Just finished the Series 6 opener. Great way to kick things off.
I remember thinking how the scan the Doctor was doing on Amy was just incomplete when it was bouncing between "Pregnant" and "Not Pregnant", turning out to be telling even more than what we thought.
Few thoughts:
- Kovarian popping up out of nowhere increased the scare factor in the orphanage.
- Melody Pond dying in New York

- Mark Sheppard is awesome.
- So, the Silence replaced Amy with the ganger at the White House, right?
I'm currently on Curse of the Black Spot, and the premise is actually pretty good. It did fall flat, if I remember the last time I saw it.
Also, I get that the BBC didn't want to show blood, but they could've put more effort on the cut on Rory's hand than drawing a line with a pen, lol.