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Does the possibility of extraterrestrials existing and visiting us scare you and why?

Does the possibility of extraterrestrials existing scare you?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Shut up you're stupid (I'm scared hold me daddy)

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There is alot of evidence out there. Additionally, you cannot doubt the testimonies of military staff/pilots, having seen shit whilst on duty. To disregard aliens as fantasy, is fuckin stupid. Logically, we cannot be the only ones in the universe. There is enough evidence out there amongst the bullshit...especially military wise. Folk are quite happy to have their religious beliefs, despite there being literally NO evidence that any of their deities existed. Mankind is dumb as fuck. In terms of evolution, we are the movie Year One, with jack black. Regressing back to stupidity.


It's a hard topic to get into.

UFO'S UEP'S? Orgone energy? Past resets? Cloning? False History? Moon map? Supressed esoteric & occult rituals and practices? Our ethereal double. Dreams. ET Tech Trades? RA? NASA (LOL)? MK ULTRA. ADRENACROME? Vatican? Etc etc.

So many worms.

Or rather cans.



It's a hard topic to get into.

UFO'S UEP'S? Orgone energy? Past resets? Cloning? False History? Moon map? Supressed esoteric & occult rituals and practices? Our ethereal double. Dreams. ET Tech Trades? RA? NASA (LOL)? MK ULTRA. ADRENACROME? Vatican? Etc etc.

So many worms.

Or rather cans.
Indeed. But, let's just focus on UFO's. So much evidence out there amongst the bullshit. Since the late 1940s. We (I) could go on with myself about how they get here..😄 probably a black hole or moved across a different plane.


Indeed. But, let's just focus on UFO's. So much evidence out there amongst the bullshit. Since the late 1940s. We (I) could go on with myself about how they get here..😄 probably a black hole or moved across a different plane.

Perhaps they are the sons of gods they speak of and from this very Earth.

🎶 What's space got to do wit it 🎶

So just let's focus on UFO's or UAP's (which was the initial term in the 40 or so whatever) ?

That's so boring. There's only such much to speculate about and even then. Yawn. =(
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Perhaps they are the sons of gods they speak of and from this very Earth.

🎶 What's space got to do wit it 🎶

So just let's focus on UFO's or UAP's (which was the initial term in the 40 or so whatever) ?

That's so boring. There's only such much to speculate about and even then. Yawn. =(
Maybe they are our versions of Engineers (similar to Prometheus). Who knows. 😄


Or they are slowly but surely transforming the surface to be habitable for "them" ... Spooky! Climate Change anyone? I'm kidding. Woke up far to early..


Lol. Where doea 95% this thread posters get there information from?

indulge me
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Aliens don't exist and never will exist unless there is proof of there existence which there isn't. Everybody that says or thinks aliens exists are just crackpot people that honestly are delusional.

Being scared of aliens or superior beings also doesn't matter to me. Because that means being afraid of dead really as worst outcome which i am not.


Gold Member
Aliens don't exist and never will exist unless there is proof of there existence which there isn't. Everybody that says or thinks aliens exists are just crackpot people that honestly are delusional.

Being scared of aliens or superior beings also doesn't matter to me. Because that means being afraid of dead really as worst outcome which i am not.
Even if alien life exists on some planet light years away, good luck NASA trying to document detailed info aside from blurry pics sent back to Earth in the year 3000). At best, we got NASA pics from a planet eons away and their best guess is something akin to "according to our research it might have an atmosphere to sustain life"

People also make the assumption it'll be some awesome technobabbling elite civilization like Captain Kirk finding superior lifeforms on Planet Alpha 3957274.374 B2.

Hey, NASA might find proof of life. It might be mold on rocks.
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Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Aliens don't exist and never will exist unless there is proof of there existence which there isn't. Everybody that says or thinks aliens exists are just crackpot people that honestly are delusional.

Being scared of aliens or superior beings also doesn't matter to me. Because that means being afraid of dead really as worst outcome which i am not.
Sounds like something an alien would say. We're on to you, filthy xeno.


Aliens don't exist and never will exist unless there is proof of there existence which there isn't. Everybody that says or thinks aliens exists are just crackpot people that honestly are delusional.

Being scared of aliens or superior beings also doesn't matter to me. Because that means being afraid of dead really as worst outcome which i am not.

Oh I have absolute knowledge they exist.


Aliens don't exist and never will exist unless there is proof of there existence which there isn't. Everybody that says or thinks aliens exists are just crackpot people that honestly are delusional.

Well, we're blind. Basically all we can see is light.

But you don't have to claim 100% certainty in aliens to recognize it as very, very likely.

We can't observe a single planet outside of of our solar system.

The only planet that we have absolute clarity for observation is Earth and maybe Mars. 80% of scientists believe Mars had life. We just started looking on Mars and the signs are very strong. Could be 2/2 very soon

There are well over a trillion planets in 2 galaxies.

Just a little perspective to how much a trillion actually is.

A million seconds is 12 days ago.

A billions seconds is 31 years ago.

A trillion seconds was 31,700 years ago.

There are 2 trillion galaxies in the universe. Each has 100 billion stars with an average of 1 habitable planet each. Even if it's 1/20 that number you're talking trillions of habitable worlds.

Do you think sitting here on Earth that we're that special? All the while being deaf and blind to 99.9% of our own galaxy, forget the billions of others.
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Well, we're blind. Basically all we can see is light.

But you don't have to claim 100% certainty in aliens to recognize it as very, very likely.

We can't observe a single planet outside of of our solar system.

The only planet that we have absolute clarity for observation is Earth and maybe Mars. 80% of scientists believe Mars had life. We just started looking on Mars and the signs are very strong. Could be 2/2 very soon

There are well over a trillion planets in 2 galaxies.

Just a little perspective to how much a trillion actually is.

A million seconds is 12 days ago.

A billions seconds is 31 years ago.

A trillion seconds was 31,700 years ago.

There are 2 trillion galaxies in the universe. Each has 100 billion stars with an average of 1 habitable planet each. Even if it's 1/20 that number you're talking trillions of habitable worlds.

Do you think sitting here on Earth that we're that special? All the while being deaf and blind to 99.9% of our own galaxy, forget the billions of others.

I love these kinds of numbers, it boggles the mind but I absolutely LOVE IT


ChatGPT 0.1

extraterrestrials Are closer than you think.​

Summer Ocean GIF

Keep an eye on the ocean.


Well, we're blind. Basically all we can see is light.

But you don't have to claim 100% certainty in aliens to recognize it as very, very likely.

We can't observe a single planet outside of of our solar system.

The only planet that we have absolute clarity for observation is Earth and maybe Mars. 80% of scientists believe Mars had life. We just started looking on Mars and the signs are very strong. Could be 2/2 very soon

There are well over a trillion planets in 2 galaxies.

Just a little perspective to how much a trillion actually is.

A million seconds is 12 days ago.

A billions seconds is 31 years ago.

A trillion seconds was 31,700 years ago.

There are 2 trillion galaxies in the universe. Each has 100 billion stars with an average of 1 habitable planet each. Even if it's 1/20 that number you're talking trillions of habitable worlds.

Do you think sitting here on Earth that we're that special? All the while being deaf and blind to 99.9% of our own galaxy, forget the billions of others.
Math wise the odds are definitely in favor of life existing elsewhere and probably intelligent life too that’s a forgone conclusion for anyone with a shred of curiosity. What’s less certain is are they here? Which begs the question how did they get here based on our current understanding of physics?


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
It doesn’t so much scare me, but I’ve been really into the idea that aliens are actually just admins in our simulated universe lol.


Even if alien life exists on some planet light years away, good luck NASA trying to document detailed info aside from blurry pics sent back to Earth in the year 3000). At best, we got NASA pics from a planet eons away and their best guess is something akin to "according to our research it might have an atmosphere to sustain life"

People also make the assumption it'll be some awesome technobabbling elite civilization like Captain Kirk finding superior lifeforms on Planet Alpha 3957274.374 B2.

Hey, NASA might find proof of life. It might be mold on rocks.

Nasa will say whatever to keep fundings going. They have a agenda to shout every x amount of time that something amazing is up. While in reality there is nothing as there is no proof of anything.

Well, we're blind. Basically all we can see is light.

But you don't have to claim 100% certainty in aliens to recognize it as very, very likely.

We can't observe a single planet outside of of our solar system.

The only planet that we have absolute clarity for observation is Earth and maybe Mars. 80% of scientists believe Mars had life. We just started looking on Mars and the signs are very strong. Could be 2/2 very soon

There are well over a trillion planets in 2 galaxies.

Just a little perspective to how much a trillion actually is.

A million seconds is 12 days ago.

A billions seconds is 31 years ago.

A trillion seconds was 31,700 years ago.

There are 2 trillion galaxies in the universe. Each has 100 billion stars with an average of 1 habitable planet each. Even if it's 1/20 that number you're talking trillions of habitable worlds.

Do you think sitting here on Earth that we're that special? All the while being deaf and blind to 99.9% of our own galaxy, forget the billions of others.

Back in the day we could only see 10 planets, one of them was earth like. That means out of the next 100 of planets some of them have to be earth like right? because that's all we know.

Then we see a 1000 planets and we still only have a single earth like planet ( with that i mean has life on it ). So now in the next 1 million planets we will need to find a couple of earth like planets right? nope.

Etc etc.

What if i tell you, there are infinity amount of planets a number we can't even calculate with the fastest computer in infinite amount of time and only 1 is still earth like which is the earth. Now u can agree with this, or not. It doesn't matter because the point can be made.

This is why math isn't useful unless u find exactly that planet that has life on it and even then it can be a flux just as much as 10 planets on 1 earth was a flux then.

The only thing that confirms life on another planet is finding that life on another planet.

As there is no proof of any planet having it, and the ones that are categorized as "being possible" having life on it can't be reached for shit because its to far away. It's for now the only conclusion that earth is the only planet in space that has life on it.

And with that aliens simple don't exist, unless again there is clear proof of aliens existing validated by multiple sources that do not profit of the idea of aliens existing. There is non.
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Nasa will say whatever to keep fundings going. They have a agenda to shout every x amount of time that something amazing is up. While in reality there is nothing as there is no proof of anything.

Back in the day we could only see 10 planets, one of them was earth like. That means out of the next 100 of planets some of them have to be earth like right? because that's all we know.

Then we see a 1000 planets and we still only have a single earth like planet ( with that i mean has life on it ). So now in the next 1 million planets we will need to find a couple of earth like planets right? nope.

Etc etc.

What if i tell you, there are infinity amount of planets a number we can't even calculate with the fastest computer in infinite amount of time and only 1 is still earth like which is the earth. Now u can agree with this, or not. It doesn't matter because the point can be made.

This is why math isn't useful unless u find exactly that planet that has life on it and even then it can be a flux just as much as 10 planets on 1 earth was a flux then.

The only thing that confirms life on another planet is finding that life on another planet.

As there is no proof of any planet having it, and the ones that are categorized as "being possible" having life on it can't be reached for shit because its to far away. It's for now the only conclusion that earth is the only planet in space that has life on it.

And with that aliens simple don't exist, unless again there is clear proof of aliens existing validated by multiple sources that do not profit of the idea of aliens existing. There is non.

We have telescopes that give us an idea of their atmospheric composition. Thats were we are getting the numbers that there are many more earth like planets than we thought.

Scientists believed 20 years ago that earth was incredibly unique, now it seems most stars have something that's habitable.

I would wager the majority of people still see earth as unique.

So as the years pass, one thing is becoming increasingly evident. Our place in the universe is becoming less and less special. As science progresses, thats eroding. We went from being the center of the universe, to the only planet, to now the only life supporting planet. We're clinging on to that last one but we can't see even see %.00000000000000001 in our own galaxy. Forget the other billions of galaxies.

That's like a cave man peeking outside his cave for the first time and assuming there's nothing else because he doesn't see anything.

I do think the recent military cases with radar and pilot accounts point to something more, like maybe probes from another civilization. The objects do not behave like black projects of the past. Nothing like them. Black projects steer far away to keep them a secret.
Suddenly they're interfering with fighter pilots and destroying what we thought was possible in terms of physics. There's a massive leap in tech here that pilots have reported since ww2.

It's comforting to assume that's human tech, but again, that goes back to our own arrogance and assuming we're special while being blind to most everything around us.
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