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Does anyone NOT like Katamari Damacy?

Jim Bowie

Is there anyone on the forum that doesn't like Katamari Damacy? I seriously think that for once EVER the forums have agreed on something.

If you don't like it, why not?


Hates quality gaming
Ever hear of TNL?

You can rest assured there's at least one person there who dislikes every game in existence. There's two people off the top of my head that have had some very disparaging things to say about K Damacy.

As far as this board... I think there were a few people that stopped playing the game quickly (forgot the names) mostly based on camera and longevity issues.

Jim Bowie

dog$: I know there's always going to be people that hate a game.. it's just I had never heard anyone on the board slam Katamari (or at least not add a backhanded compliment). TekunoRobby was the first guy I've ever seen do just that.

TekunoRobby: Why?


I found the game to be highly overrated. I'm all for obscure japanese games and all, but this one is just pointless.


dog$ said:
As far as this board... I think there were a few people that stopped playing the game quickly (forgot the names) mostly based on camera and longevity issues.

I assume those people do not play any other 3D games ...or they are just WEAKSAUCE!!!!


If you dont like Katamari sign up here. I'll find your address and kick your ass. Its not a threat its a promise. Weaksauce gamers that cant keep playing this game after they've beat it need to have their heads bashed in....

Excuse me while i vent. Most people i talk to in real life hate this game. Only the few people that i've actually shown this game too that thought it sucked changed there minds.


Scrow said:
i'd probably hate... it if I knew what it was

Do you have a Playsation 2?

If so.... WHAT IN HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR GET TO THE MALL to your gamestore and buy this damn game. So what its 20 bucks you can make that in a day whoring yourself out. GO AND GET THIS GAME. then come back here...

Until then you cant say shit.


I'm the textbook definition of a "jaded gamer," and even I love Katamari Damacy. Make a Star 8 (which is 18 minutes long and ends up with a katamari of something like 24-25m, and has the female vocalist and the acoustic guitar) is bliss.


Tag of Excellence
TekunoRobby said:
(i)L(/i)ord allm(i)i(/i)ghty I hated the gam(i)e(/i). in fact I think it'(i)s(/i) terrible.
I thought I'd stirr it up a bit for the junior members but in hindsight I don't want to come off like a jerk. That's what I meant by "you can quote me." I'm actually a really big fan of the game.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
We killed off those people quite a few weeks before release, just to be safe. I can actually imagine someone not liking it, that might not be the type of game they want to play. But I think the majority of people that come along Katamari will just enjoy how simple and fun it is.
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
I loved it at first, but I stopped playing it after I beat it. So I like it, but it hasn't had the staying power I was expecting.
Exactly my reason. Beat it and then lost all desire to play any more.

Still play Pikmin 2 a lot though.


Junior Ace
The people who played it just to beat it probably also picked up the first cow and bear they saw. "Heh, that level was easy!"
Bog said:
The people who played it just to beat it probably also picked up the first cow and bear they saw. "Heh, that level was easy!"

Nope. Got hit by a car and knocked backwards into a bear that was so small I couldn't see it, and said "Heh, this level sucks! I'm glad the rest of the game isn't this stupid!" :D


B'z-chan said:
Do you have a Playsation 2?

If so.... WHAT IN HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR GET TO THE MALL to your gamestore and buy this damn game. So what its 20 bucks you can make that in a day whoring yourself out. GO AND GET THIS GAME. then come back here...

Until then you cant say shit.
He lives in Australia, this game doesn't exist here.
Bog said:
The people who played it just to beat it probably also picked up the first cow and bear they saw. "Heh, that level was easy!"
Bitterness. Some form of damage control for someone not cumming over your favorite game, or simply a misunderstood post. These things continue to allude us, and I still resent the human race.


Still Tagged Accordingly
B'z-chan said:
Do you have a Playsation 2?

If so.... WHAT IN HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR GET TO THE MALL to your gamestore and buy this damn game. So what its 20 bucks you can make that in a day whoring yourself out. GO AND GET THIS GAME. then come back here...

Until then you cant say shit.
Now I'm sure I'd hate it ;P

And no, I don't have a PS2. I probably should though.

evil ways

It's not my kind of game. When I wanna play a quirky, overrated japanese game, it has to be about something I like, for example ninjas, monkeys or martial artists with severed limbs.

Musashi Wins!

I think this game is way better than SMB.

I don't understand how someone with an open mind could really dislike it. It's the perfect melding of Japanese wackiness with fun gameplay, putting it in the realm of likeability for people who like either. Good music too.
Katamari > > > > > > > > > > > > > Rez

I only played through it until I unlocked all the endless levels. Admit it, guys, there's REALLY not much to do in the game after you beat it.

Still a great hour and a half though.


I can see people not liking pure pathfinding games... I hate Pac-man nowadays. The only "really" challenging levels in Katamari are the Bear and Taurus levels. Now, if finding all of the presents opened up a special level on the moon or something (ala Blast Corps), then that would please the people complaining about completing it too soon.

Katamari thrums with awesomeness in the non-gameplay category; being tiny and watching all sorts of crazy crap walking and flying around the level is surreal, like being a speck-sized participant in a Monty Python animation. That's worth 13 of the 20 dollars right there.


I played through nearly all of it in an evening and felt kind of ripped off. Camera is crappy, controls are so-so, very short...most levels aren't that fun because it takes too long to get a decent-sized ball rolling. I haven't really touched it since then. I'm not sure if I'll go back. I'd like to get my money's worth in playtime, but then again there are other ways I'd rather spend my time.

I'd advise people not to get taken in by the GAF hype train. Make an informed purchase rather than buying blind like some goofballs seem to be encouraging. Alien Hominid or the REZ re-issue would be better budget purchases, IMO.

Musashi Wins!

Sergenth said:
like being a speck-sized participant in a Monty Python animation. That's worth 13 of the 20 dollars right there.

I'm not sure if I've seen this take before...but it's 100% accurate. Playing this game reminded me of being enthralled by MP animation sequences as a kid. Good call.

Border is full of poo-poo.


Unconfirmed Member
I still don't understand criticisms about the controls. I can understand complaints about the camera or the longevity, but criticizing the game's controls just doesn't make any sense.

Anyway, the game is short, and unless you just want to roll around some of the stages just for the hell of it (which I personally do, but I imagine most do not) then there is very little to do after you beat it. And I also greatly dislike the bear and cow stages. It's just simply not as enjoyable as haphazardly rolling around without a care is. So what I personally would ask for next time is a little more variety in the environments (when you get right down to it, there are really only 3 areas in the game) and more stages that allow for massive sizes.


I got bored of it real quick. It was really fun tho, but I dont think I'll ever go back to it. I got to level 6 or 7. It feels more like a tech demo of some sort. It would make an excellent pc shareware game. Great to be enjoyed in short, controlled burst. There was a lot of issues with the camera. Thanks god it was cheap



Great band, great album, great art on the cover. Rock on.

I can see why some folks might dislike Katamari because of the lack of incentives to keep playing once you beat the game. That's a valid criticism, and there's plenty of room for improvement in that area, but I consider rolling up ants and trees and girls who yell "boing boing boing" its own reward.
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