Best feeling in the world going from a terrible game with a 3 stack playing their own game into a 5 random dudes actually playing together as a team.
I got a question regarding pudge itemization, so I went ethereal as my first big item after blink and my team was hassling about it, telling me to get HH instead.
I thought it was a good pick for this particular match since most of enemy damage output was physical (Troll, Wind Ranger, LC) and ethereal counters most of them easily, not to mention I could also use it to amplify dismember damage +3 other nukers on our team (Disruptor, Dark Seer, Zeus) and boy were they falling like flies.
Overall I think ethereal is a much better get than HH for the potential it offers late game because it scales much better, the latter being in my opinion a much more situational build for him. Was I really in the wrong for picking it that early? What would have been a better item instead?