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Donkey Konga exceeds expectations

Only listed selected excerpts. Nice article, with the rest being


Marching to the Beat of a Different Drummer

An Uphill Battle
Donkey Konga was by no means a sure winner for Nintendo, despite the strong Donkey Kong brand. The rhythm genre has exploded this console generation, but it still represents a relatively small niche. In addition, although the game is playable with a standard controller, the drums are the real sell, and what gives the game its fun factor. Those drums are also what presented the greatest marketing challenge for Nintendo.

"Due to the tactile nature of the DK Bongo controllers, one of the biggest marketing challenges we faced was demonstrating the unique interface to players. Donkey Konga is one of those games you really need to play to understand how much fun it is—something that can be tough to convey through marketing," a Nintendo of America marketing spokesperson told GameDAILY BIZ


Packing in these drums with every copy of the title created an additional challenge in its distribution: where to put the game. "Due to the pack-in of the DK Bongo controllers, the Donkey Konga packaging is not the standard snap case size of most video game software. Thus when merchandising this product on retail shelves, it often is placed with hardware and not software. This can be a challenge as retailers attempt to place Donkey Konga appropriately in front of consumers," Nintendo explained.


Almost immediately after the demo kiosks were installed, reports began to turn up from employees, saying that three middle-aged Hispanic men played for a half hour, or two African American teenagers, or a mother and her daughter. Although purely anecdotal, these reports illustrated Nintendo's message better than anything else: Donkey Konga truly is fun for the whole family.


GameCube - The Party System?
Donkey Konga's appeal as a party game for college-age gamers was smartly the focus of Nintendo's TV campaign for the title. Although there isn't a single Goldeneye-esque title that is almost ubiquitous in college dorms this generation, Nintendo's Mario Party franchise, along with titles like Wario Ware and Super Smash Bros. have helped raise the GameCube's profile as a "party game" system. Donkey Konga fits into that same tradition perfectly.

"It's been a favorite among store managers and seems to be very popular among the college crowd," EB Games Vice President of Merchandising Carol Beck told GameDAILY BIZ.

"Donkey Konga and the drum peripheral has performed very well," Beck continued. "We knew it would be a very strong performer, but it still exceeded those expectations slightly. We're continuing to reorder to meet demand." Nintendo told us that the title exceeded the company's expectations as well.



I totally expected it would sell well, and I never understood how anyone could possibly think otherwise. I've said it before and i'll say it again, Donkey Konga will sell well over 500,000 copies in the US by January.
they'll have to; especially now that they KNOW that there will be a ready market. This is great news. Konga deserves to sell; and I should buy one. :| :shame:


I've twice taken this on Friday nights to the student center at Texas A&M (where other activities go on as well on Friday nights), and even though so far they've been placed in a pretty obscure location, it's been a GIANT HIT.

I took the game + 4 bongos so basically people were experiencing the game together with others, it was really awesome..

I've heard "I'm think I might get a Gamecube just for this game" more then a few times, and I know people are immediately attracted once they see people playing...

The TV's were tuned to the Presidential debate last Friday, and there were like 4 people (2 couples it seemed) in the room as it finished (they weren't watching and had just walked in) and I told them post-analysis could be seen on another TV because I was going to set up a Gamecube.

They were like "whatever" not even paying too much attention, but as soon as I took a bongos controller out of my pack, one of the dudes was like "oh, I want to try that". He got all into it and one of the girls took a picture of him playing it.

This is going to be a massive hit in November and December once word-of-mouth has really hit...

So far, sales haven't been extraordinary, but I think stores are going to have trouble keeping this game in the final weekend before Christmas...
naz said:
who would have thunk it :)

Certainly not Nintendo:(

Even time they do this, it seems they're pleasantly surprised. So why not release all 1st Party Nintendo games (assuming it's not some nutty text adventure or something). It's not like Kuru Kuru would cost anything to translate. Don't market it. And even if it's a "failure" and only sells 100,000-200,000 copies, it still makes a profit. Nintendo, if you're reading this, where's the fucking risk?


Not very surprising. I've been taking it with me to family gatherings and bringing it out whenever friends are over, and the response is always the same - "How much does this cost? I'm going to buy it."


Even with one set of drums that's passed around, it's ten times as much fun with others as it is alone. And twenty times as much fun if there's alcohol involved.

I can't find a second set of drums in stock in my area to save my life, though.


Tag of Excellence
Though this is a GameCube exclusive this game is going to do wonders for the music genre. I'm very glad to see it do so well.


I'm not surprised either. I actually think this will be Nintendo's big holiday title this year, even though Nintendo seems to really be putting some weight behind Metroid.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
EB Games said that they fully expected the game to be a strong performer, but it even exceeded those expectations. I think that's the point. Not that it just did well.


Duckhuntdog said:
Great, expect more gimmicks by nintendo to sell well in the future :(




AniHawk said:
I'll wait until NPD comes out, but I'm surprised. Really.
you're whole family likes it and you're surprised it's a hit?

man, you're the downplayer of them all here on GAF, anyone could have predicted success for this title just having spent some time around casuals trying out the game either the kiosks or elsewhere...


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated

Man, who ever created this Photoshop opus must surely be working for a design company by now.
Wow, I didn't know Taiko was actually coming out in the US (due to this earlier thread)


Cool deal, I'll get this for me and Donky Konga for my nephew this XMas =)
Woohoo!!!! Bring on the add-ons!

Somehow I think Taiko Drum Master might not fair as well. There's a good $10 ($20 at GS) difference between TDM and DK. DK is priced just right at $49.


Mr_Furious said:
Woohoo!!!! Bring on the add-ons!

Somehow I think Taiko Drum Master might not fair as well. There's a good $10 ($20 at GS) difference between TDM and DK. DK is priced just right at $49.

Is sony planning on putting Taiko demos in any kiosks or anything like that out to promote the game? If Nintendo really did benifit from their Konga kiosks as much as that article makes it sound, then they really do stand to sell more if there's no Taiko demos around.
Vlad said:
Is sony planning on putting Taiko demos in any kiosks or anything like that out to promote the game? If Nintendo really did benifit from their Konga kiosks as much as that article makes it sound, then they really do stand to sell more if there's no Taiko demos around.
Namco might but it may be hard to keep those drumsticks chained to the kiosks and I'm not sure they're equipped for that.
Great King Bowser said:
Gonna pick up a copy of Donkey Konga tomorrow on UK release. :)

ditto.. preordered (even tho I didn't have to) at GAME so I'd get the extra reward card points. Booked the afternoon off work too.


Wasn't IGNcube just a few months ago trying to convince Reggie and friends that they should wait on Donkey Konga and release Jungle Beat first?
I love how vague they are. They consider it to have "exceeded their expectations", but we have no idea what those expectations are. We'll know the Sept numbers on Monday afternoon, but I just have no good grasp on what would be good or bad numbers for this game.

Is over 100k a success or under? What if it only sold 75k? And, it only started selling on the 27th and NPD only goes until the 2nd of October, so only 6 selling days (assuming stores got it on Monday)


sonycowboy said:
I love how vague they are. They consider it to have "exceeded their expectations", but we have no idea what those expectations are. We'll know the Sept numbers on Monday afternoon, but I just have no good grasp on what would be good or bad numbers for this game.

Is over 100k a success or under? What if it only sold 75k? And, it only started selling on the 27th and NPD only goes until the 2nd of October, so only 6 selling days (assuming stores got it on Monday)

I don't think it broke 100k, but they're probably referring to its total sales so far, not the first week. The first week, I'm guessing the game sold 35,000. 50,000 tops. The game is big and stores can't store as many. I also heard Nintendo didn't ship too many for the first week.


AniHawk said:
I don't think it broke 100k, but they're probably referring to its total sales so far, not the first week. The first week, I'm guessing the game sold 35,000. 50,000 tops. The game is big and stores can't store as many. I also heard Nintendo didn't ship too many for the first week.
the game shipped plenty, there aren't any sold out situation from what I can tell...

still, most stores go the game Tue/Wed, so it didn't really have too much time on sell in September...

I think October is going to be a very strong month for the title though...


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Unless a game is HUGE huge, it's impossible to get shipped numbers out of a publisher. They simply don't give them out. Likewise, retailers just don't tell you actual shipments they received, and how much of it has been sold through.

Besides, the feature is meant to take a successful game and look a little bit deeper behind why it's done so well. Not necessarily to talk about how good this game or that game did.
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