Gowans007 said:Well last night went crap.
Cage in bedroom right next to bed and the pup barked and barked and barked, ignored him for 20mins but by then the neighbours will be getting mega pissed of as he was loud.
He just wanted to be at the bottom of the bed which we do not want at all but after the four hours sleep from last night and not to wake our poorly sleeping two year old we did the worst possible thing and let the pup have his own way.
Yup, only got the crate yesterday tho.Cheska said:Are you putting him in his crate during the day too?
The Lamp said:My dog has a strange lump on her belly that grew out of nowhere. If I tease it she kind of puts her head down there and licks my hand, as if it tickles her and is sensitive, but doesn't really hurt. It's kind of squishy but not like soft/watery kind of squishy, and a little firm.
Took her to the vet and said it might just be a fat deposit but they can't know for certain unless we do a biopsy. Doesn't seem to be interfering with her or hurting her. But we can't afford a biopsy right now so it'll have to wait.
amateur vetGAF, do you think it might be cancer? I don't know how tumors affect dogs...
She's a blue-heeler mut mix, if that helps.
Gowans007 said:Yup, only got the crate yesterday tho.
Gowans007 said:Yeah I'll speak to the neighbours tonight.
Tomorrow will be interesting my Mrs works part time and will be out Thurs-Fri's so it will be a very different day.
I'm gona work from home then tho.
teruterubozu said:How old is your pup?
You gotta make the crate a positive place. Throw your dirty sock/sweatshirt in there filled with your smell. Put a hot water bottle wrapped in a blanket that feels like body heat. Put a ticking clock in there like mommy's heartbeat. Feed him in there, put treats in there, chew toys, etc. It has to be comfortable in there. Like a king/queen's palace.
God I hope not, I guess tonight's gona be a tough night then.teruterubozu said:Hmmm yeah. It may be too late for crate training at this point unless you get professional trainer help. Once the dog's been on your bed, you pretty much lost the battle.
Gowans007 said:God I hope not, I guess tonight's gona be a tough night then.
Yeah, without being an expert, I think the key here is to gradually move your puppy away from you each night + making the crate the best thing in the whole world.teruterubozu said:One thing I would suggest is to put the crate on a sturdy table next to your bed so the dog can see you at eye-level and feel a little more comfortable at night.
Metroid Killer said:Yeah, without being an expert, I think the key here is to gradually move your puppy away from you each night + making the crate the best thing in the whole world.
Gowans007 said:Well last night went crap.
Cage in bedroom right next to bed and the pup barked and barked and barked, ignored him for 20mins but by then the neighbours will be getting mega pissed of as he was loud.
He just wanted to be at the bottom of the bed which we do not want at all but after the four hours sleep from last night and not to wake our poorly sleeping two year old we did the worst possible thing and let the pup have his own way.
TurtleSnatcher said:omg i want to eat your boxer up.
jon bones said:my dog on the left, my sister's dog (also my dog's sister) on the right
Gowans007 said:Well last night went crap.
Cage in bedroom right next to bed and the pup barked and barked and barked, ignored him for 20mins but by then the neighbours will be getting mega pissed of as he was loud.
NH Apache said:That last pic is beyond awesome!
BobDylan said:My family got a new puppy a month ago. she has some beagle in her and we dont know what else. got her from a shelter. the pics are of her at 3 months, now she is 4 months old. Named her Kima(from da wire)
In order not to go completely crazy from turning around all the time, I suggest doing leash training in a big field or a cemetary. There's something about turning all the time on a straight path that makes me click, so I found a cemetary nearby where there will always be a couple of paths to choose from when turning around ^^HamPster PamPster said:Thanks for the leash tips yesterday. Last night I was walking in circles with my dog so we'll see if she improves in a few weeks.
teruterubozu said:Hmmm yeah. It may be too late for crate training at this point unless you get professional trainer help. Once the dog's been on your bed, you pretty much lost the battle.
Birbo said:So I have a question for Dog-GAF I've been wanting to asking, but afraid to bring up;
I have a Shepard/Lab mix named Logan. He is pushing 13 years old and is the best dog I've ever had. He is loving, good tempered, follows me around everywhere, obeys me, is great with my kids, can trust him to lay in the grass sans leash while I cut the lawn and has a multitude of other great qualities.
Lately, Logan is starting to show his age. He's still a puppy at heart, but his body won't let he act like one any more. I find myself thinking about his mortality more every time he can't stand himself up or falls over because his legs give out on him. I've had to put dogs down before, but like I said, he's the best I've ever had. He's a big baby and cries when he isn't with me. I'm wondering if anyone has ever been with their dog at the very end, while they were being put down? Is that even an option? I don't know that I could be there while that happened, but I wouldn't want him to be alone or think that I left him.
HylianTom said:http://i42.photobucket.com/albums/e323/HylianTom/GrassyJake.jpg[IMG]
Jake's getting pretty old now. Definitely slowing down. He'll be 14 in September. He's gone from walking 3-to-4 miles a day to maybe a mile or two. He's incontinent during sleep and must wear a small diaper around his waist. He sometimes goes into a senile stare while we're out walking around the neighborhood.
Still, he's not in pain.. he takes his daily meds, sleeps a ton, and eats really well. Life is comfortable, it seems. Incredibly, his lab values all came back normal during last month's vet visit, and when the vet asked us what we feed him, we told her.. "Whatever he wants." If we're having steak, he gets steak. If we're making pork chops, one of them is his. At this age, he can have whatever he wants.
I don't sleep in my bed upstairs any more. His bed is in the living room, and I sleep on the couch next to him. My partner and I have our work schedules set such that he's seldom alone for more than 2 hours.
Dad tells me that everyone has that one dog in their lifetime that will always stick with you in your mind. His was Duke, a beagle he had until 1984. Grandma's was Snoopy, a mutt that served as her shadow back in the 1960s; decades after he was gone, she would call-out his name in her sleep from time to time. Jake is my "Snoopy," no doubt. I'm cherishing every day that I have with him.
I'm off to lay on the floor with him until bedtime. Goodnight, Dog Age.[/QUOTE]
That is a beautiful and lucky dog.
Puppy teeth! I'm sure they could maul through adamantium! I'd suggest yelping really hard and then turn away from the puppy, if that doesn't help, then show him who's the boss. Whenever he bites you growl slightly and turn him on his back. Stare him in the eyes if necessary. Just don't go overboard.Guts Of Thor said:Perfect time for finding this thread! I need the help of dog-gaf.
I have a German Shepherd puppy that is 10 weeks old and this little shit is biting me like fucking crazy! My hands and wrists are completely mauled. I've tried everything from picking him up from the scruff of his neck and then telling him no to spraying bitter yuck in his mouth when he bites but nothing seems to work. I even tried yelping really loud when he bites but that seems to only excite him and makes him bite more and harder than before.
If it's any consolation I spent the first 10 days sleeping on a matress in the living room floor.Gowans007 said:Well last night the pup slept in is cage all night, problem was I has to sleep on the sofa.
If we bring the cage up he constantly barks and if I leave the room he constantly barks![]()
Owch!Metroid Killer said:If it's any consolation I spent the first 10 days sleeping on a matress in the living room floor.
The Int3rsect said:So how do most of you guys handle the shedding? Just curious because my Golden is shedding like no other. :\