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Dog Age - Official Man's Best Friend Thread


equap said:

here's my firefox.
Which breed is this? So cool, looks just like a fox!
hausmeister said:
My papillon looks identical to this one, I'll try to get some pics up after work :)


SonnyBoy said:
I'd like to know what kind of dog this is also. I'm going to get a dog in the next few months.
Shiba Inu,they are kinda rare and pricey IIRC but worth every penny.


Ryck said:
Shiba Inu,they are kinda rare and pricey IIRC but worth every penny.
Uhh... the ones from my pic are Shiba Inu.... the firefox pictured above them is not. Shibas have curly tails.


Dechaios said:
Uhh... the ones from my pic are Shiba Inu.... the firefox pictured above them is not. Shibas have curly tails.
One of my shibas stretches her tail long when she sleeps.


lennedsay said:
One of my shibas stretches her tail long when she sleeps.
That looks like a tail that isn't naturally curled, though. Also, Shibas generally have coarser, longer fur than pictured there.


Dechaios said:
That looks like a tail that isn't naturally curled, though. Also, Shibas generally have coarser, longer fur than pictured there.

We participate in a shiba meetup/rescue group. You wouldn't believe how many don't look like "traditional" shibas. Our male has completely different fur than our female. Shit happens.

Edit: the pic is of my 100% shiba inu I took just now. :p


lennedsay said:
We participate in a shiba meetup/rescue group. You wouldn't believe how many don't look like "traditional" shibas. Our male has completely different fur than our female. Shit happens.
This... what else could it possibly be, besides I bet the tail curls when he isn't sleeping or laying in that position.


Ryck said:
This... what else could it possibly be, besides I bet the tail curls when he isn't sleeping or laying in that position.
Exactly. I'd be really surprised if it isn't at least part shiba. It looks more like a "traditional" shiba than 90% of our meet-up groups' inus.

Even our male and his brother have completely different fur, and neither have a coat like my unrelated female. They all shed differently and after you furminate, they all feel different. So weird.
joelseph said:
Thread needs more master breed.
They certainly are the masters of counter-dominance techniques. It always looks hilarious when a big dog like a rottweiler tries to hump a dachshund, but fail at it due to the size difference. Looks like the bigger dog has brain damage while the dachshund is like wtf are you doing mang?

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
joelseph said:
Thread needs more master breed.

We'd planned to get a dachshund, on account of it being thin enough to fit through the cat door (plus they're awesome). Still, we have stairs and I've read that's not good for their backs or something. Found a corgi at the dog rescue place instead - sort of tubular, not quite as thin but still fit through. Sold! I still want a dachshund too ;)
My family got a new dog last week almost a year after we put our 13 year old lab down. He is a 6 year old Golden Retriever/Irish Setter mix. The person who previously owned him had two dogs and is moving to England and decided to take the other dog with her. He is a bit of a nutball right now, she indulged many "bad behaviors" he had such as jumping on people, so we've been working on breaking him of those habits.
Spamming some more pics. I love everytime we walk near water, Shikko is not 100% confident about playing in water just yet, but I'm sure it'll come as soon as it's warm enough so I can enter as well. Looking forward to swim with my dog :D




It was really hot yesterday and I couldn't understand why Shikko was using his energy on digging after being exhausted from playing with some dogs. Apparently the hole was cold and cooled him off.




^Herp derp. It's amazing how unphotogenic dogs can be XD
So most dog owners are alright, but I hope you agree with me that there certainly are some... strange dog owners out there. Today I met the strangest one so far.

On my walk today I ran into this older(40s/50s) guy who had a really cool looking dog, but apparently she was in heat so we broke off pretty quickly, he seemed rather normal based on this little meeting. Anyway I continue to a small playground where Shikko loves playing around. Suddenly I hear someone talking really really loud. I see this guy from before standing at the other end of the playground, looking down into the ground talking in a loud voice about jesus and stuff: "Where are you now jesus!? Is THIS what it has come to?... Mumble mumble... I SHALL DRAG YOU ALL INTO HELL... AND WITH MY FURY mumble mumble... WHERE ARE YOU JESUS!?

Then as if he woke up from some kind of spell he just walks onwards...

Besides trying to calm down Shikko, I was about to burst from laughter... just wtf.


julls said:
We'd planned to get a dachshund, on account of it being thin enough to fit through the cat door (plus they're awesome). Still, we have stairs and I've read that's not good for their backs or something. Found a corgi at the dog rescue place instead - sort of tubular, not quite as thin but still fit through. Sold! I still want a dachshund too ;)

I think their back and hip problems are real but I also think it depends on the dachshunds body shape. Mine has extremely long legs for the bread and has no back issues what so ever. He loves to do agility courses and jumps 4 board jumps with no problems!


I have a question, our Eskie puppy Monty seems to piss every time I go outside and pet him. He doesn't do it the whole time just for the first few seconds. We have never hit him since he listens to commands very well ( he notices changes in tones of voice). Anyone know why he does that?
If I'm correct submissive peeing can happen if a dog is anxious or fearful, but also if he's simply very excited about the situation. Maybe he just can't hold himself together when he sees you? (how old is he)

I accidentially kicked Shikko's left front leg when we were running home from a crazy weather (hailing and thunderstorms) which made him scream really bad and start limping on that leg. A few hours later and it's already close to normal. Scared me terribly nevertheless (I forgot how much it sucks when you got an injured/sick pet :( ).


Metroid Killer said:
If I'm correct submissive peeing can happen if a dog is anxious or fearful, but also if he's simply very excited about the situation. Maybe he just can't hold himself together when he sees you? (how old is he)

I accidentially kicked Shikko's left front leg when we were running home from a crazy weather (hailing and thunderstorms) which made him scream really bad and start limping on that leg. A few hours later and it's already close to normal. Scared me terribly nevertheless (I forgot how much it sucks when you got an injured/sick pet :( ).
You are correct. Our youngest Daschund does it all the time. We can take her out, start scratching her back and speaking in high tones to her and she'll piss everywhere like a fire hydrant. She's still a puppy (just turned 1 year) though and I know they tend to grow out of it when they're older.


Metroid Killer said:
If I'm correct submissive peeing can happen if a dog is anxious or fearful, but also if he's simply very excited about the situation. Maybe he just can't hold himself together when he sees you? (how old is he)
He's four months old, both our puppies are. One is a Pomimo and the other an Eskie. Only the Eskie has that problem however. Yeah he gets super excited when I come out you should see my arms afterwards all tore up from his excitement. So will he eventually grow out of that or is there something we have to do? I have been trying to calm him when I go out there rather than egg on his excitement.
Ryck said:
Yeah he gets super excited when I come out you should see my arms afterwards all tore up from his excitement. So will he eventually grow out of that or is there something we have to do? I have been trying to calm him when I go out there rather than egg on his excitement.
Yeah staying calm is fine, but he should defintely grow out of it automatically.

And what is it with puppies and razor sharp teeth/claws, you'd think you are raising the meanest killing machine based on how sharp they are. Luckily my dog lost his baby teeth pretty early on.


Ceres said:
I can never get good photos of our dog, Penny.



She's an Australian Cattle Dog mix. Has one blue eye and one brown eye.
We got her from an organization that takes dogs out of kill shelters and brings them to NY. An off duty police officer found her in a drainage ditch with a liter of puppies. She definitely had an owner at some point and was abused.

Kind of reminds me of my old dog:


This is my current dog:


He's an almost 3 year old pure bred brindle scottish terrier named Griffyn (or as I call him sometimes Gremlyn).


Ryck said:
He's four months old, both our puppies are. One is a Pomimo and the other an Eskie. Only the Eskie has that problem however. Yeah he gets super excited when I come out you should see my arms afterwards all tore up from his excitement. So will he eventually grow out of that or is there something we have to do? I have been trying to calm him when I go out there rather than egg on his excitement.
He's still young. When the dog gets super exited when you come to him try to walk away from him. Try repeating that until he's calm and stops peeing. When he does stop try giving a treat or something for positive reinforcement.
Here's my dog, Buckley. He's a rescue dog, so we really don't know all of what he is. He was touted as a Lab mix, but now that he's grown I don't see much of that in him at all. We're thinking Rhodesian Ridgeback and some Chow, and as to the rest I could only speculate. He was a real pain in the ass after we got him; he had some severe aggression and guarding issues, but I've been working with a trainer here in Austin and it's provided some amazing results. He's learned over 60 commands and has really turned out to be a wonderful family member.

So my girlfriend is going to be away most of the summer due to a project in Sweden.

While she is away I want to teach Shikko some new tricks to surprise her with when she comes home, but for some reason I'm having a hard time coming up with stuff.

He already knows or is working on a lot of the basic stuff (Sit, lay down, heel, shake, roll over, fetch, etc.), and I would love to come up with something that isn't functional only (like playing dead or something).

Any ideas?
Already posted in the dead cat thread, but might as well mention it again: lost my dog today.

Ironically I'm more sad about it RIGHT NOW than I was at the time. :'(

She was a sweetie, even if she was a rotten little rascal most the time.

Not her, but the gist:


Fuckin' RIP.

Man, I'm seriously emotional right now. Wtf.

Cheers, dog-GAF.


Already posted in the dead cat thread, but might as well mention it again: lost my dog today.

Ironically I'm more sad about it RIGHT NOW than I was at the time. :'(

She was a sweetie, even if she was a rotten little rascal most the time.

Not her, but the gist:


Fuckin' RIP.

Man, I'm seriously emotional right now. Wtf.

Cheers, dog-GAF.[/QUOTE]

Sorry to hear that. :(


:( it always hits harder when you're home, trying to sleep... Lost my 16 year old dog a year ago, and my other dogs still know her name...

Hang in there bud.
lennedsay said:
:( it always hits harder when you're home, trying to sleep... Lost my 16 year old dog a year ago, and my other dogs still know her name...

Hang in there bud.

warthog said:
Sorry for your loss. It hurts because they truly are great friends.

CF_Fighter said:
You have my sympathies, one of the worst feelings in the world.

You know, I was feeling better until I came in here again. Now I'm sad again. lol ....

Sincere thanks. But that's enough attention. Back to happier topics, please. It's what Morgie would have wanted.

lol ....... :(


Metroid Killer said:
So my girlfriend is going to be away most of the summer due to a project in Sweden.

While she is away I want to teach Shikko some new tricks to surprise her with when she comes home, but for some reason I'm having a hard time coming up with stuff.

He already knows or is working on a lot of the basic stuff (Sit, lay down, heel, shake, roll over, fetch, etc.), and I would love to come up with something that isn't functional only (like playing dead or something).

Any ideas?



Family dog, he's called Bailey. I don't get to see him much since moving out sadly. When we got him from the RSPCA a year or so ago we were told he was a cross between an Alsation and a Rottweiler, I'm not sure how true that is though. Apparently he was there for 4 years before we picked him, god knows why.





So I've had my puppy for 5 months now and for a while she was getting pretty good with going to the bathroom outdoors.

Then all of a sudden she wouldn't poop outside regularly. She will let us know if she needs to pee but sometimes I'll be waiting outside for 20 mins and she won't poop.

It's become a nuisance when she ends up pooping in the house and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

This started when I mowed my lawn ever since she coincidentally stopped pooping on our own lawn, I had to start taking her to neighboring lawns.

Could this also be because I have been inconsistent with giving her treats as a reward for going outside?
Zyzyxxz said:
So I've had my puppy for 5 months now and for a while she was getting pretty good with going to the bathroom outdoors.

Then all of a sudden she wouldn't poop outside regularly. She will let us know if she needs to pee but sometimes I'll be waiting outside for 20 mins and she won't poop.

It's become a nuisance when she ends up pooping in the house and I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

This started when I mowed my lawn ever since she coincidentally stopped pooping on our own lawn, I had to start taking her to neighboring lawns.

Could this also be because I have been inconsistent with giving her treats as a reward for going outside?
1. Is she afraid of the lawnmower? It could be that she considers your lawn as the lawnmower's territory? The length of the grass could also have something to do with it? My dog defintely prefers short grass, but you never know...

2. I'll assume this is just some puppy thing that will pass over with time, until I would just make a habit out of doing night walks to make sure you avoid poop overnight.


Dechaios said:
Uhh... the ones from my pic are Shiba Inu.... the firefox pictured above them is not. Shibas have curly tails.
lol it's a shiba, bro. shiba curls its tail when it's awake and happy. but if you kick it in the head like i did before that pic, the tail will go straight.
lennedsay said:

We participate in a shiba meetup/rescue group. You wouldn't believe how many don't look like "traditional" shibas. Our male has completely different fur than our female. Shit happens.

Edit: the pic is of my 100% shiba inu I took just now. :p
maybe those shibas aren't pure breed.
Hmm being a new dog owner I always find it a bit difficult to figure out when to go to the vet or not.

My dog got a scratch on his tail some days ago (we think it may have been from tuesday as he were playing pretty roughly with some other dogs). It's just a minor scratch at the size of a small coin, however we didn't notice it until yesterday(friday) where it was somewhat infected. Cleaned the scratch and disinfected it and will continue doing it twice today and tomorrow.

Shikko's mood is the same as usual, so I assume there is no need to go to a vet, since it's just a minor scratch? Or am I wrong in my assumption, and that any wound no matter size should be treated by a vet when it's infected as well?

It's not bleeding btw.

Thanks again dog-age.

NH Apache

Metroid Killer said:
Hmm being a new dog owner I always find it a bit difficult to figure out when to go to the vet or not.

My dog got a scratch on his tail some days ago (we think it may have been from tuesday as he were playing pretty roughly with some other dogs). It's just a minor scratch at the size of a small coin, however we didn't notice it until yesterday(friday) where it was somewhat infected. Cleaned the scratch and disinfected it and will continue doing it twice today and tomorrow.

Shikko's mood is the same as usual, so I assume there is no need to go to a vet, since it's just a minor scratch? Or am I wrong in my assumption, and that any wound no matter size should be treated by a vet when it's infected as well?

It's not bleeding btw.

Thanks again dog-age.

Call the vet. They will probably suggest antibiotics (8 bucks at mine IIRC). If infected, it could be very problematic.

Edit: might as well...one of the pack:

teruterubozu said:
That's Shikkou
I know, but it's become the standard to omit the extra letters of the long vowels when romanizationing the term (see Kendo, Judo, Tokyo, etc.). I do pronounce it with a long vowel though.

Anyway we probably shouldn't derail the thread into a linguistic debate :p
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