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Donkey Konga made a believer out of me, it can make a believer out of you, too.


Today...I walked into the local Gamestop for the first time. I noted the 'cube Kiosk (omg wtf, never saw one of those) and the Xbox one (with Burnout 3!)...Went to play Burnout 3 when I saw...

...the Kongas.

Intrigued, I went over and felt them. The expected plasticky-hard texture wasn't there. Instead, a somewhat leathery rubber moved under my hands. Firm, supple, made for gaming. The give was acceptible, and the response was quick and oh so nice.

After taking this in for about five seconds, I started the game. Picked the hardest (by feet level) song on the demo (All the Small Things) and went on to play. I padded. I slapped. I clapped like a retard.

But somehow I didn't care that I was in the middle of a store. I didn't care that this was something that I thought negatively of before. All I cared about was finishing the song.

...and finish it, I did.

Afterwards, I looked around at the selection, noted there were no Henry Rollins OPM covers...and played Def Jam 2. Awesome game, but in the end...I went back to Konga one last time.

I shall have this. Not on release date, but sometime down the road. Where I can enjoy it without falling victim to the hype. Because...well, damn, I don't want to hate this game. Not now, not ever.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios

My only concern is the difficulty. :( Give me Frequency/Amplitude-like difficulty and I'd be set.


I told all you guys this at E3. And more told us this when it came out in Japan.

This game could have great word of mouth.


where i am its a game everyone smiles and laughs at, a lot of people play it and are very curious about it. however i agree with something i heard someone say "its something people wanna try, not buy." just my opinion.
Is everyone getting an extra set of kongas?
I think the local EBs have a deal right now where you preorder with an extra set of konga you will get $20 CAN mail-in-rebate or something. I am still thinking whether I should or not.


AniHawk said:
Remember how much hate there was for this game when it was first shown off? What an amazing turn around here.

To be fair, I'm sure some of the hate stemmed from the fact that people would really like a normal Donkey Kong based game.... not just the fact that it's a music game (although I have no doubt thats part of it)


But somehow I didn't care that I was in the middle of a store. I didn't care that this was something that I thought negatively of before. All I cared about was finishing the song.
No joke. I felt like I should've been making grunting sounds, slapping my chest and drooling out of one side of my mouth while I played. The game is just so damn fun though!


Tag of Excellence
BuddyChrist83 said:
False. As someone that sampled both extensively this weekend, well, let's just hold off on that until you touch a girl ;)
I disagrees sir!

I tried playing Donkey Kong on a girl this weekend and let me tell you it was not a fun experiences. First the girl kept complainin and yelling at me and that just totally messed with my rythm. Also the girl features no goods traction. totally terrible if you want to be a konga master of the konga. also clapping as no reaction! I clap and clap but the game don't recognize it, stupid girl peripheral. NEWAYZ I reuturned mine back to GmaeStop and picked up a pack of Yugeoh cards. and i suggest you do the same -peace


When is it released in Europe? I can't wait!


MetatronM said:
Indeed. I don't even really give a damn about Konga, but Jungle Beat was awesome. I can't wait for it.

I know this sounds like fanboy jibberjabber, but playing Jungle Beat at E3 gave me what can only be desribed as "that Nintendo feeling" -- the kind of surprise and awe you feel when you're experiencing something entirely new.

*Ducks head*


BuddyChrist83 said:
False. As someone that sampled both extensively this weekend, well, let's just hold off on that until you touch a girl ;)


Another interesting thing is you don't actullay have to clap you can just say random jibberish into the little mic thing between the congas.


Cool said:

Another interesting thing is you don't actullay have to clap you can just say random jibberish into the little mic thing between the congas.
Or just tap the side of them.
Flynn said:
I know this sounds like fanboy jibberjabber, but playing Jungle Beat at E3 gave me what can only be desribed as "that Nintendo feeling" -- the kind of surprise and awe you feel when you're experiencing something entirely new.

No need for the disclaimer and head-ducking. Everything you say is true!
Jungle Beat was my game of the show. Considering how many amazing games were there this year, I think that says a lot. It was that kind of fun that I got when I played Mario 64 on launch day with that new fandangled "analog stick". I think I played the demo for Jungle Beat about 20 times over those three days.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
AniHawk said:
Remember how much hate there was for this game when it was first shown off? What an amazing turn around here.

Hell yeah, I remember that. I was just lurker at the time, but I remeber the huge thread of people snapping over the new Donkey Kong game being music related. People said it sucked with just the annoucement of the name...


Queen of Denmark
AniHawk said:
Remember how much hate there was for this game when it was first shown off? What an amazing turn around here.
I was one of those haters. :( Now I am ashamed of myself -- not only for ever doubting this game, but also for assuming that it was replacing a more traditional DK platformer, which I obviously now know is the (apparently) spectacular Jungle Beat.


Console Market Analyst
Enjoyed the demo myself. Was surprised at how responsive everything was. And I'm sure it's been put through a lot of stress since it was rolled out onto the "test arcade" floor, so it must be durable.

The music game itself was engaging for as long as I played. But I think I may tire of it pretty quickly. It lacks the charm of something like Parappa; maybe if there was a story mode I'd dig it more. I'm in the group that'll get Donkey Konga now, in preparation for Jungle Beat later.

And I'll probably hold off on the second set of drums until they release that platformer. Surely they'll produce more for its release... right?
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