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Does Ninja Gaiden ever get fun?


OK I’ve been playing for like 3-4 hours and am on chapter 6 I think, and so far am not really having much fun. Does it get any better? The plot so far sucks only thing I know is there is some overlarge breasted girl named Rachel that hunts "fiends" The graphics are amazing but the environments I think are dull and boring? For example there were times as I was playing Prince of Persia that I would stop and just look at the sheer beauty of the games environments. Now I know that POP and NG are two different games and I don’t expect NG to be the same artistically as POP but come on... a ninja on an airship...dull. Factor in cheap fucking ninjas that throw “firecrackers” INTO your body that you cant block and I hope this so called game of the year has more to offer VERY soon. C- doesn’t seems so bad now that I think about it ;)


Looking at Rachel and what's-her-name miko in the beginning, and combo practicing on easy enemies is where you'll get most of your fun, most likely

Deku Tree

I though NG was fun starting in Chapter 3 and all the rest of the way through.
But, then again, I don't usually play action games for the plot.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down


blah blah blah the black ninjas are making me their bitch blah blah blah i'm pissed off at the game blah blah blah i must diss it due my lack of skills blah blah blah BAD ART!


You block those things the same way you block everything else. However, if one lands near you, it will still explode and still hurt you. That's why it is key to stay away from walls and also to roll away from those that land on the ground.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
SilentHill said:
well instead of telling me am wrong why wouldn't you tell me how to block it? I couldn't seem to do it

just hold block.. thats it. they throw them very quickly though.. so your timing might be off.


SilentHill said:
well instead of telling me am wrong why wouldn't you tell me how to block it? I couldn't seem to do it

roll counter roll counter roll counter Izuna drop counter

This "strategy" will get you through most everything except flying stuff


SilentHill said:
well instead of telling me am wrong why wouldn't you tell me how to block it? I couldn't seem to do it
It's real simple, you hold down block. If they throw it while you have block held down, you'll deflect the shot. Once it hits, you can't do anything except wait a few seconds for it to explode so if your timing is off, well, tough luck.


Well, it's hard to say if it'll pick up, for you. Everyone has different tastes, and that could be coming into play at this point.

To be honest, I haven't finished it. I got up to level 8, then my launch Xbox refused to play any more games. So I switched the system, and haven't had the inclination to play it again. Some day...


IJoel said:
blah blah blah the black ninjas are making me their bitch blah blah blah i'm pissed off at the game blah blah blah i must diss it due my lack of skills blah blah blah BAD ART!

I never said I was having any trouble with the game I think the game is challenging but am going threw it pretty much with easy. I just didn’t like the ninjas that’s all I said. Nothing to do with my “lack of skills”


If you are at chapter 6 and don't like it, just don't waste anymore of your time.

Really, it's simple.

From chapter 6 there's not much that changes... well there are many varied locales that you still have to go through, but considering nothing seems to be up your alley so far, I can't see anything the game will throw at you being good enough for you.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
The game is fun from the very beginning. Shit, I must've played the demo level 10 times the first day I got it.

Honestly, if the fighting system isn't compelling for you, maybe you should give up on action games.


they call me "Man Gravy".
Kobun Heat said:
I stopped at the point where there were a skillion giant dinosaurs firing bow and arrows at me.

The thing I love about that game is I know EXACTLY where you're talking about.

And it's weaksauce.


And even i am moderately surprised
NG is one of those games i'd call "Good"

The graphics are stunning, and lack of skills or not, i just wasn't having that much fun initially. Although it gets better, i wouldn't personally class it as a "Great" game.

It's a game that i mean to go back to, perhaps when i have the time to actually spend on the game to get properly good at it, then i will enjoy it.

The same happened with PN03 - i hated that until things "clicked" after which it became one of my favourite NGC games.


I played NG for the plot. It was super awesome. I can't believe anyone wouldn't like it.


Edit: And yeah, those skeletons are freaking easy. Not as easy as Kirby's Air Ride, but easy still.


Minotauro said:
The game is fun from the very beginning. Shit, I must've played the demo level 10 times the first day I got it.

Honestly, if the fighting system isn't compelling for you, maybe you should give up on action games.

Why is it that people keep repeating this "lol if u can't play NG, then u suk at actshun gaims" rhetoric? Not everyone is good enough at this game to play it in one run perfectly, nor do they have the patience to put up with all the bullshit the game tosses at you every odd chapter or so. Sometimes, I just want to run through the stage and look at the cool backgrounds without having to roll through it because 5 ninja and 10 floating demons are on my ass


belgurdo said:
Sometimes, I just want to run through the stage and look at the cool backgrounds without having to roll through it because 5 ninja and 10 floating demons are on my ass

Play RPGs.


Speaking of VP, I've had the game sitting on a shelf for a year. I really ought to give it a spin.


Minotauro said:
The game is fun from the very beginning. Shit, I must've played the demo level 10 times the first day I got it.

Honestly, if the fighting system isn't compelling for you, maybe you should give up on action games.

I simply love action games. Just cause as of yet am not liking NG doesnt mean I wont or that I need to "give up on action games" IS NINJA GAIDEN THE END ALL OF ACTION GAMES? If someone doesnt like it they should give up on the genre all together? wow thats just fucked up


Running off of Custom Firmware
NG fans are overly defensive.

And SilentHill, I wouldn't bother with it if I were you. I too disliked it from the get go.


Mejilan said:
NG fans are overly defensive.

And SilentHill, I wouldn't bother with it if I were you. I too disliked it from the get go.

thanks for understanding at least. My point was not to upset anyone. I understand if you like a game you want others to like it as well. BUT to go as far as saying I should give up on the genre I love because I dont really care for NG is taking fanboy to a new level imho

White Man

By my concerns, Halo 2, MGS3, and GTASA are going to have to impress me like few games have done in the past in order to unseat NG as my game of the year.

It's one of the few games, outside of pure fighting games, where you could actually tell you're improving drastically as you play more. I remember playing the demo of the first level for the first time and getting my ass handed to me. I remember getting to that boss for the first time. . .then having to replay the level 6 times just to figure out a strategy that worked every time. I remember feeling proud of myself when I could finally get through those first two levels with little difficulty.

I guess it's not everyone's cup of bourbon, but niggling camera problems in the later platforming sections aside, I don't see how the shipped game could've been much better.


hyperbolically metafictive
no, feel free to dislike it. i can't count the number of feted games i find fetid. dissent is great. i just felt like expressing my love for ninja gaiden. because sometimes we need to tell our loved ones that we love them.
"Which is harder: MDK 2 or Ninja Gaiden?"

MDK2 is WAY WAY harder. I beat Ninja Gaiden with a little time and effort, but gave up on MDK2 at about level 7 after it was clear the game was owning me royally. Ninja Gaiden is not overly forgiving, but it is much more forgiving than MDK2. I liked MDK2 by the way, but there's only so much a mere mortal can take. Has anyone played the PS2 version of MDK2? I heard it was slightly easier than the dreamcast version.


SilentHill said:
OK I’ve been playing for like 3-4 hours and am on chapter 6 I think, and so far am not really having much fun. Does it get any better? The plot so far sucks only thing I know is there is some overlarge breasted girl named Rachel that hunts "fiends" The graphics are amazing but the environments I think are dull and boring? For example there were times as I was playing Prince of Persia that I would stop and just look at the sheer beauty of the games environments. Now I know that POP and NG are two different games and I don’t expect NG to be the same artistically as POP but come on... a ninja on an airship...dull. Factor in cheap fucking ninjas that throw “firecrackers” INTO your body that you cant block and I hope this so called game of the year has more to offer VERY soon. C- doesn’t seems so bad now that I think about it ;)

I don't really understand where you're coming from *at all*, if you're being sincere about this of course. With games, especially action ones the logic of it is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. I mean, you fought a huge fat guy shooting lightning at you on top of a friggin zepplin, it doesn't make much sense, but it's damn cool. Objectively speaking, Ninja Gaiden is one of the best action games in existence. There are definitely instances where the level design takes a hit, but in terms of sheer brilliance of controlling the main character it is totally unrivaled.


AniHawk said:
Which is harder: MDK 2 or Ninja Gaiden?

If MDK 2 is the easier game, then I'll be screwed royally with NG.

In the IGN video review, Hilary said that he considers two games harder than Ninja Gaiden: MDK2 and Viewtiful Joe. I have not played MDK2, but I agree with the Viewtiful Joe part.


VJ harder then Ninja Gaiden? WTF are these n00bs smoking.

MDK2 on Dreamcast cannot be touched though. Every level is a days-long endeavor of misery, dispair and ill hope.


Mejilan said:
NG fans are overly defensive.

And SilentHill, I wouldn't bother with it if I were you. I too disliked it from the get go.

Sorry, but you can't pine this response in this thread. This thread is like a flashback a week after the games release where someone wonders where the fun is. The game picks up after chapter 3. If you can't see it then the game isn't for you. He is on stage 6 and not having fun. How exactly do you respond to "UHHH DUR WHEN DOES THE GAME PICK UP?" when you can search various message boards and realize the general consensus is after stage 3.









Thank you and goodnight.
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