I have plaque psoriasis. It sucks because I also have minor psoriatic arthritis.
Like most chronic diseases, fibromyalgia comes in many different brands and flavors. Some people are more or less functional and others are mostly bedridden, like myself. Mine has also gotten steadily worse over time.
Cheers. One more hip op this year and then hopefully that's it for a good while.
Sorry about your Dad. It's such a bizarre disease and seems to progress at completely different speeds and to completely different extremes in every person that has it.
My apologies, I should have been clearer. I meant that what I deal with pales in comparison, I did not mean to speak for everyone with FM. I'm sorry for the pain you deal with, and I hope you are able to find something that brings you a measure of relief.
My wife has Hashimoto's. They tell you to just take a thyroid replacement pill and everything is normal but fuck that, it never is for her. She gets skin rashes, fatigue, nausea in sunlight, random pains, bowel issues etc. We've been to a bunch of doctors and they basically have nothing to offer and it's been a frustrating and expensive pain-in-the-ass. It's kinda amazing how common this condition is and how nobody really gives a fuck. probably because women are way more likely to get it than men. Removing gluten from our diet has helped some of the symptoms tremendously despite her definitely testing negative for celiacs.
Are most autoimmune diseases symptomatic? If not, how are many of them detected?
I've had Crohns for over 20 yrs now. It has been rough to say the least. I have had countless hospital stays, dozen surgeries or so, tried numerous medications, and spent too long taking insane amounts of pain meds. I spent 50 days in the hospital last year until I got sick of doing it. They finally let me out of the hospital with a PICC line, TPN, and an assortment of medications.
Many times I feel like a lab rat trying things that help very little. A good support system and people who are going through a similar situation helps a lot. AI diseases can take so much away from you, try to focus on the things you have instead of what you have lost.
Are most autoimmune diseases symptomatic? If not, how are many of them detected?
My wife has ITP and lupus. Almost like clockwork she winds up in the hospital every year and half for an ITP flare up.
I wasn't being adversarial, dude, just pointing out my experiences and how illnesses can deeply vary between people. We're all in this together.
Cool. I guess I get overly paranoid about sticking my foot in my mouth and offending people sometimes.
Personally, the worst part of having FM is not the pain (although that sucks), but rather the fatigue and brain fog. I'm an intelligent person who used to be able to make reasoned arguments and have good debates with people on a variety of topics. Now, I'm just a blubbering idiot most of the time, unless I can take six hours to form a complete thought.
Ulcerative Colitis checking in. Diagnosed in 2008 and dealing with it since and for life. Probably no idea how close to death I could have been trying to be diagnosed with it before a specialist finally diagnosed and treated me. Let's just say bloody diarrhea 30+ times a day at it's worst, complete loss of appetite and only able to drink water and gatorade. Coming from a guy who loves to eat it was crazy. I lost 30+ pounds in less than a month, twice, and in the hospital for long stretches multiple times that year.
I have fibromyalgia and Systemic Rheumatoid Arthritis which is a rare form that attacks the entire body and soft tissues.
Honestly, most days aren't even worth living.
Weed or painkillers are the only treatment options available to me since none of the drugs work and I can't take them anyway because I'm highly allergic to them.
I'm sick and bedridden most of the time or sitting on my ass at my computer. Miserable.
I like to complain about this very minor, apparently genetic disorder I have called hyperhidrosis - heavy sweating from the hands and feet, basically -, but reading your posts make me realize I whine too much and should feel lucky. Your words give me strength. I only wish I could give you guys some of that strength back.
Hang in there, everyone.
I don't, but my sister was diagnosed with MS a few years ago and then passed away last year.
I had Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura when I was 16. Its mostly a low blood platelet count and your body is destroying them thinking they are foreign. There isn't really a known cause and there is no cure. I was on prednisone for years and slowly weened off of it when my platelet counts weren't going down anymore.
You could literally tap my arm and in a little bit a small bruise would form.