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Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze |OT| There's always money in the banana stand


+1 to the club that hates rocket barrel levels. that was the one thing i hoped they'd take out from the game.

at least they're not 1-hit death anymore.


I know this has been said a couple of times already, but how about that 3-1.
3-1 not only looks amazing and sounds amazing, but it's super-fun to play. The rhythmic swaying of the trees allows for platforming that is lively but easy to follow. And I love the serpent-shaped platforms at the end -- ample opportunity to roll around, catching some airtime and getting a sweet panoramic view of the savannah with each jump. :)


3-1 not only looks amazing and sounds amazing, but it's super-fun to play. The rhythmic swaying of the trees allows for platforming that is lively but easy to follow. And I love the serpent-shaped platforms at the end -- ample opportunity to roll around, catching some airtime and getting a sweet panoramic view of the savannah with each jump. :)

The attention to detail in animation is amazing. The world just feels so alive. That goes for all levels I've played so far, but 3-1 really stands out.


Speaking of 3-1 is the music not a cover of some famous heavy metal song about 60% in?

Also good advice about watching Time Attack runs. I did not even realize we could. I definitely added a few people the other day from the list. Accept if I have please.
I forgot something else awesome about 6-4.

The Bat from the Cave world in DKCR cameos inside a giant ice cube! I loved that level so that was a very exciting moment, to me.

Yeah that was awesome. When I saw that shit I was like haha asshole!. I'm sure Retro knew people hated that fucker.

You could say I'm a fan of one of World 2's most prominent visual themes, what a majestic beak peak!


In terms of difficulty all I can say is I've so far gotten three of the relics, and save for some very rare occasions where I bought extra lives to recoup on a number of multiplayer game overs, a large majority of the 99 lives I'm carrying haven't been from purchases. Maintaining the lives count in this game has been surprisingly easy for me to do, and the K levels in particular, while the hardest levels of the bunch, are hardly structured in unfair ways. If anything, they are the most predictable levels of the entire bunch and introduce a fair share of their mechanics bit by bit.

I wouldn't claim that the levels don't prepare you for elements either. Most of them that don't do this don't punish you by death but by missing a collectible, but most of the time when you're prepared for a perilous stretch, the game will always either; a) prepare a rest stop for you while your path lies in the distance, showing what appears to be a straight shot with the possible addendum of a dangerous-looking object behind you (the first Rambi level in World 2 comes to mind), or b) have the next elements slowly build themselves while you come into an empty area.

The dynamic elements don't tend to punish you immediately either if you decide to take time to deliberate on some of the level gimmicks. When they do, they're introduced as straightforward platforming elements early on in the level that tend to collapse without much consequence during your first encounters. What follows afterwards is a combination of employing the physics based platforming to your advantage and utilizing proper reaction times.

The game is hardly more unfair than its peers. What it does is demand more of your abilities to employ the game's physics intricacies, as well as taking the time to take note of what makes the level design "tick". The game very much introduces unpredictable elements; and that's a good thing, because those elements keep the game feeling new and fresh, and they're never pulled out in a way that patronizes the player's ability or even works against them as a cheap obstacle.


I loved DKCR and this is even better, but I'm disappointed they didn't really fix the control issues. It's also annoying that you can't switch between the d-pad and analog without going to the options.

Visually, it's a mixed bag. I think the level design and art direction are excellent, but technically, it feels like only a slight step up from DKCR. After playing platformers like LBP and Puppeteer, this looks pretty basic.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I'm at the start of world five and have found nothing in the game so far to be a level of difficulty that negatively impacted the game. Yes, it can be tough as nails at times, but it's never unfair. I levied these feelings towards those who claimed "trial and error" was a major component of Returns. I disagreed then and I disagree here. All games are inherently trial and error to a point, but when I think trial and error and unpredictability I picture design that is very difficult if not impossible to conquer without failure leading to a learning experience. This isn't true for either of Retro's DKC games. At times the window of decision making is small, but you're always given enough time to observe a situation and respond logically, failure always at the fault of the player.

Retro's consistency with this design is largely why I liked Returns so much, and am loving Tropical Freeze.


It should be noted, DK playing the 3DS is a comprehensive Easter egg in this game: He'll play multiple five-second samples from Animal Crossing; New Leaf, Mario Kart 7, Donkey Kong Country Returns, and even a sample from Super Mario 3D Land.
I'm at the start of world five and have found nothing in the game so far to be a level of difficulty that negatively impacted the game. Yes, it can be tough as nails at times, but it's never unfair. I levied these feelings towards those who claimed "trial and error" was a major component of Returns. I disagreed then and I disagree here. All games are inherently trial and error to a point, but when I think trial and error and unpredictability I picture design that is very difficult if not impossible to conquer without failure leading to a learning experience. This isn't true for either of Retro's DKC games. At times the window of decision making is small, but you're always given enough time to observe a situation and respond logically, failure always at the fault of the player.

Retro's consistency with this design is largely why I liked Returns so much, and am loving Tropical Freeze.

Wait for 6-7 and 6-8 :D Have you played the K-Level of World 1-4 ?
I wouldn't say 6-7 and 6-8 are unfair but they were hard and frustrating (for me at least).
Where's DK? Hard mode?

One heart definitely means.... Hard Mode (*looks at avatar*).

Indeed, though I'm not sure when I'll actually brave the boss battles, I feel like I could go the distance for the 200% this time with no jagged jewels and better boss fights but I don't know if I'll commit to that quite yet.
Surprisingly the lack of checkpoints hasn't been too much of a sticking point so far.

Also I only just found out that if DK has a partner Kong underwater you can spin infinitely like with the roll, not too useful but good to know.



You could say I'm a fan of one of World 2's most prominent visual themes, what a majestic beak peak!

Haha if you look back in the thread JC and I were talking abut how this made us think of you....new avatar perhaps?

It should be noted, DK playing the 3DS is a comprehensive Easter egg in this game: He'll play multiple five-second samples from Animal Crossing; New Leaf, Mario Kart 7, Donkey Kong Country Returns, and even a sample from Super Mario 3D Land.

Yes but whyyyy must they take so long to appear....
Haha if you look back in the thread JC and I were talking abut how this made us think of you....new avatar perhaps?

If I was at all competent making avatars I'd likely be rocking a Skowl one right now.
His rather odd shape makes him tough to avaterize though, I'd probably have to stick with his grouchy looking face.
If anyone rises to this challenge then I'll get started on my Tropical Freeze writeup which is like my posting equivalent of a K stage, WHAT A REWARD!

The Beak Peak would be a decent runner up choice though.

Is everything unlocked in hard mode or do you have to start from the beginning?
Everything is unlocked, stages you beat on hard mode change to green on the map.


Hahaha someone beat my 1-B run already. At least I got to be #1 for a while!

Now I should actually continue to beat the game (I'm at 2-6 haha).


The K-levels are so satisfying to beat. The difficulty here is trully perfect throughout the whole game. Retro, I love you so much...
For awhile there I thought 4-K was pretty hard, until I realized how incredibly short it is. Wondering how 5-K and 6-K will stack up!

This game continues to be amazing. Loving every second of it. Retro is so, so amazing at making each level feel like it has a sense of actual location and cohesion within the game world. The levels aren't just "2-1," "2-2," 2-3," etc. -- each one looks and feels like it logically belongs where in the game you play it. Each stage visually and thematically leads into the following one in terms of the island you're on and the larger scheme of things. DKC Returns was like this too, and it impressed the hell out of me then as well. Can Retro do no wrong? Damn.

Well, they can do a LITTLE wrong. As gorgeous as they are, I honestly can't stand the swimming levels... the controls are just horrid and supremely frustrating. I don't mind a little swimming when it's one element of a larger, regular level, but the levels entirely dedicated to swimming really suffer. World
is almost certainly going to go down as my least favorite for that reason.
If I was at all competent making avatars I'd likely be rocking a Skowl one right now.
His rather odd shape makes him tough to avaterize though, I'd probably have to stick with his grouchy looking face.
If anyone rises to this challenge then I'll get started on my Tropical Freeze writeup which is like my posting equivalent of a K stage, WHAT A REWARD!

The Beak Peak would be a decent runner up choice though.

Everything is unlocked, stages you beat on hard mode change to green on the map.

Awesome that's cool.

Where's the "N" in 5-2? I played the last part of this level 16 times to get the "G" only to find out that I missed a letter :/

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
For awhile there I thought 4-K was pretty hard, until I realized how incredibly short it is. Wondering how 5-K and 6-K will stack up!

Hardest part of 4-K is your platforming skills are really dull after the water levels proceeding it. I had a really tough time adjusting to it and 5-1.


In various World 6 levels,
you can see DKCR characters frozen in the ice (like the Giant Bat)

It's not just
characters. You can also see various locations from DKCR in the background in world 6 levels. In 6-1 you can see the area of the ruins where you fought the third boss of DKCR and the frog statues that gave you a puzzle piece in 1-1 of DKCR.


I don't understand the complaints about the swimming in this game. I feel it controls very well. It's fluid, and it's easy to correct your course if you go to far in one direction. You move pretty swiftly. Really swiftly if you have a buddy.

Honestly some of the best swimming controls I've seen.


I've added myself to the spreadsheet for friend requests, feel free to request and I'll accept when I see it. Also sending out a few myself but can't be bothered typing everyone's name.
FINALLY beat that
fucking pufferfish boss. One attempt actually glitched when I received a heart the moment I died...the boss just sat there until I closed the software

Also dug the
3DS easter egg
Listening to Aquatic Ambience as I prepare myself for World 5. :D

I don't understand the complaints about the swimming in this game. I feel it controls very well. It's fluid, and it's easy to correct your course if you go to far in one direction. You move pretty swiftly. Really swiftly if you have a buddy.

Honestly some of the best swimming controls I've seen.

Gotta agree. I was worried they were gonna be stiff ala the original DKC and now I can't imagine TF without swimming.
It's not just
characters. You can also see various locations from DKCR in the background in world 6 levels. In 6-1 you can see the area of the ruins where you fought the third boss of DKCR and the frog statues that gave you a puzzle piece in 1-1 of DKCR.

Yup. I especially loved
in the factory you could see the Handy Hazards hand thingies
I'm not sure if I like this better than DKCR or not. They are both great for sure though. I thought Returns provided a tougher challenge and more consistent difficulty curve. The world also felt more interactive... There was more stuff to groundpound and even the blowing made me feel engaged. The switchpulling would have been a good replacement but it was underutilized in my opinion. One thing I missed from Tropical Freeze was constantly shooting in and out of the background and foreground. It made for some great moments. I also feel that the level design was better overall.
Personally I'm really glad the blowing mechanic is gone. I also was NOT a fan of being shot into the background in returns. It was just visual flair that made the game momentarily harder to play for the wrong reasons (not tougher level design or new obstacles, just harder to see).

I'm still early in though. Just finished world 1 getting all the collectibles and gold time trial medals (maybe I'll go for shiny golds later).
I don't understand the complaints about the swimming in this game. I feel it controls very well. It's fluid, and it's easy to correct your course if you go to far in one direction. You move pretty swiftly. Really swiftly if you have a buddy.

Honestly some of the best swimming controls I've seen.

Yeah, swimming levels = aquatic ambience
I don't need anything else :p
I'd add that for us mortals it helps to watch replays of GOOD runs, rather than AMAZING runs.

Any of the runs in the top ten contain tricks that are just so far away from my skill level they are not helpful. It's better for me to find runs that just get Gold by a few seconds.

What's the criteria for a shiny gold by the way?
I dunno. The top runs can tell you the best partner to use and all you may have to do it tackle ONE section differently to get the few extra seconds you need to do well.

I got my gold medal on 1-K by just tackling the first part of the level differently. Gave me 3 more seconds.
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