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Does it look as though the AVERAGE PSP game is set to deliver on the promise?


That promise of course being handheld graphics at PS2 level. Or at least a whole generation ahead of the average DS game.

State your reasoning.


Shin Sangoku Musou, the new Ridge Racer, GT4, and Armored Core do look close to PS2 level. We haven't seen too many games to form an idea about what the average game looks like, but so far the games I've seen are a clear step ahead of DS games in terms of visuals.
yes. It is a ps2 and better no? This is a no contest . When we see ports; what we see on the ps2 will be what we see on the PSP.

but the DS has its features which the PSP doesn't have.

Your thread is skewed and debate and resistance is futile

Speevy said:
Or at least a whole generation ahead of the average DS game.

just wanted to highlight your skew. When was this EVER a promise??


hyperbolically metafictive
if we're judging the potential of the hardware, the best launch games would be more relevant than the average ones. and yeah, armored core and gt4 mobile look really close to their ps2 counterparts. if psp launch games look like late-cycle ps2 games, i think that's an indication that sony's promise is more than fulfilled.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I'm going to wait until seeing them in motion to comment. Screens never do handheld games justice.


I've seen some pretty ugly PSP games (Twisted Metal, that ugly mech game by Bandai).

But overall PSP's best and DS's best show a large graphical difference between the two.
I don't think the Armored Core game looks anything like a third or fourth generation PS2 game. The idea that GT4 Mobile will be a launch game gave me a good laugh.

That said, I think developers can get as much out of the PSP as they can out of the PS2. However, the typical budget for a PSP game will likely be smaller. So the average PSP game won't look as good as an average PS2 game.


Miburou said:
It looks similar to the PS2 version, which is what counts.

Well Hunters looks *similar* to Metroid Prime, sans Cube-specific effects. I don't know which that says more about, Metroid Prime or the DS hardware.

My whole point in making this thread is to emphasize that you're going to want more than two racing games that look significantly better than every other game shown on the handheld thus far.


hyperbolically metafictive
you'll find that armored core formula front looks exactly like a third or fourth generation ps2 game called armored core formula front. funny thing.

and the idea of gt4 mobile at launch gave you not just a snicker or a giggle, but a good laugh? really? and i thought i was easily amused. psp was delayed to next spring, right? i'd expect gt4 mobile at or near launch. it's just a new engine that reuses gt4's content, after all.

edit: actually, is the ps2 version called "formula front?" there are about a million obscurely named armored core games on ps2, and it's getting really confusing.


Speevy said:
Well Hunters looks *similar* to Metroid Prime, sans Cube-specific effects.

Fine. Armored Core looks almost exactly like the PS2 version, if not exactly.

And TGS is only 2 days away.


hyperbolically metafictive
Speevy said:
My whole point in making this thread is to emphasize that you're going to want more than two racing games that look significantly better than every other game shown on the handheld thus far.

really? i could've sworn your whole point was to risibly downplay the obvious generational hardware gap between psp and ds. which your rationalizations will not shrink in the slightest.

metroid prime on ds looks like metroid prime on gamecube. psp is a portable ps2. gamecube is more powerful than ps2. so ds is more powerful than psp. and really psp games look like ps1 games anyway. so the ds is a generation ahead of psp. it's settled.


Gold Member
I think many of the PSP games were developed with the 8Meg version in mind. Plus, most developers probably saw the PSP as a platform for low budget games and didn't really try to push it. Once Sony shows what the PSP is really capable of, developers will have to step up their efforts if they want to be able to compete. I expect to see games better looking than PS2 ones in the future, albeit shorter and less deep than teir home console counterparts.


Speevy said:
Well Hunters looks *similar* to Metroid Prime, sans Cube-specific effects
No, when you see it running you'll agree. It is not close to Prime.

Note: I did not like Prime and eventually took it back and exchanged it for Super Monkey Ball 2, but yes, obviously I know the graphics pretty well.


It's a generation ahead of DS (I mean, that's not saying much because DS 3D looks like shat), but it is certainly not PlayStation 2 level so far. Anybody who honestly thinks it's up to par with PlayStation 2 has to be blind. It is simply not there.


drohne said:
metroid prime on ds looks like metroid prime on gamecube. psp is a portable ps2. gamecube is more powerful than ps2. so ds is more powerful than psp. and really psp games look like ps1 games anyway. so the ds is a generation ahead of psp. it's settled.

Not really where I was going at all. Weren't you part of the thread where I stated that I think many developers will have trouble devoting resources to the obviously great PSP hardware? All I'm saying is that little side projects won't do the hardware justice.


Mike Works said:
Who cares if the average PSP game reaches the promise? The only games you'll be buying are the good-excellent ones.

with that logic the PSP has already failed. its trying to break the mold of the GameBoys by selling more software but its not going happen when people follow the same trend.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Anybody who honestly thinks it's up to par with PlayStation 2 has to be blind. It is simply not there.
I disagree. PSP tech demos especially displayed capabilities never seen in the PS2 demo or game. So hardware obviously can do some new tricks. Ridge Racer on PSP looks very simillar to RRV on PS2, and in some ways better (no interlacing and no shimmering). Don't believe me? Look at the thread where Ourumov did some closer comparision between the two.


DSN2K said:
with that logic the PSP has already failed. its trying to break the mold of the GameBoys by selling more software but its not going happen when people follow the same trend.

Depends on your definition of good-excellent. I'd say that even with consoles, only the good-excellent games deserve to be bought.

Speevy said:
That's right. If the PSP had DS-level graphics, would ANYONE be buying it?

If the PSP had DS-level graphics, then its price would be lower than what it is/going to be now.


seemingly, yes.

PSP seems to be delivering PS2 quality, and in some cases, somewhat better than PS2 quality (not higher complexity though) graphics. (PSP Ridge Racer, PSP Armored Core)

unless Sony is tricking us all with PSP footage.

we will know for sure, soon enough. TGS will be PSP's proving ground.
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