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Doom 3 running on Voodoo 2 (OMGS)

Sho Nuff


MISS the five layers of bump mapping and shit!
GAZE in horror at the low-poly environments!
WONDER if the game is just as fun minus the fancy graphics!
PUZZLE over how the hell someone managed to do this and still keep frame rates at +30fps!

Seriously, this is pretty awesome. Is this what Dreamcast Doom 3 would have looked like? (Remember, id said how they'd be making a DC version in interviews of many years past...)


My god that's amazing... Strangely enough, it actually looks playable, in an "old school" gaming kind of way. I've still got a couple of V2s running in SLI on an old computer someplace, I should give that try. :)
Mr_Furious said:
Is it just me or does Doom 3 Voodoo 2 remind you of Quake II (OpenGL) once all the "goodness" is stripped.

If you stripped the texture effects of any modern game and reduced the texture resolution, I'm sure they'd all look like games from years back.

But yeah, I was thinking Quake 2 engine myself.
This makes me think that Doom3 could look practically identical to the PC version on the XBox and even on the PS2 with a few years of development time and a very skilled team behind it.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
cybercrash said:
This makes me think that Doom3 could look practically identical to the PC version on the XBox and even on the PS2 with a few years of development time and a very skilled team behind it.
Too bad no one would give a shit by then. Do people even give a shit now about Doom3 anymore? Hell I got about a fifth of the way through it and got bored as hell, never touched it since.

Sho Nuff


It's too dark to see!


The flashlight clicks on.
You are in a hallway. Strange bleeps and bloops emanate from a myriad of control panels.


You are in the computer center.
There is a monster here!


With what, your bare hands?
The monster leaps at you and attacks, dealing 10 hit points!


But you're already holding the flashlight!
The monster leaps at you and attacks, dealing 7 hit points!


Flashlight: dropped.
Shotgun: taken.
The monster pulls back in preparation for another attack!


You unload a round of buckshot into the monster's grill. It falls to the ground in a pool of viscera.
You see a medpack.


Medpack: taken.


It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.


You're already holding the shotgun!


Are you sure you want to quit?


I'm sorry, I didn't understand that.

Your final score is a total of 30 out of 500 points, giving you the rank of USC Rookie.
Exiting to DOS...

c:\_>deltree doom3
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