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Donkey Konga: Driving employees insane?


As I entered Gamestop to trade in some games and pick up Pikmin 2, I noticed about 8 kids (12-15) hovered around the Donkey Konga game in the corner, all laughing, clapping, and pounding away at the bongos. I go up to the manager at the desk to trade in some games and with his face red and his left eye twitching he says ".....they've...been...playing that...for a week now......I can usually filter out game noise...but that....but that...i'm going to smash it...."

I quickly got my stuff and left. Lesson? Watch out parents, Donkey Konga will probably drive you insane.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Can't be any worse than when I worked in EB and we set up a playable EyeToy. >_<


Party Pooper
i havent been too annoyed yet at TRU, but mostly it's little kids pounding on the bongos without actually starting the demo, and their parents dragging them away shortly after. i guess i'm lucky...

in other Konga related news...

how come no one told me the BOBOBO theme song is in Konga vol 2? i woulda imported that shit much sooner had i known. (my copy finally arrived today. woo!)

edit: RE: eyetoy, we've got one of those set up too. gets alot more response than the bongos
The place is private property... can't they just ask these kids to leave after a period of time if they are obviously not going to buy anything?
A trick used at my old EB was to just go to the back room and flip the fuse that powered the kiosk. The kids would just sorta leave.


force push the doodoo rock
i havent had too much problems with ti, usually if a kid is being retarded i tell him the arcades upstairs.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
MrAngryFace said:
A trick used at my old EB was to just go to the back room and flip the fuse that powered the kiosk. The kids would just sorta leave.

We did that whenever our Manager wasn't around for EyeToy... but as soon as he came into the store he'd turn it back on. ;_; He had no soul.


MrAngryFace said:
A trick used at my old EB was to just go to the back room and flip the fuse that powered the kiosk. The kids would just sorta leave.

In most places that should work, but in the mall I work at, even when we turn it of we get kids that sit there and pound on it non-stop.


Eyetoy? How big are the game stores where you guys live? The gamestop here is quite tiny, lots of stuff cramed into a small section.

The kiosk is totally shoved into the corner, they always put new games on it, but nothing more obtuse like Eyetoy, Konga, etc. Although they seem to move it around sometimes, makes no sense to me.

Like, they'll occasionally put it in the middle of the store, I guess you could put something like Eyetoy on it there, but you know some fat kid would try to play it, trip, and destroy a display case or something... Or maybe that's just what I want to happen?


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
When I started working at Software Etc., on my first day, I was forced to listen to that ridiculous theme song from that N64 game, Buck Bumble, all night. Has anyone else ever heard it? I swear, the thing was engraved in my consciousness for weeks afterward.
I love watching kids play Donkey Konga when i'm working b/c 99.9% don't have any musical rhythm and its quite entertaining to see them horribly screw it up.


Unconfirmed Member
It must piss people off, because I have never been in a game store (in the US) that had the Konga set-up turned on. It is ALWAYS turned off.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
DavidDayton said:
Bah. Twitty game store employees... there is such a thing as volume control, after all.

I wouldn't think that helps too much when so many EBs and gamestops are the size of cubby holes.


0G M3mbeR
I have no problem with this at my TRU I work at. In fact most of the time I am teaching people how to play it.

720 coins on "All the small things" on the 2nd difficulty. Beat that!


Junior Ace
It's the clapping, man. The bongo part of it's fine. And no, I haven't worked retail in 8 years. I'm going by the 5 minutes I watched my friend play.


DavidDayton said:
Bah. Twitty game store employees... there is such a thing as volume control, after all.
It's not the sound of the game, its the kid's bongo-pounding, hand-clapping, laughing, and yelling that's driven them mad.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Tenguman said:
It's not the sound of the game, its the kid's bongo-pounding, hand-clapping, laughing, and yelling that's driven them mad.

Good heavens... people playing GAMES in a game store! Whatever will they think of next...


Kills Photobucket
It's driving employees crazy?


DavidDayton said:
Bah. Twitty game store employees... there is such a thing as volume control, after all.

Yes, but the volume control on the displays is made to be difficult to get to.


yup, working retail sucks, I did it once, and it sucked. We didn't even have donkey konga back then and it still sucked.

all I can say is I'm never going back to work in retail.
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