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Donkey Kong Country Dynasty for GC?

I'm playing through DKC2 on SNES right now and was looking for a walkthrough. I came across some DKC fansite and they posted a news story in April that said there is a game called DKC Dynasty coming out for Gamecube. Anyone have any info on this? I've been outta the loop on videogame news for awhile, so I guess i missed it.
"dynasty" -- as in an incestuous condition of rulership based not on merit or competence but lineage and association?

I'd say that's about right.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Idle Will Kill said:
I came across some DKC fansite and they posted a news story in April that said there is a game called DKC Dynasty coming out for Gamecube.

Drinky Crow said:
"dynasty" -- as in an incestuous condition of rulership based not on merit or competence but lineage and association?
No no no, as in the 1981-1989 television series.

In which case, yes.


Jungle Beat started out as a 2.5D platforming successor to the DKC series... maybe that's what they're referring to?
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