Nasa will say whatever to keep fundings going. They have a agenda to shout every x amount of time that something amazing is up. While in reality there is nothing as there is no proof of anything.
Back in the day we could only see 10 planets, one of them was earth like. That means out of the next 100 of planets some of them have to be earth like right? because that's all we know.
Then we see a 1000 planets and we still only have a single earth like planet ( with that i mean has life on it ). So now in the next 1 million planets we will need to find a couple of earth like planets right? nope.
Etc etc.
What if i tell you, there are infinity amount of planets a number we can't even calculate with the fastest computer in infinite amount of time and only 1 is still earth like which is the earth. Now u can agree with this, or not. It doesn't matter because the point can be made.
This is why math isn't useful unless u find exactly that planet that has life on it and even then it can be a flux just as much as 10 planets on 1 earth was a flux then.
The only thing that confirms life on another planet is finding that life on another planet.
As there is no proof of any planet having it, and the ones that are categorized as "being possible" having life on it can't be reached for shit because its to far away. It's for now the only conclusion that earth is the only planet in space that has life on it.
And with that aliens simple don't exist, unless again there is clear proof of aliens existing validated by multiple sources that do not profit of the idea of aliens existing. There is non.
We have telescopes that give us an idea of their atmospheric composition. Thats were we are getting the numbers that there are many more earth like planets than we thought.
Scientists believed 20 years ago that earth was incredibly unique, now it seems most stars have something that's habitable.
I would wager the majority of people still see earth as unique.
So as the years pass, one thing is becoming increasingly evident. Our place in the universe is becoming less and less special. As science progresses, thats eroding. We went from being the center of the universe, to the only planet, to now the only life supporting planet. We're clinging on to that last one but we can't see even see %.00000000000000001 in our own galaxy. Forget the other billions of galaxies.
That's like a cave man peeking outside his cave for the first time and assuming there's nothing else because he doesn't see anything.
I do think the recent military cases with radar and pilot accounts point to something more, like maybe probes from another civilization. The objects do not behave like black projects of the past. Nothing like them. Black projects steer far away to keep them a secret.
Suddenly they're interfering with fighter pilots and destroying what we thought was possible in terms of physics. There's a massive leap in tech here that pilots have reported since ww2.
It's comforting to assume that's human tech, but again, that goes back to our own arrogance and assuming we're special while being blind to most everything around us.