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Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze |OT| There's always money in the banana stand


I'm so bad at speed runs , it's embarrassing
Same here. I am still making my way through the main game however since I friend requested a few people through the GAF DCKRTF spreadsheet I decided to give 1-1 a go. I cannot even get Bronze. I tried about 5 times before I realized I just might not be able to do it.

Perhaps with more practice I could do it, however my time to play games these days is limited so the chances of me getting to play the game enough to where I get good times on the speed runs is slim to none, especially since I do own all consoles and have quite a few games coming out next month I plan on checking out.

Just wondering, but in DKC:TF, you can still buy Squawks to find puzzle pieces like in DKCR, right?


I beat 1-K on my third go and the world two boss on my first go.

Am I gonna make it?

Lost 10 lives trying to beat 2-K so far :(


One thing that bugged me: The controls with Rambi are not ideal imo. It really became apparent in that final world 6 level. If you press Y, you get a short boost. But if you mash Y, I think all it does is cue up several Y inputs, so if you're ready to jump, you have to make sure you're not at the end of that animation, otherwise you'll slow down and only get a regular jump out of it.

Maybe I was doing it wrong, but I think the way it should be, is that if you're running you should always get the long jump and be able to maintain your speed.

I think I'm in the small minority who actually really like the rocket barrel levels.

Then we are part of the same minority. Those levels are fantastic.


1. Cheap Deaths: I know many here will be like "No, this is a hardcore platformer like the old days! It's not cheap it's just difficult!" I disagree. For example, compare this game to the last level of Super Mario 3D World. In 3D World, the last level is incredibly difficult. It's probably the hardest Mario level yet. However, at every stage of the level, you know exactly what you need to do. There aren't any tricks hiding behind any corners, nor any memorization or "AHA! Bet you didn't see that coming" nonsense. It's just perfectly crafted difficulty that requires precision platforming skills.

While I generally disagree the DKCR games have a lot of cheap deaths, one thing thats been in both games and Id prefer if Retro just stopped fucking doing if they made a third DKC game are those sections that are like "jump forward, jump forward, jump forward, HA! GOTCHA! This time you were supposed to jump back to the platform that reappeared on the left!"

They dont happen often but its super annoying when they do. They're the only times I feel like the deaths weren't my fault.


I think I'm in the small minority who actually really like the rocket barrel levels.

I think there's just enough of them where they don't overstay their welcome, and find them a fun change of pace from the franticness of the other levels. Going up the rollercoaster isn't the best part of a roller coaster, but it's still enjoyable and has its own sense of tension.


Lost 10 lives trying to beat 2-K so far :(

I think I posted about that level 300 times in this thread. It's not that it's so difficult, just that it's so incredibly easy to mess up, and with no fucking checkpoints. Took me a couple hours to finish it. Some people were better at it from what I've read, although some were definitely worse.


Just beat the game, figured I'd jot down my thoughts.


1. Music: David Wise is a musical genius yadda yadda yadda. Nothing could be said here that we don't already know. This will probably go down as the best soundtrack of the year.

2. Level Design: As with DKCR, this is top notch level design...when not dealing with #1 in the cons below. When the game is being fair, it's a complete pleasure to play through.

3. Secrets: The amount of hidden puzzle pieces, secret exits, and
Mysterious relics
is great. Not only are there plenty of things to do after beating the game (including time trial), but the secrets are very well hidden. It will probably take me a long, long time to 100% this game, and I'll probably resort to using a guide or two.

4. Art style: Retro is the king of atmosphere, and here they show they can keep a lighthearted touch with some really nice graphics. The general aesthetic is beautiful, and on an actual TV instead of my computer screen the colors practically fill the room.

5. Controls/Physics: You definitely feel like a heavy ape, in a good way. The exception here are the water levels. Man, the swimming controls are awful in this game...

6. First Level in the Savannah World: The stage that EatChildren made a thread about a few weeks ago. I think it might be my favorite platformer stage ever...I was so impressed from the beginning to the end of that level.


1. Cheap Deaths: I know many here will be like "No, this is a hardcore platformer like the old days! It's not cheap it's just difficult!" I disagree. For example, compare this game to the last level of Super Mario 3D World. In 3D World, the last level is incredibly difficult. It's probably the hardest Mario level yet. However, at every stage of the level, you know exactly what you need to do. There aren't any tricks hiding behind any corners, nor any memorization or "AHA! Bet you didn't see that coming" nonsense. It's just perfectly crafted difficulty that requires precision platforming skills.

This game, on the other hand, just throws things at you and asks you to forgive them because "Oh, well at least now I know that the platform will randomly jump" or "Oh wow, I guess I was supposed to grab the LEFT side of the vines." That kind of thing is fine if you're going for puzzle pieces or KONG letters, not to just play through the level. It's pseudo-difficulty and bad design. It's not really a problem until the latter half of the game, and especially in the last world.

2. Lack of Variety: I feel like most of the worlds had the same aesthetic to them. I know there was a savannah world, and a mountain world, etc. but they all felt the same to me. I think it's because of all the trees filled in every world. I don't remember having this feeling with DKCR. In fact, the only levels that weren't covered in trees and shrubbery in this game were the ones in the last world...taken from DKCR.

All in all, I think Retro has crafted another fantastic platformer. I don't think it quite reaches the heights of DKCR, though, mostly because of the 2 reasons mentioned above. However, the game is still worth every penny and I haven't lost any faith in Retro as a studio. I can't wait to see what they'll be making next.

Yeah I generally agree with this. The difficulty after world 3 seems to skyrocket, and a lot of my deaths feel like gotcha moments. Like sudden change in the environment or something that gives you barely any time to react.

The game is pretty well designed, but for some reason I'm not enjoying it as much as I feel like I should.


I hate that I have to keep charging the Wii U Gamepad even though I'm not using it at all...
Leave it plugged in. I have the charging cradle, so I just leave it sitting in that. It's on a shelf of my TV stand.

I do agree that games which do not use the gamepad should at least allow it to "sleep". It should work just as the Wii Remotes, where they power off and only wake up to sync when you press a button.


I just realized that even though this game looks amazing, I've only taken 1 ingame screenshot.


I love Rambi's "Oh Shit" face


Oh please, I know what I‘m talking about. None of the other games interest me apart from Bayonetta 2 somewhat.

Yet you only listed Smash and Kart, okay......

Wii U has a wide variety of games and I didn't even mention the eshop.

Anyway your money, your time, your interest.

Back to the topic at hand and not begging for a cheap Wii U to appear out of thin air.

2-1 was amazing, I can't wait until I finish the game, I want to go back through it and get all of the kong letters and I can' wait until the time attacks get more mature and people start to really get good times.

This game is really good and I am enjoying it more than SM3DW and NSMBU, not to say they are bad, not in the least but this is just on another level. That extra time really did add a spit of polish to the game.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
I'm so bad at speed runs , it's embarrassing

Same here. I am still making my way through the main game however since I friend requested a few people through the GAF DCKRTF spreadsheet I decided to give 1-1 a go. I cannot even get Bronze. I tried about 5 times before I realized I just might not be able to do it.

Perhaps with more practice I could do it, however my time to play games these days is limited so the chances of me getting to play the game enough to where I get good times on the speed runs is slim to none, especially since I do own all consoles and have quite a few games coming out next month I plan on checking out.


It helps to watch replays of good runs


It helps to watch replays of good runs

I'd add that for us mortals it helps to watch replays of GOOD runs, rather than AMAZING runs.

Any of the runs in the top ten contain tricks that are just so far away from my skill level they are not helpful. It's better for me to find runs that just get Gold by a few seconds.

What's the criteria for a shiny gold by the way?


How do you find replays of GOOD runs? Rather than AMAZING runs...

I haven't tried it yet, but on Trials HD I used to scroll down the leaderboards till I found a time that was just above Gold. All the top times do crazy stuff that I can't replicate. I'm assuming you can do the same in Tropical Freeze, or can you only view the top 10?
Island 6 impressions:

Well, it didn't quite reach the heights of island 5, but it was better than DKCR's final world. Don't get me wrong, this island has some of the very best levels in the game, but island 5 is infinite levels above God-tier. What I love about island 6 though is
the way the levels are based off of each world in DKCR
. It goes along with what we've been talking about how great Retro's storytelling is through their art and gameplay. There were so many awesome moments...
Seeing that asshole bat from DKCR frozen in an icecube, entering the forest level and having the music remind me of Phendrana Drifts, the astounding design of the silhouette avalanche level and the frozen factory, getting to wreak havoc as Rambi one more time...
Just really great stuff. Final boss wasn't as bad as some made him out to be. I actually kind of enjoyed him.

World 7 impressions:

This shit was insane. Much like the Golden Temple in DKCR, this trio of levels didn't really feel like DKC levels, but almost Marioesque in their randomness. Rocket Rails in particular was just a big pile of WTF. I got quite the kick out of it. Levitation Station was probably my favorite one, and Crazy Clouds was just batshit insane. Overall it was a fun way to finish a fantastic game with some experimental levels filled with white knuckled action!

Deku Tree

I haven't tried it yet, but on Trials HD I used to scroll down the leaderboards till I found a time that was just above Gold. All the top times do crazy stuff that I can't replicate. I'm assuming you can do the same in Tropical Freeze, or can you only view the top 10?

I thought that I was only able to view the top ten unfortunately.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
How do you find replays of GOOD runs? Rather than AMAZING runs...

I recomend adding brobuzz, Xtortion, thoraxes and yours truly from the spreadsheet (quote op to reveal). I'm just above gold on my runs so far :p
2. Lack of Variety: I feel like most of the worlds had the same aesthetic to them. I know there was a savannah world, and a mountain world, etc. but they all felt the same to me. I think it's because of all the trees filled in every world. I don't remember having this feeling with DKCR. In fact, the only levels that weren't covered in trees and shrubbery in this game were the ones in the last world...taken from DKCR.

Wait what. Not only each world is absolutely different in aesthetics to the others, but also every single level of each world is. Can't really understand your point. Sure there are lots of levels filled with trees, we're talking of a game set in natural environments. But the vegetation in the first island is represented by mangles, in the second by firs, in the third by baobabs and acacias, in the fourth by underwater vegetation, and in the fifth by palm trees.

Every world has each color and ambiance, and I feel them pretty different ones from anothers.
Wait what. Not only each world is absolutely different in aesthetics to the others, but also every single level of each world is. Can't really understand your point. Sure there are lots of levels filled with trees, we're talking of a game set in natural environments. But the vegetation in the first island is represented by mangles, in the second by firs, in the third by baobabs and acacias, in the fourth by underwater vegetation, and in the fifth by palm trees.

Every world has each color and ambiance, and I feel them pretty different ones from anothers.

they're all different but felt the same so it doesn't count because TREES


I'm still in World 2. I refuse to move on until I collect all the puzzle pieces. Anyways, 2K was such a blast. Yeah, I was pissed off most of the time and screaming obscenities, but the last half was amazing. I haven't had this much fun in a good while.
Just beat the game, figured I'd jot down my thoughts.


1. Music: David Wise is a musical genius yadda yadda yadda. Nothing could be said here that we don't already know. This will probably go down as the best soundtrack of the year.

2. Level Design: As with DKCR, this is top notch level design...when not dealing with #1 in the cons below. When the game is being fair, it's a complete pleasure to play through.

3. Secrets: The amount of hidden puzzle pieces, secret exits, and
Mysterious relics
is great. Not only are there plenty of things to do after beating the game (including time trial), but the secrets are very well hidden. It will probably take me a long, long time to 100% this game, and I'll probably resort to using a guide or two.

4. Art style: Retro is the king of atmosphere, and here they show they can keep a lighthearted touch with some really nice graphics. The general aesthetic is beautiful, and on an actual TV instead of my computer screen the colors practically fill the room.

5. Controls/Physics: You definitely feel like a heavy ape, in a good way. The exception here are the water levels. Man, the swimming controls are awful in this game...

6. First Level in the Savannah World: The stage that EatChildren made a thread about a few weeks ago. I think it might be my favorite platformer stage ever...I was so impressed from the beginning to the end of that level.


1. Cheap Deaths: I know many here will be like "No, this is a hardcore platformer like the old days! It's not cheap it's just difficult!" I disagree. For example, compare this game to the last level of Super Mario 3D World. In 3D World, the last level is incredibly difficult. It's probably the hardest Mario level yet. However, at every stage of the level, you know exactly what you need to do. There aren't any tricks hiding behind any corners, nor any memorization or "AHA! Bet you didn't see that coming" nonsense. It's just perfectly crafted difficulty that requires precision platforming skills.

This game, on the other hand, just throws things at you and asks you to forgive them because "Oh, well at least now I know that the platform will randomly jump" or "Oh wow, I guess I was supposed to grab the LEFT side of the vines." That kind of thing is fine if you're going for puzzle pieces or KONG letters, not to just play through the level. It's pseudo-difficulty and bad design. It's not really a problem until the latter half of the game, and especially in the last world.

2. Lack of Variety: I feel like most of the worlds had the same aesthetic to them. I know there was a savannah world, and a mountain world, etc. but they all felt the same to me. I think it's because of all the trees filled in every world. I don't remember having this feeling with DKCR. In fact, the only levels that weren't covered in trees and shrubbery in this game were the ones in the last world...taken from DKCR.

All in all, I think Retro has crafted another fantastic platformer. I don't think it quite reaches the heights of DKCR, though, mostly because of the 2 reasons mentioned above. However, the game is still worth every penny and I haven't lost any faith in Retro as a studio. I can't wait to see what they'll be making next.
I don't think I agree with the cheap deaths. There were maybe one or two times that I felt there was no way I could've avoided it or known about it but it was few and far between.

I somewhat agree that there felt like there should've been one more themed island. However each island and level was quite distinct. Also world 4 didn't have a ton of trees. Most of it was underwater.


I beat 1-K on my third go and the world two boss on my first go.

Am I gonna make it?

Lost 10 lives trying to beat 2-K so far :(

Yes. It took me more tries to beat 1-K than you, and it took me well over 20 lives to beat 2-K. 2-K really is hard because it is completely unforgiving: there are no checkpoints and a minor mistake will cost you the run.
Always super jump early by a half a second. It really helps with the barrel blast Owl parts and a few tricky jumps near the end.

I'm still in World 2. I refuse to move on until I collect all the puzzle pieces. Anyways, 2K was such a blast. Yeah, I was pissed off most of the time and screaming obscenities, but the last half was amazing. I haven't had this much fun in a good while.

I know, right? I felt like a platforming god after that level.


I beat 5-1! Whew. With the way these levels are getting more difficult I worry I'll get stuck on one. :|

You could always use the super gui...oh wait :p

I know, right? I felt like a platforming god after that level.
I think I lost about 30+ lives. I didn't realize that you had to hold the jump button to bop off an enemy properly. I was just tapping A most of the time and it worked once in a while. I felt like an idiot afterwards lol.


Once I beat the game I'll really start doin the speed run stuff. Might add a few people from Gaf since so few of my friends have the game.
Just beat the game, figured I'd jot down my thoughts.


1. Cheap Deaths: I know many here will be like "No, this is a hardcore platformer like the old days! It's not cheap it's just difficult!" I disagree.

I think the main problem, as you summarized, is the unpredictability. And I think this is a fairly major problem with the game in general: It doesn't use predictable set pieces. It doesn't establish conventions. It throws unpredictable curve balls at you all the time and you just have to guess how any level element is going to react the first time you encounter it, which unless you're a psychic, your odds are slim. Sometimes even identical-looking set pieces don't behave exactly the same!

Usually in good game design, and Mario is as by-the-book as you can get in regards to this, you introduce set pieces in safe environments so that you understand how any of them are going to behave at any one point further in the game when you encounter it again. It establishes convention. For example, whenever you see these things in a Mario game:


There is no surprise. You know *exactly* how it's going to behave. It's going to change color and shake a little, and then it's going to fall. And everything about Mario is like this.

This is where DKCR/TF drop the ball a little IMO.

Edit: Then again, the original DKCs were the same. You'd have the exact same enemy, but they'd sometimes move at a completely different speed depending on the context or area, for absolutely no apparent reason. In Mario, identical enemies that behave differently are typically a different color to differentiate them so that you know exactly what to expect.


Usually in good game design, and Mario is as by-the-book as you can get in regards to this, you introduce set pieces in safe environments so that you understand how any of them are going to behave at any one point further in the game when you encounter it again. It establishes convention. For example, whenever you see these things in a Mario game:


There is no surprise. You know *exactly* how it's going to behave. It's going to change color and shake a little, and then it's going to fall. And everything about Mario is like this.

This is where DKCR/TF drop the ball a little IMO.

No. TF does this as well. It's just that after they teach you how something works they require you to have quicker reaction time to adjust to new challenges with the already learned mechanic. Mario rarely requires that, so it seems more fair. Reality is, it's not more fair, it's just easier. The only times DK breaks these conventions is with the minecart and rocket barrel stages. But even then, those are inherently different types of stages based on watching how the right side of the screen changes and reacting accordingly, and you know basically know the rule is "don't get hit", so it's still not unfair.

I've not come across any unfair parts in TF. Just because something requires quick reaction time doesn't make it "cheap".
Got it over the weekend and am enjoying it quite a bit. Visuals are jaw dropping and music is so ridiculously charming and awesome. Loving the variety of songs. Was glad to see that each boss has its own theme too. There is definitely an epic and cinematic feel to the bosses, and I'm astounded at how varied their attack patterns are. This feels like some "Treasure" quality boss design IMO.

So yeah, stuck on second boss now and it sounds like I have the best yet to come in the following islands. Game is a 10/10 for me so far because it is making me feel like a kid on Christmas morning. So many smiles of amazement and wonder to be had.

Also, are the puzzle pieces I get from those collecting banana puzzle rooms are the same as the puzzle pieces you find strewn throughout the level? Basically, what do those puzzle pieces do that you win from those rooms?


Looking for Pants
Also, are the puzzle pieces I get from those collecting banana puzzle rooms are the same as the puzzle pieces you find strewn throughout the level? Basically, what do those puzzle pieces do that you win from those rooms?

Yes, the bonus room puzzle pieces contribute to the total level puzzle pieces. Get them all and you'll unlock an extra. Usually concept art.
Yes, the bonus room puzzle pieces contribute to the total level puzzle pieces. Get them all and you'll unlock an extra. Usually concept art.
Thanks. I guess I can safely ignore those then and continue getting letters only. I like the fact that there are so many secrets, but collecting concept art doesn't sound like something I want to obsess over.
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