I can't believe this game exists in 2016 and that it's this fucking good. I'm about six hours into the game on Hurt Me Plenty, and I'm having a hard time coming up with a first person shooter that I had more fun with. The closest one is Wolfenstein by MachineGames and the original Crysis.
I'm playing it on PC, and at times, it's unfathomable how it looks this good, while also maintaining a rock solid 60fps at ultra with all of that chaos on the screen. Excellent gunplay that packs a punch, sick guns, responsive and fluid movement, top notch level design that offers lots of options and verticality, fun secrets, creative and pleasant art direction, KILLER soundtrack, and great enemy variety.
While I really enjoy story driven games, sometimes you need something like Doom that doesn't let story get in the way of fucking shit up. So far the story is, "find cool guns, kill demons, and kill them dead", and I don't even care because everything else is just fucking phenomenal. This is my first Doom. I fucking love Doom.