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DOOM |OT| Rip and tear, until it's done

Anyone buy the mp dlc and have any thoughts? I have some spare change jingling and the doom multi is a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine right now. I don't particularly find 12 quid a great price but I have it there in credit anyway. Is there a decent amount of folks playing it? I'm on x1 here. Not sure why they went the map pack route with this.
Beat it on Ultra Violence last night, think I'll do a nightmare run next.

I actually liked the bosses, although (end boss spoilers)
the siphon grenade really kind of trivializes the spider mastermind fight


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
I love that the final boss fight requires platforming to get through the pillars section.

Soon as the Overwatch Summer event ends I'll go back to DOOM to get the remaining trophies.


Is the OST out yet? :( I am tired of the ripped game files and youtube compression. I want the real thing and give Mick all the money he deserves.


I just finished Doom on ultra-violance and it probably will be my GOTY. What a trip!

I normally don't play shooters and multi-player, but can you get me hooked to try out some of those modes (PS4)?


Doom just passed 1million copies sold on Steam. Would make a thread but I'll wait till after the $20 one dies down unless someone wants to make one.


I love this game, but goddammit, almost four months after launch and I still have What Else You Got trophy glitched


One of my challenges in Advanced Research Facility glitched and showed 1/2 Rune Challenges found (despite having found both.) I still got the trophy when I completed every challenge. I think the game still keeps track of completed challenges somehow, even if it displays something different.


4-Time GIF/Meme God
One of my challenges in Advanced Research Facility glitched and showed 1/2 Rune Challenges found (despite having found both.) I still got the trophy when I completed every challenge. I think the game still keeps track of completed challenges somehow, even if it displays something different.

Despite got all stuff, the trophy doesn't show to me


Is it possible to go back and do the Mission Select and collect stuff for your current campaign session? I feel like I'm in over my head and didn't bother with any pickups at all besides the mandatory ones. Now I want to go back and get Argent Cells and upgrades for my weapons before I proceed.

If the answer is yes, can you do the earlier missions on an easier difficulty as well and have it carry over to a harder one?


Is it possible to go back and do the Mission Select and collect stuff for your current campaign session? I feel like I'm in over my head and didn't bother with any pickups at all besides the mandatory ones. Now I want to go back and get Argent Cells and upgrades for my weapons before I proceed.

If the answer is yes, can you do the earlier missions on an easier difficulty as well and have it carry over to a harder one?

You can use the Mission Select to go back and play any mission with the items you've already obtained. Any items you then acquire will be added to your file. And you can toggle the difficulty any time you want between "I'm Too Young To Die", "Hurt Me Plenty", and "Ultra-Violence". You just can't change the difficulty to "Nightmare" on the fly for some reason.

So the answers to your question are basically yes and yes. :)
Been waiting for this to hit $20 never expected it so soon. I was at Gamestop as soon as they opened... now I'm pissed that its a 19gb update and PSN is being slow and claims 26 hours left LOL


Been waiting for this to hit $20 never expected it so soon. I was at Gamestop as soon as they opened... now I'm pissed that its a 19gb update and PSN is being slow and claims 26 hours left LOL

I usually pause and unpause downloads in PSN until it shows a decent estimated time.
I bought this for SP and the easy platinum but I had to torture myself with about a hour of MP today to get the 2 online trophies, thank god they were fast. I played in the MP betas and I knew MP was bad going in but its even worse on live with all the higher level people being matched with us noobs with weapons that just don't compete =\ Good thing all you have to do trophy wise is get to level 5 which is fast and 1 MP win...that took longer than getting to level 5 since I was put on teams of all us noobs vs people who have been playing since launch lol. No match making AT ALL. And the maps are too big... ran around forever just to find someone. SP is AMAZING
Man, bought this game a few weeks back, just beat it tonight. What a fantastic game. These days I'll play a game but rarely beat it. Can't really remember the last game I actually played from start to end and ended up seeing the credits (which were great in this game)....but this was worth every minute I played. So good.
Just beat it. SP was a lot of fun.

Probably not spoiler but:

Killed the final boss with like 50 pistol shots with basically 0 health left after running out of all other ammo. Was fucking intense!


satan bless this game

i'm on mission 8 or so and have started to wreak havoc on everything. time to bump it back up to really hard difficulty, i guess.

I remember when I saw my first Revenant. "OMFG IT'S SHOOTING ROCKETS I AM FUCKED"

now I'm destroying multiple Revenants in seconds

explosive shotgun 4 life


Just picked this up for the 20$ deal at Gamestop. Hoky hell has it been fun so far.

Is the multiplayer any good? Heard it was kind of lame.


There is multiplayer.

Well...I guess that sums it up.

Also does this game have a new game + type deal? The first time around I kind if want to just blow through it. The second time around will my collectables and shit that I've already gotten be remembered or will I need to collect them again?


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Well...I guess that sums it up.

Also does this game have a new game + type deal? The first time around I kind if want to just blow through it. The second time around will my collectables and shit that I've already gotten be remembered or will I need to collect them again?

Well you can replay each mission.
Just picked this up for the 20$ deal at Gamestop. Hoky hell has it been fun so far.

Is the multiplayer any good? Heard it was kind of lame.

MP was terrible in all the alphas and betas and they didn't listen to any advice from feedback at all....if anything its worse now. The game is a really easy platinum but requires 2 trophies from MP =\ Thank god both of them are easy and takes less than a hour.
this game is fucking hard. damn it.

what is the best strategy to kill those big enemies that run towards you? it takes several bullets to take that fucked down.chainsaw?
this game is fucking hard. damn it.

what is the best strategy to kill those big enemies that run towards you? it takes several bullets to take that fucked down.chainsaw?

The Hell Knights? Or the Pinkies? Anyway, at the end is always a mix of lots of mobility and verticality, remember to use the grenades and in the case of the Hell Knights, shotgun or supershotgun to the head. If its the Pinkies, always try to flank, but they are sometimes tricky, specially in small arenas.
The Hell Knights? Or the Pinkies? Anyway, at the end is always a mix of lots of mobility and verticality, remember to use the grenades and in the case of the Hell Knights, shotgun or supershotgun to the head. If its the Pinkies, always try to flank, but they are sometimes tricky, specially in small arenas.

hell Knights. man, it take several shotgun bullets


Just beat the game tonight. Really awesome stuff, one of the best FPS's I've played in the past decade and by far the best among the "action centered" ones that came out after Half-Life changed the landscape (Painkiller, Serious Sam, modern Shadow Warrior etc). Id understood that it's not enough to just give us fun weapons, we also need better levels to make a good game. Running into a secret room and finding a Plasma Rifle one or two levels before it otherwise shows up is a damn cool thing. The flow of combat is really good, since you're encouraged to switch weapons a lot in every fight, go in for glory kills and the chainsaw if you're running low on ammo.

Also want to give a shout out to the story which I enjoyed immensely. It doesn't cheat by just going "ROFL just kill stuff," it's serious enough in it's presentation while keeping it to the point. The few cutscenes became welcome breaks in the action but could so easily have become too much with too much exposition or boring villain speeches. I thought the balance was pretty much perfect and enjoyed it more than most games with more fleshed out but boring stories like Dishonored. It's like the Predator of games.

The one issue I have which I've seen others share are the final levels, which pretty much become arena after arena. I wish they had spiced them up a bit more. They did have some great boss fights though, which is so rare in FPS games. Big kudos.

Can't wait for an expansion or a sequel.
Playing it on nightmare again and I have to say it's a different experience. I'm always about 4 hits from death at best which means that I have to move a lot more and still be accurate enough to kill demons. I've got less time and I have to do more and that extra pressure feels so exhilarating. I didn't get the same feeling on ultra violence where I was pretty much untouchable with my upgraded super shotty and upgraded Siege Bauss.

Even tough demons are more powerful on nightmare I don't feel gimped or weak. Infact I feel quite the opposite. I reckon that's because I'm attributing my success to my skill rather than the Prateor suit being impregnable . That makes nightmare a real power trip, even more so than Ultra Violence.

I've just reached olivia's facility can't wait to fight the bosses.

Just beat the game tonight. Really awesome stuff, one of the best FPS's I've played in the past decade and by far the best among the "action centered" ones that came out after Half-Life changed the landscape (Painkiller, Serious Sam, modern Shadow Warrior etc). Id understood that it's not enough to just give us fun weapons, we also need better levels to make a good game. Running into a secret room and finding a Plasma Rifle one or two levels before it otherwise shows up is a damn cool thing. The flow of combat is really good, since you're encouraged to switch weapons a lot in every fight, go in for glory kills and the chainsaw if you're running low on ammo.

Also want to give a shout out to the story which I enjoyed immensely. It doesn't cheat by just going "ROFL just kill stuff," it's serious enough in it's presentation while keeping it to the point. The few cutscenes became welcome breaks in the action but could so easily have become too much with too much exposition or boring villain speeches. I thought the balance was pretty much perfect and enjoyed it more than most games with more fleshed out but boring stories like Dishonored. It's like the Predator of games.

The one issue I have which I've seen others share are the final levels, which pretty much become arena after arena. I wish they had spiced them up a bit more. They did have some great boss fights though, which is so rare in FPS games. Big kudos.

Can't wait for an expansion or a sequel.

Same, I cant for for either >_<
I'd prefer an expansion where get backstory to how we became
the doom slayer and how the well was created, who were those knights.
The expansion should be set during that time.

The sequel obviously should pick up where the game left, can't wait to
tear into Hayden and rip his mechanical guts out.
I'd also like to note that although it appears that the Doom slayer is irascible and crusty he does show empathy,
evidenced by that fact that he deliberatly saved a copy of vega and I can't wait to see the ramifications of that


hell Knights. man, it take several shotgun bullets
I found shooting them right in the face with the super shotgun takes them out pretty quickly. Shoot so they stagger, take a few steps back, as they run at you shoot in the face again.

On some of the really tough arena parts I'd save my chainsaw ammo for them.
hell Knights. man, it take several shotgun bullets

Hell knights can be rough at the beginning. If you've got the plasma rifle then try using the stun blast and shotgun them in the head. if you've got the super shotty try jumping circling around while chipping away at their health, the supper shotty will make them flinch too. If you've got a bauss cannon then try using the siege mod, a single shot should rip them in two


Same, I cant for for either >_<
I'd prefer an expansion where get backstory to how we became
the doom slayer and how the well was created, who were those knights.
The expansion should be set during that time.

The sequel obviously should pick up where the game left, can't wait to
tear into Hayden and rip his mechanical guts out.
I'd also like to note that although it appears that the Doom slayer is irascible and crusty he does show empathy,
evidenced by that fact that he deliberatly saved a copy of vega and I can't wait to see the ramifications of that
Yeah, the characterization is on point for most characters. Short but sweet. Helps that Hayden just looks really cool and isn't shown too much. Dunno if I want them to flesh out the backstory, could easily become worse than my mind has imagined it :p Then again some short hell story could be nice expansion material if they treat it right.

On another note I wish the positional audio was better in the game. Playing with headphones it wasn't always obvious where sounds were coming from. Sometimes zombies would groan like they were right next to me while they were a floor below. Very disorienting at times. Maybe I've just been spoiled by the Dolby Atmos that Overwatch uses (along with its clever sound mixing).
On another note I wish the positional audio was better in the game. Playing with headphones it wasn't always obvious where sounds were coming from. Sometimes zombies would groan like they were right next to me while they were a floor below. Very disorienting at times. Maybe I've just been spoiled by the Dolby Atmos that Overwatch uses (along with its clever sound mixing).

Wow I thought it was a problem with my setup. It's happened to me too several times, it's especially noticeable when a summoner dies. I kill it half way across the room and the death wail plays as if it died right next to me.


Just got
warped to Hell
(Mission 5?), been playing on Ultra-Violence and loving every second of it.
World needs more games like this.
Anyone have any tips for finding the secrets in Doom? I got the suit upgrade, but that feels kinda useleas sense the thing doesnt pulse until you're already close enough that you've most likely already caught on to the secret by that point.

I'd rather not watch videos cuz wheres the fun in that. For most of them at least.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Anyone have any tips for finding the secrets in Doom? I got the suit upgrade, but that feels kinda useleas sense the thing doesnt pulse until you're already close enough that you've most likely already caught on to the secret by that point.

I'd rather not watch videos cuz wheres the fun in that. For most of them at least.

You really gotta use the map. If you look the map, the areas you haven't been to are marked in grey. That's the only advice anyone can really give.
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