MOUZ Scrubs, Team Support 4 Life
That's why I'm asking, I can't play doto at the moment
Edit: Unless you mean the web store vague description.
Well obvioulsy I can read that, but as you already knew I was asking for a little bit more info.
Are we having a International 3 thread?
100% chance we will get one.Are we having a International 3 thread?
What does a regular treasure key open? My brother bought me a pack of keys and a battle point booster for my birthday but I had been deleting all my chests so now I have a crystalline key, lotus key, and a treasure key that I'm not sure what to do with.
Any chest that doesn't require a special key. I think you can double click a chest and it will tell you the type of key needed to open.
MOUZ Scrubs, Team Support 4 Life
Syn was still angry at that slug stealing the gem.MOUSE you had the control back what are you doing?
One fight and Mouse back on top.
Nope. 1 RP and now mouse down. GGWP
eat it
Isn't this the OTAre we having a International 3 thread?
I'd like a DOTA 2 lego set.
Towers and Roshans and shit.
I loaded up a game and drow called safe while we had an AM. AM asked why she wouldn't just go mid. Then he abandoned straight away. Game is now safe to leave, no stats will be recorded.
Everybody left, besides me (Veno) and the Crystal Maiden on the other team. We both went mid and fought for like 20 minutes. As I was taking down rax she disconnected and I won.
Just checked dotabuff and now it counted? I broke my gpm record because I got all the gold from 4 disconnected team mates (not much higher then what I had but still, seems kinda fake.) Is it supposed to work like this? I thought after the save to leave/no stats part it wouldn't record stats at all.
(In a way I'll easily take the win, at least got an easy win back for all those losses from other people leaving I guess)
Satanic for best item in da game
wards for best item in da game
Necronomicon for best item in da game
Tab works if you have it set in the control options.How do you select the other one easily though?
In WC3 dota you just press tab to select the mana burn necronomicron.
Tried one in Dota 2 and I cant easily micro the other one for his mana burn. Ended up selling it.
Also, Shadow Blade is the best item in the game.
How is Waga so bad? Select at least has an excuse.
because he's KOrean?
Speaking of Skywrath,
New bullshit lane comp: Sky + Keeper. As if Sky spam wasn't obnoxious enough, give him infinite mana.
Tab works if you have it set in the control options.
Chakra is like a pittance of mana compared to what you get back with OD's aura given how much you spam spells.