terrible episode IMO. Slow paced, generally lethargic and stretching a single premise to breaking point. Also the editing of Chase sequences is just rubbish and has no tension whatsoever. Just the doctor wandering around and at some point he'll wave his screwdriver and fix everything.

Very disappointing.

Only good parts were the usual 'new sidekick' sections where the new person is asking lots of questions. And I guess the vault and nardale (?) will be the slow burn theme running through this season?
Thought tonight's episode was OK and Bill still seems to be shaping up to be a good companion, but they're clearly doing the three-episode companion introduction thing and it's just... It's the sixth time in 12 years, we already know that Bill probably won't appear again after this series and it already seems clear from the ratings that people haven't seen this series as a jumping on point so it all just seems a bit... pointless, really. I imagine the people who are still watching at this point are the ones that can roll with the punches a bit more and could have handled something a bit more meaty before episode 4.


I really, really hope that the Vardies weren't named for the footballer because that would be tragic.

I thought the episode was good, even if it wasn't what I was expecting (I thought you could do a good sci-fi angle with using emoji to express emotion and the limitations that places on you - but then I suppose if you always get what you expect you'll just end up bored). They nailed the "cute / scary" design on the Emojibots - reminded me of the Adipose. Restricting it to just the Doctor and Bill at the beginning was a really good idea too. Unlikely to go down as an all-time classic but very watchable. And those are some really nice production values so far.


Decent episode. Alot better than I expected, and a Hell of a lot better than Forest of the Night.

Loved: 12th Doctor saying that he always ends up some where between where he wants to go, and where he needs to; as homage to conversation between the 11th Doctor and Idris in TDW.

Enjoyed: The Doctor and Bill's interactions and the premise of the story.

Didn't enjoy as much: The whole "this is why it's a police box" from Bill, and her not really thinking things through when she expected the Doctor to just fly away in the Tardis after they escape.
If were talking about possibly reverting back to a previous doctor, i really really liked smith, probably my second favorite behind capaldi of the current doctors. Tennant was great but he kind of got annoying by the end i feel.


If were talking about possibly reverting back to a previous doctor, i really really liked smith, probably my second favorite behind capaldi of the current doctors. Tennant was great but he kind of got annoying by the end i feel.

They're not going to revert back to a previous Doctor. Even leaving aside the fact that that would be terrible and look really bad in PR terms, none of the three previous Doctors have a reason to come back - Tennant and Smith are both far more famous now than they ever were and Eccleston's clearly happy where he is as a British TV darling.

Now, what they're doing for the 60th in three years' time... that's another story. ;)
I feel like speculating on a reversion based on Simm's appearance doesn't make much sense, as it's highly unlikely Simm's appearance is a reversion.

It's probably a flashback to Missy's regeneration - hopefully one that ALSO shows Rassilon's regeneration from 007 to the old guy on the farm or whatever.


They're not going to revert back to a previous Doctor. Even leaving aside the fact that that would be terrible and look really bad in PR terms, none of the three previous Doctors have a reason to come back - Tennant and Smith are both far more famous now than they ever were and Eccleston's clearly happy where he is as a British TV darling.

Now, what they're doing for the 60th in three years' time... that's another story. ;)

Don't you mean six ?


I feel like speculating on a reversion based on Simm's appearance doesn't make much sense, as it's highly unlikely Simm's appearance is a reversion.

It's probably a flashback to Missy's regeneration - hopefully one that ALSO shows Rassilon's regeneration from 007 to the old guy on the farm or whatever.

As long as there's a "Two Masters" set-up, I'm fine with this.

Bringing back Simm just to show his regeneration would be a waste, even if they have precedent with McGann.


I've got a feeling that the John Simm incarnation of the Master has been time scooped and somehow all this is related to David Suchet's character.
I also want this to somehow have something to do with 12 (13, really) coming back to the Time War to help the other 12 sew up Gallifrey.

Like, just go ahead and have Moffat and his persnickety continuity-addicted ass tie up ALL the loose ends.


I can't say I particularly loved that episode, but I like it better than Forest so I suppose that's something. Very average really. Bill continues to be great companion and I really enjoy her interaction with the Doctor but that's about what it had going for it outside of the neat basic premise.


I actually really liked this weeks episode; I'm a little surprised to see so many people so lukewarm on it. I guess it was slightly carried by the terrific visuals, but i thought the idea of
grief and unhappiness as a communicable disease
was pretty interesting.


Some properly good one liners​ in this episode.

"Why are you Scottish?"

"I'm not Scottish​ I'm just cross."

"Is the there Scotland in Space?"

"Awful.Demanding independence every place they land on."


I find it hilarious that the woman at the start totally fucked that other woman returning back to the base. Like, just telling her that her Mum died before even explaining that the robots are now killer and that you should smile. Good work lady.


I've got a feeling that the John Simm incarnation of the Master has been time scooped and somehow all this is related to David Suchet's character.

I'm wondering what odds you'd get on him being what's in the Vault.

Bonus points if it's a Pandorica, bookending Moffat's era.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
That was soooo much better than I expected that I have a hard time believing it was written by the same person as In the Forest of the Night.

Bill and the Doctor are delightful together and she makes all the right questions. Loving the pair already. Several great lines in this episode and I'm happy their dynamic is working.


The Doctor saying this colony was the entirety of the human race despite also saying just minutes ago that there are other human ships and he's been to them, like in the Beast Below.

The Doctor is high.


The Doctor saying this colony was the entirety of the human race despite also saying just minutes ago that there are other human ships and he's been to them, like in the Beast Below.

The Doctor is high.

He's just getting really really old now... ;)

Episode was alright. I would put it much on the same level as the premiere quality wise. I liked it. Not great but not horrible. Do hope it picks up soon though.


Solid episode, some fun lines, great location to shoot at, interesting setup.

It did drag and I think the early reviews are right that it dips a bit after the halfway part.

I did like the ending of the episode.

I absolutely love the chemistry Capaldi and Mackie have already.

Agreed there. I think Capaldi would be good with about anyone as talented as he is, but Mackie is more than holding her on early on.
I absolutely love the chemistry Capaldi and Mackie have already.

I enjoy that she's not the usual companion and a bit slower on grasping what was considered 'mundane' last season. Bigger on the inside, two hearts, that stuff. We got that little jumping on 'it's bigger on the inside' scene last year, so this is a pleasant change of character.

I'm also not as opposed to Forest or this episode as some are (that I recall. I'm sure my post history might contradict that). There are some episodes of the RTD era will probably always be my 'lowest point' so as long as the plot is above that, I'm fine with it. Then again, there's about ten years between those points and production has obviously changed in between.

I too, noticed that the insides of the ship were too big (and shiny) to be a set and am wondering where they filmed those parts as well (though the engine room itself is a set again, I suppose). The intersection from the Valencia museum / the city to 'the ship' could be shot on a set, whereas those two main parts seem to be shot on locations. One we know, and the other we don't. Probably just a factory or refinery or something, but still. Not that 'shooting on location' is limited on this show though.

edit: to clarify, I actually thought this episode was solid.


God damn, the negativity. Watching this now on BBCA, and I think it's phenomenal. On top of the great episodic plotline, the world building regarding Earth's evacuation was fantastic. Still 15 minutes to go.
It was fine. Certainly not one I'd go out of my way to avoid, but...

Saying it's better than Forest is kinda damning with faint praise.
God damn, the negativity. Watching this now on BBCA, and I think it's phenomenal. On top of the great episodic plotline, the world building regarding Earth's evacuation was fantastic. Still 15 minutes to go.

What world building? Earth was evacuated because reasons. There was no world building.
This episode was fine. Emojibots kind of reminded me of those Worker Joes from Alien Isolation.

Next episode is written by Sarah Dollard so I am hoping it will be good.


What world building? Earth was evacuated because reasons. There was no world building.
It split into several surviving factions. He's spent time with a few of them. We can infer The Church was one, so this shreds light on other descendants of Earth. They share a militaristic rank structure and tendency toward violence, but this cohabitation solution could lead to any kind of future.

I assume it's the same evacuation from The Beast Below and those episodes of classic Who where there were solar flares or whatever it was.
And the space whale! Forgot about that one. Even a few lines mentioning an origin and connection offer viewers so much to work with due to the show's massive history.


What world building? Earth was evacuated because reasons. There was no world building.

I assume it's the same evacuation from The Beast Below and those episodes of classic Who where there were solar flares or whatever it was.
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