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Does anybody have Turok: Evolution sales numbers (recent or old)?


for each system?

The videogamestockgroup @ yahoo.com went down, and I didn't bother to download their archive of '02 and '03 spreadsheets and finanical/analyst reports, so I can't remember how the game was doing, other than around the 200.000's for PS2, and the XBox version quite below that, and the Cube version a tad below XBox.

Does anybody have any archived data on this, even if it's from last year.


hmmm lets see they were some big numbers if I remember correctly.

6 copies on Nintendo
7 copies on Sony
4.2million on GBA

I guess everyone likes to have a turok in their pants.

Sho Nuff

efralope said:
for each system?

The videogamestockgroup @ yahoo.com went down, and I didn't bother to download their archive of '02 and '03 spreadsheets and finanical/analyst reports, so I can't remember how the game was doing, other than around the 200.000's for PS2, and the XBox version quite below that, and the Cube version a tad below XBox.

Does anybody have any archived data on this, even if it's from last year.

Did you go to the ex-Acclaim conference and go toe-to-toe with those gutless traitors yet? They should have changed their name to Acclaim "Benedict "Judas" Arnold" Entertainment.


yeah, tonight that ex-Acclaim guy visited, told a very interesting story.

I'll make a thread about it later.


Well, I'm one of the 6 Cube owners. I spent about 20 minutes on the first level before I realized I could climb up the vines.


Gah, I'm sure you have old spreadsheets lying around w/ at least some numbers on how this game did the first few months...
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