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Don't you hate gamesites that list titles under...

T when it begins with The. WTF, people. Did you fail grade school English? The is not counted as a word. You don't jumble everything under T. I don't know how many sites do this, but I find it annoying. *End of Rant*


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
ravingloon said:
T when it begins with The. WTF, people. Did you fail grade school English? The is not counted as a word. You don't jumble everything under T. I don't know how many sites do this, but I find it annoying. *End of Rant*

Yet when you know a site does this it should be very easy to find the game you're looking for. Easier yet, use the search function that's on nearly every website.
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