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Dog Age - Official Man's Best Friend Thread

Today my Icelandic sheepdog Shikko is half a year old. It's insane how fast he has grown from such a small puppy to a young confident dog. It's difficult to notice the changes day by day, but when he's way too big for the chair, suddenly higher than some of his playmates and looking back through these photos he sure has grown.

This was when we just got him:



And now 4 months later:





As I've mentioned before this me and my gf's first dog ever and there sure is a lot of stuff to learn for us. That said, I'm surprised how well this whole 'project' is going. Each day is full of positive moments and getting a dog has defintely been one of our best decisions.

Here are some random notes/impressions:

  • Whenever Shikko is done with his dinner he walks back to both me and my gf and with his nose bumps us gently on our legs as his way of saying thanks for food.
  • He already knows 20 commands(not mastered them all though), which I'm really proud of. He picks up insanely fast, introducing him to new tricks usually only takes 5 mins of practice before he gets it, then it's just a matter of time before he's mastered it.
  • Whenever he gets in a playful mood he picks up his favorite toy from a box and stands in front of us to see if we wanna play. Maybe it's just me, but I'm quite impressive that he knows how to get our attention in a nice way instead of doing a thing he's not allowed to like jumping up on forbidden furniture or whatever.
  • We live next to a big fenced grass field where we walk everyday and socialise with dogs free from the leach. I think that because of that and his calm temperament, he's become perfect at reading other dogs' signals and sending the correct ones himself. He never gets in trouble, never escalates a situation and even the most indifferent dominant dogs out there eventually fall for his charming tricks.
  • Laying on his back between my legs getting a belly/leg massage = best time ever :p

Summer is gonna be awesome!
I just took my mini pinscher puppy outside, and he flopped down and rolled on his back. I thought that he was just doing what my Boston Terrier use to do, which was roll over and scratch his back on the grass. When he didn't move I ran to him. I picked him up and he went limp in my hands and I didn't know what to do, besides get him to the vet asap. I thought he was dead or dying, and I had not clue how to save him. Thankfully, and I say that because of the alternative, he went ridged and had a seizure, then vomited on me. The vet ran tests, and said that it's not rare for the breed, but holy fuck was that a sense of total helplessness. Uggh.


Lionheart1827 said:
What kind of dog is this?


It looks like it could be a corgi breed. Its feet are splayed like a Cardigan (also it has a tail, typically Pembrokes are docked -- in the UK since docking is illegal you're seeing more Pems with a tail) but a black skulled Cardigan is fairly rare .. especially with no brindle pointing.


Cool a dog-age thread, about time :) these are our dogs.

This is Molly, she is half Chow half American Eskimo.


This is our Pomimo puppy Kornelius, I struggled to find a pic of him awake.


A few more recent shots...



and this is Monty who is a pure American Eskimo



I hate you all. I won't be able to get a dog for years.

When I do though...

Shiba Inu
Australian Blue heeler
Border Collie


I'm thinking of getting a German Shepherd but I'm not quite sure if I'm ready for one. I have 2 children, 5 and 8, and a chihuahua. I'm aware that they are protective but my concern is she will be overprotective. I've read up on "being a pack leader" but it's something I've never done before. I work in the day for about 9 hours. Is that ok or do I need to wait until I'm retired one day so that I can spend all my time with her. How easy are they to train and become loving dogs?
I have a question regarding dogs and torn ACLs, my childhood dog just tore his ACL when my mom was giving him a bath, she took him to the vet and they imediately recommended surgery, and said it would give him 3-5 years use or something to that effect. Now, I am initially wary of this vet and surgery because there are a lot of people in that area who have more money than they know what to do with and pets they treat like children, so, my question is, is the surgery worth it? will he heal on his own? will I have to put my dog down when i go home in a few weeks? they said he could live well into his 20's besides this leg thing.


Recent picture taken of my two Jack Russells (Sam & Max). I had them posing with my new workout tire. haha

I can't wait until summer. The gf and I are going to move into a place that will allow dogs.

Been looking at adopting a Westie or a Miniature Schnauzer. If we end up getting a mini schnauzer, we plan on getting its beard cut regularly. I think they are so much cuter with puppy cut faces/almost no beard.


I have a little poodle now, and while she is a great dog, I am definitely going to go bigger when I get my own place.

Tibetan Mastiff, American Mastiff, something that likes wrestling.
Confused101 said:
I just adopted a 5 month old Pembroke Welsh Corgi a couple weeks back. I'll be back with pictures soon!
Congratz! I wish there were more corgi owners here in Denmark. My dog loves playing with them :)


I've probably said it a few times in this thread already but I'll say it again.

Dogs > Cats

Seeing these images really strengthens my belief in that.


Happy doggies!

That's Sebastian and Emma, our two Czechoslovakian Vlcaks.

Sebastian is 2, Emma is 5, and, yes, they're our own in-house Hellfire Club...always going after our cat, Phoenix, even though they're a bit cautious of her and what she can do.

one of Emma reprimanding Sebastian....


AMUSIX said:
Happy doggies!
That's Sebastian and Emma, our two Czechoslovakian Vlcaks.

Sebastian is 2, Emma is 5, and, yes, they're our own in-house Hellfire Club...always going after our cat, Phoenix, even though they're a bit cautious of her and what she can do.

Awesome looking dogs.
So me and my gf just experienced what it's like to have a puppy with diarrhea for the first time tonight. We woke up to the sound of liquid shit hitting the walls at 2:30. Our dog sleeps in the hall where there is a staircase, and somehow he had managed to not only squirt shit all over the upperfloor, but also down on the staircase splashing the liquid shit all over the walls etc.

What a night XD

We are now feeding him some soft food (boiled rice, chicken and carrots) so hopefully he should get better throughout the day. Only concern is that he hasn't been drinking any water yet (it's 11:30 am), but hopefully he'll want to soon.


Metroid Killer said:
So me and my gf just experienced what it's like to have a puppy with diarrhea for the first time tonight. We woke up to the sound of liquid shit hitting the walls at 2:30. Our dog sleeps in the hall where there is a staircase, and somehow he had managed to not only squirt shit all over the upperfloor, but also down on the staircase splashing the liquid shit all over the walls etc.

What a night XD

We are now feeding him some soft food (boiled rice, chicken and carrots) so hopefully he should get better throughout the day. Only concern is that he hasn't been drinking any water yet (it's 11:30 am), but hopefully he'll want to soon.

If that doesn't get better in a couple hours take him to the vet ASAP. We lost a pup once to the cats disease (Feline Panleukopenie), don't want to alarm you but diarrhea is one of the symptoms. Keep a close eye on him. Does he still like to play? If you see he's really worn out/tired and stuff take him to the vet.
koji said:
If that doesn't get better in a couple hours take him to the vet ASAP. We lost a pup once to the cats disease (Feline Panleukopenie), don't want to alarm you but diarrhea is one of the symptoms. Keep a close eye on him. Does he still like to play? If you see he's really worn out/tired and stuff take him to the vet.
Yeah we are paying close attention to him. His mood hasn't been affected, and he's still very playful and pretty normal all things considered. He seems tired which is understandable as we were up half of the night.

I'm pretty sure it's caused by something he ate last night(one of the fields where we go for walks had a market up last weekend, they leave all kinds of rubbish making it a minefield), but of course if it doesn't get better we will take him to the vet.


Metroid Killer said:
Yeah we are paying close attention to him. His mood hasn't been affected, and he's still very playful and pretty normal all things considered. He seems tired which is understandable as we were up half of the night.

I'm pretty sure it's caused by something he ate last night, but of course he it doesn't get better we will take him to the vet.

Good! :)


Some fantastic heart-warming photos (too many to quote - so let's just say ALL of them are) in here. Dog's are the greatest.

Here's my mate, introducing Toby:


When we first picked him up from the RSPCA, at 3.5 years of age.


And him just last night while I was making dinner, doing his version of the (in)famous ''bugger dog'.

He's mother was a
Kelpie, and it appears his father was a Rottweiler, though we don't know for certain. He was given up to the RSPCA after his original owner became to ill to care for him. We were lucky to get him (and he us, I like to think), because as usual at the pet events the RSPCA holds, all the puppies and cats get the attention, whereas a full grown adult woofer is a lot less 'cute'. Whereas I can't think of anything worse than working full time and having to house train a puppy, so he was the perfect match.

When we rescued him, though, he was a bit sad. Didn't know how to fetch or 'play', but was very well mannered. He is now an expert fetcher, fantastic rodent killer and great deterrent to would-be trespassers! He is a big sook, except for the odd person (almost at random) he picks to get his heckles up over, which is quiet a fearsome sight. He has trained one or two neighbouring dog-walkers to give him a treat of a morning as they walk by, lol.


he's Virgin Tight™
My Cane Corso lady, Zafira =D.




She's overly hyperactive and we had visitors that night so she needed to be kept chained for a few hours. She's usually free to roam all over the house... inside and out
markot said:
What breed are these?

[QUOTE=AMUSIX]That's Sebastian and Emma, our two [B]Czechoslovakian Vlcaks[/B]. [/QUOTE]

It's the same post as the picture you are quoting... XD

stay gold

Relix said:
My Cane Corso lady, Zafira =D.


She's overly hyperactive and we had visitors that night so she needed to be kept chained for a few hours. She's usually free to roam all over the house... inside and out

Awesome! I have a black Cane Corso, still has his ears too, they look so much better like that imo.


he's Virgin Tight™
replayy said:
Awesome! I have a black Cane Corso, still has his ears too, they look so much better like that imo.

Yeah, can't stand the cut ears. She looks cute and funny that way and meanwhile she can be intimidating when outsiders are around the house. People are scared of her but she's grown to be basically a toy poodle haha. If you sit in the floor with her she'll just rest over your lap like the other small dogs we have.
WickedAngel said:
Hot weather is here so it's important for everyone here to familiarize themselves with the threat of canine hyperthermia.


My sister took her dog running yesterday; they normally go early but she got side-tracked and went a little later (10AM instead of 8AM). The difference in temperature in those mere two hours cost him his life.
That sucks to hear.

I've been bringing a bottle of water with me everytime during walks fro the last couple of weeks.
Ok so I've now owned a dog for almost 4 months, and a thing that has been bothering me a lot is the amount of dog owners who wont let our dogs greet each other during walks.

I think roughly a 1/3 of the dogs I meet on walks, the owners will have some excuse why our dogs can't meet. Their dogs don't like puppies, can't deal with males, are too dominant, can' greet while on leesh, etc.

I'm just very surprised by how many times I run into this weekly. Maybe it's because my dog doesn't have any problems with any other dogs, but I also think that most of the dog owners handle the situations in a bad way.

Now I'm sure some of the dogs truly cannot deal with most other dogs and I obviously respect that the owner controls who they should say hello to, but if I run into a dog which is fairly dominant (mine isn't), then by all means dominate my dog, it's part of their nature anyway, I think it should be up to the dogs to figure out if/how they will meet each other. I mean, by greeting as many dogs as possible Shikko has learned to show all the right signals, turning away if the other dog is too much for him. I think you are doing your dog a great disservice if you never let your dog solve their confronts themself.

I think another reason why some owners wont let their dogs greet is perhaps that if their dog is rather domimant (but not crossing any dogs' lines) many owners of the dog being dominated may react (in ignorance) and pull their dog away sending angry eyes(shout and whatnot) at the owner of the dominat dog. Then the owner may want to avoid protective dog owners who get angry when in reality no harm was done.

Though whatever the reason may be, it must suck to be in such a situation. It sure would take a lot of fun out of the experience if I wouldn't/couldn't let my dog greet other dogs.
And most of all I'm shocked at the number of such situations.


Metroid Killer said:
Ok so I've now owned a dog for almost 4 months, and a thing that has been bothering me a lot is the amount of dog owners who wont let our dogs greet each other during walks.

I think part of it is that you are starting to see people treat dogs more as children ("fur babies" I think is the term) rather than dogs. So they are overprotective.

And I think you are seeing more dogs that probably would have been euthanized because of problems, ending up being adopted.

For instance, my parent's last dog was a Newfoundland, who would get panic attacks whenever he met another dog (even though he was ya know, a Newfoundland and thus much bigger and stronger then they were. Most people, too, actually). In older times, he probably wouldn't have been adopted, but put down.


my german shepherd/ beagle mix


my boyfriend and I rescued a shiba inu who was kept in a barn for the first couple years of his life because he was too big to be a show dog. It has been 4 years since we got him and he's still scared of a LOT of things and still learning what's okay or not.




Metroid Killer said:
Ok so I've now owned a dog for almost 4 months, and a thing that has been bothering me a lot is the amount of dog owners who wont let our dogs greet each other during walks.

I think roughly a 1/3 of the dogs I meet on walks, the owners will have some excuse why our dogs can't meet. Their dogs don't like puppies, can't deal with males, are too dominant, can' greet while on leesh, etc.

I'm just very surprised by how many times I run into this weekly. Maybe it's because my dog doesn't have any problems with any other dogs, but I also think that most of the dog owners handle the situations in a bad way.

Now I'm sure some of the dogs truly cannot deal with most other dogs and I obviously respect that the owner controls who they should say hello to, but if I run into a dog which is fairly dominant (mine isn't), then by all means dominate my dog, it's part of their nature anyway, I think it should be up to the dogs to figure out if/how they will meet each other. I mean, by greeting as many dogs as possible Shikko has learned to show all the right signals, turning away if the other dog is too much for him. I think you are doing your dog a great disservice if you never let your dog solve their confronts themself.

I think another reason why some owners wont let their dogs greet is perhaps that if their dog is rather domimant (but not crossing any dogs' lines) many owners of the dog being dominated may react (in ignorance) and pull their dog away sending angry eyes(shout and whatnot) at the owner of the dominat dog. Then the owner may want to avoid protective dog owners who get angry when in reality no harm was done.

Though whatever the reason may be, it must suck to be in such a situation. It sure would take a lot of fun out of the experience if I wouldn't/couldn't let my dog greet other dogs.
And most of all I'm shocked at the number of such situations.
That's not necessarily it. My brother & his Girlfriend adopted a dog 2yrs ago and because it was abused, it won't let any other dog near it. My parents have tried to get it near 2 of our dogs and both times she tried to attack them. So it's more like they just don't want to take the chance of anything wrong happening.
Metroid Killer said:
Ok so I've now owned a dog for almost 4 months, and a thing that has been bothering me a lot is the amount of dog owners who wont let our dogs greet each other during walks.

I think roughly a 1/3 of the dogs I meet on walks, the owners will have some excuse why our dogs can't meet. Their dogs don't like puppies, can't deal with males, are too dominant, can' greet while on leesh, etc.

I'm just very surprised by how many times I run into this weekly. Maybe it's because my dog doesn't have any problems with any other dogs, but I also think that most of the dog owners handle the situations in a bad way.

Now I'm sure some of the dogs truly cannot deal with most other dogs and I obviously respect that the owner controls who they should say hello to, but if I run into a dog which is fairly dominant (mine isn't), then by all means dominate my dog, it's part of their nature anyway, I think it should be up to the dogs to figure out if/how they will meet each other. I mean, by greeting as many dogs as possible Shikko has learned to show all the right signals, turning away if the other dog is too much for him. I think you are doing your dog a great disservice if you never let your dog solve their confronts themself.

I think another reason why some owners wont let their dogs greet is perhaps that if their dog is rather domimant (but not crossing any dogs' lines) many owners of the dog being dominated may react (in ignorance) and pull their dog away sending angry eyes(shout and whatnot) at the owner of the dominat dog. Then the owner may want to avoid protective dog owners who get angry when in reality no harm was done.

Though whatever the reason may be, it must suck to be in such a situation. It sure would take a lot of fun out of the experience if I wouldn't/couldn't let my dog greet other dogs.
And most of all I'm shocked at the number of such situations.

My experience is the opposite. My dog and my neighbors' dogs are great friends. Even when I'm walking my dog around the neighborhood and come across a dog I've never seen, the owners have been nice enough to let our dogs meet. The people you live around sound like douchebags.


This is my buddy Bruiser, Boston Terrier.

He's never that focused in real life, we had to hold a treat to get those glasses on. Smart looking fella I must say though.

Henchmen21 said:
That's not necessarily it. My brother & his Girlfriend adopted a dog 2yrs ago and because it was abused, it won't let any other dog near it. My parents have tried to get it near 2 of our dogs and both times she tried to attack them. So it's more like they just don't want to take the chance of anything wrong happening.
Yeah I understand that, and as I said I respect that people take the precautions so they don't hurt anyone. But I can't believe that 1/3-1/5 of the dogs I meet during walks are like that...

I think DiscoJer has a good point:

I think part of it is that you are starting to see people treat dogs more as children ("fur babies" I think is the term) rather than dogs. So they are overprotective.

And I think you are seeing more dogs that probably would have been euthanized because of problems, ending up being adopted.

tycoonheart said:
My experience is the opposite. My dog and my neighbors' dogs are great friends. Even when I'm walking my dog around the neighborhood and come across a dog I've never seen, the owners have been nice enough to let our dogs meet. The people you live around sound like douchebags.
Luckily it's only during my walks (which have quite a range) where I see this happen. Most of the time when I socialize my dog it's in a big fenced area where I live, it seems like all the nice dog owners gather there. I live in Copenhagen btw.


My shiba inus are getting neutered right now... we pick them up at 5 tonight.

Please tell me they'll be okay dog-GAF ;_; I'm worried sick...
Dechaios said:
My shiba inus are getting neutered right now... we pick them up at 5 tonight.

Please tell me they'll be okay dog-GAF ;_; I'm worried sick...
They'll be fine. No worries dude. It's a routine thing.
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