To be honest, I am hoping that at this point he is just straight up lying. Because what is a better point to bring back at least some of the Time Lords than now?
Now is the perfect time, especially given that the NotDoctor will be around. It would really hammer in the whole, "Oops, I fucked up and now I've become worse than the lot of them." Time Lords running from the Doctor, especially former friends would cause massive feels.
RTD was the one who killed them. Twice, in fact. If you want someone to blame, blame him. Moffat's just choosing not to retcon his predecessor on this.
RTD may have killed them off, but Moffat, has always been resistant to classic Who stuff. When you have a wealth of material to work with and willfully ignore it it seems like a waste. Especially when things can be updated and made fresh.
Blame Davies. The one who, y'know, is actually responsible for killing the Time Lords.
Leave 'em dead.
I'm not saying the Time Lords should come back as an antagonist for the Doctor. But a storyline where they actually are like doing things, and constantly on the run from the Doctor who wants to reconcile perhaps could have great potential.
Maybe they're trying to find a new home and live quietly.
Maybe they're trying to find some energy for a new TARDIS model.
Maybe they're fleeing from a powerful enemy AND the Doctor...
Plenty of things to explore.
And with Moffat at the helm it seems like ANY nods to classic Who are like getting teeth pulled instead of the treats and winks to older fans that they should be.