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Does Ninja Gaiden ever get fun?


I think he's saying, "why the fuck would you ask someone when a game gets fun if the consensus, for a game thats been out over 3 months, is that it picks up after the 3rd chapter."


Running off of Custom Firmware
Oh. Wow. Thanks for clarifying. I'm not SilentHill, but I'd wager to guess because he didn't know what the concensus was, exactly?


Um. It's kind of like asking someone why they think pizza tastes so good after eating 3 slices and not liking it themselves. If YOU dont think it tastes good at that point, why ask someone else??? You obviously dont like it.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Except pizza won't change from one bite to the next, but a game might, one from chapter to the next.

I couldn't STAND the first half of MGS, but thought it really picked up during the 2nd half, almost making the whole game worth playing. Just one example.


Mejilan said:
Except pizza won't change from one bite to the next, but a game might, one from chapter to the next.

I couldn't STAND the first half of MGS, but thought it really picked up during the 2nd half, almost making the whole game worth playing. Just one example.

What exactly are you arguing? How exactly does your experience in MGS correspond with his experiene in NG? What is your point? Ninja Gaiden picks up after stage 3. Maybe its stage 9 for him. Or 12. or 15 (Out of 16). Who knows. I'm not Silenthill. You're not Silenthill. Only he knows if he is having fun. The game picks up after stage 3 no doubt about it. If he is on stage 6 and still not having fun what exactly do you want someone to tell him?


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
belgurdo said:
Why is it that people keep repeating this "lol if u can't play NG, then u suk at actshun gaims" rhetoric? Not everyone is good enough at this game to play it in one run perfectly, nor do they have the patience to put up with all the bullshit the game tosses at you every odd chapter or so. Sometimes, I just want to run through the stage and look at the cool backgrounds without having to roll through it because 5 ninja and 10 floating demons are on my ass

Dude, my post had absolutely nothing to do with the game's difficulty.

That said, if you can't play NG, your a weaksauce pussy-ass bitch. ;)


the plot is awesomely stupid, and the difficulty sort of drops off immediately after fighting alma, but ninja gaiden was fucking kickass


MDK2 on Dreamcast cannot be touched though. Every level is a days-long endeavor of misery, dispair and ill hope.

Damn skippy. This and Ecco will have your sanity on tap until they drain you dry. Hurricane Gaiden is just about equal, if not less than these games in terms of challenge.

But back on topic, keep on truckin', at least until you get past the Military Supply base. If that chapter doesn't infuse you with the spirit of the vengeful ninja, then it would be safe to say that it is not for you. Now go forth and kick ass young hill of silence.


DJ Brannon said:
Damn skippy. This and Ecco will have your sanity on tap until they drain you dry. Hurricane Gaiden is just about equal, if not less than these games in terms of challenge.

Ecco? Pshhh. If you are talking about the DC there is a reason it is hard. The controls are horrible(even worse then gaiden) and its 90% full of bullshit puzzles with no clue and total lack of direction. The environments are expansivly confusing and for no reason. What more can i say. The difficulty comes from design flaws, not gaming skill.

Ive played Gaiden on all levels of skill, its pretty difficult but not to the levels some of these people make it out to be. I havnt tried the new expansion pack for it, and im sure its a change, and thats great. Gives me a new reason to beat the shit out of it again and find new ways of getting through it. Whenever I get time to download it.
i haven't played viewtiful joe yet (even though i own a $5 CC still sealed copy) but i have played MDK2 and it's harder than Ninja Gaiden for sure... oh, and Dead To Rights (Xbox) is harder than Ninjqa Gaiden


Dead To Rights and VJ are definitely not harder than NG because both of those games weren't even hard to begin with. MDK2 is definitely harder than NG though.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Supposedly you can unlock the original 3 Ninja Gaidens in that game, so just try unlocking those and play those... I've never played the Xbox NG but the original games kick lots of ass...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Ninja Gaiden is a strange game...

It just isn't for everyone and it really isn't easy to explain why. I absolutely loved it and felt that it only got better as you progressed (the first three or four levels, for example, felt very average to me). Two of my friends have played it recently (one is currently playing it). One of them really didn't like it very much, and I never could quite figure out why...while another has already declared it as GOTY (and this was someone who originally didn't even care about it).

The game just isn't for everyone. As for me, I found the combat to be very exciting and filled with variety, the worlds to be beautifully designd and cohesive as hell, and the overall game structure to work beautifully with all of the elements. It's a great experience!

Viewtiful Joe is certainly easier than NG (especially when you compare the hardest difficulty settings of each game together), but NG's challenge was much more enticing to me (ie - it took a while for me to complete VJ simply because I didn't enjoy long sessions of it). MDK2 was one of my favorite games on the DC, and it was VERY hard. However, I don't know how I would compare it to NG. I was able to complete both games without too much trouble, but there were some REALLLLLY rough parts in MDK2. That giant tower with Max and his jetpack? Yeah, that was a bitch * 10. I've also played some of MDK2 on the PC and found that it was NO WHERE near as difficult as the DC version.

This and Ecco will have your sanity on tap until they drain you dry.

OK, I can agree with that. It wasn't difficult for the same reasons as MDK2 and NG, though. It's amazing that such a peaceful game can present such an incredible challenge. I've never even finished Ecco DC, sadly. I managed to make it to Perpetual Fluidity, but that level a bit too glitchy...


AeroGod said:
Ecco? Pshhh. If you are talking about the DC there is a reason it is hard. The controls are horrible(even worse then gaiden) and its 90% full of bullshit puzzles with no clue and total lack of direction.

Oooh, one of my favourites ! The old "Ecco DC was full of bullshit puzzles with no clue" discussion :D

Ecco Dotf always succeeded in boosting my ego, since i was solving riddles without ever getting stuck once or having to ask for help, while others were bitching about the 'lack of clues' :D
Ecco surely had some of the most clevery written puzzles EVER for a videogame.
You ALWAYS HAD the solution at hand in the form of very well thought riddles, provided you could solve them, of course.
Mind you, It's not the typical videogame puzzle stereotype (eg. push the button, move the crate bullshit) it was more like "enigmatography".
So if you were familiar with that kind of logic/word riddles you would solve those puzzles by finding the correspondances with the things surrounding you and you'd know exactly what you had to do.
It sure took some serious reasoning at times, but reasoning was all it took.
It was truly rewarding, one of the few games where you can actually talk about 'puzzle solving'.
Awesome game, loved every bit of it. Except when you had to find stuff like tiny holes or things and you just couldn't see them.

Oni Jazar

a ninja on an airship...dull

I think this is where the problem lies. There are simple mathematical formulas you've got to understand:

Ninjas = badass. Ninjas + anything = badass. (eg Ninja + Zombie Skeletons = badass, Ninja + Tank = badass, Ninja + Ernest Borgnine = STILL BADASS.)

You probably just dont like Ninjas... And that means youre a communist.
Yeah I use to hate using guides for games but for Ecco I broke down. I found the official Ecco guide for 2 bucks in the mall last year,I am using it now. Maybe its weak sauce to use but the game is much,much more fun now. I only really use it when I am stuck all to hell(some of the clues are borderline ridiculous to me but whatever.)

One thing I've found is that the game gives you a break. By that I mean if you die-then the objectives you had accomplished don't have to be done over again. You just start fromthe last task completed. Also-when facing the great white BOSS in the stage Perils of the Coral Reef-you don't have to lure the shark in those narrow rocks and knock the powers of vigor from his jaws over again if you had already done so before dieng.

When you return all you have to worry about is using the power of vigor and stunning/hitting him from the side to finsih the stage. Thank goodness this game doesn't focus on trial and error/start over cause youre fucked type gameplay.

Its weird,I use to think this game was the hardest piece of software known to man. But if you just occasionaly use the strategy guide to break down some vagur clue,or get some knowledge on how to hold your own against a boss,then the game is pretty sweet. Thats not to say what the above poster did wasn't quite an accomplishment though,cause it is,good going :D

Its just that don't have the sack to brainstorm for hours on end on what the hell the games vague clues is trying to tell me:b


I feel sorry for people who can't enjoy Ninja Gaiden. I mean that in the most sincere way possible, as I found the game to be a masterpiece, and this is coming from someone who is neither an action game fan nor a fan of Team Ninja. The game excelled in graphics, sound, atmosphere, challenge and depth that such things such as camera angles became insignificant.
I think it stems from the fact that if a popular game that is demanding on a players skill isn't on their favorite platform,then its more than likely gonna get bashed.

You know how many people will brag about beating a game like Fzero on GameCube,yet bitch Ninja Gaiden all to hell,or vice versa? Too many. Ones enthusiasm for taking down a tough as nails game starts with what platform the game is on. Not everyone is like that,but its something I've noticed plays a big part in the bitchfests here at Gaming Age.


Miburou said:
I feel sorry for people who can't enjoy Ninja Gaiden. I mean that in the most sincere way possible, as I found the game to be a masterpiece, and this is coming from someone who is neither an action game fan nor a fan of Team Ninja. The game excelled in graphics, sound, atmosphere, challenge and depth that such things such as camera angles became insignificant.



Miburou said:
I feel sorry for people who can't enjoy Ninja Gaiden. I mean that in the most sincere way possible, as I found the game to be a masterpiece, and this is coming from someone who is neither an action game fan nor a fan of Team Ninja. The game excelled in graphics, sound, atmosphere, challenge and depth that such things such as camera angles became insignificant.

I honestly agree with you. I just can't stop playing the damn game, when I tried to play other games I just had to go back, none of them were fun or fulfilling after NG. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do when I eventually get tired of it... if that ever happens.


I thought F-Zero was too hard, but I also thought the game was great. One thing does not exclude the other.

I honestly agree with you. I just can't stop playing the damn game, when I tried to play other games I just had to go back, none of them were fun or fulfilling after NG. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do when I eventually get tired of it... if that ever happens.

hahaha I know EXACTLY what you mean.

The latest victims of the Hurricane Pack are: Doom 3 (I'm a little past the middle of the game) and Tales of Symphonia (32 hours into it).

Yeah I clearly remember that. It even showed up in reviewers views on the game- they were bitching about the games difficulty and their scores reflected that.
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